Friday, February 14, 2025


 Greetings and Salutations!!  Happy Valentine's Day to all you sweethearts out there.  Did you get candy?  Flowers?  I got a big wet kiss from my sweet Cooper this morning.  Not exactly my idea of the greatest kiss in the world, but what can I say.  He loves me!!

On the OTHER hand, I get to celebrate a BIRTHDAY today.  A big happy birthday to Patty Chance, the best friend a girl could have.  Even if I do stupid stuff and cook terrible, she's still my friend.  Here's to many MANY more!!!

I'm pretty sure this guy will always be my friend too.  We aren't playing the ball game quite as much as we used to, but the puppy snuggles are even better.  

Any plans I had for this day were immediately cancelled when I looked out the door and saw this.  Yikes!  This is something we NEVER see.  It rained most of the night, but it usually quits during the day.  I can't complain because we definitely need the water.  

And so I got brave and tried to work on this puzzle.  Two hours later, this is all I have.  It has expanded quite a bit and may be too tall for the table.  

Just for size reference ... the bottom piece is from the OTHER puzzle.  I may have to fly Patsy in to help out.

After raining all night, this happened.  This is a LOT of rain for us ... so much so that my gutters, although completely free of trash, could not keep up.  This kept up until I had to head off to the Elks Lodge.

I really wasn't feeling it, but I needed to check out the infernal machine.  I was hoping and praying that the SD card would magically return it to life.  Sadly, that was not to be.  Although the data is there, it wants it in a folder.  There is no folder, and now it's too late to make one.

I read the directions six times, but they are completely Greek to me.  I think that's so you will just buy a new one.  After a lot of trial and error, I got one single item coded with its name.  Nothing else, just the name.  This is going to take a LONG time.  

Luckily when I went upstairs to our three hour meeting, you know, like the three hour tour? ... I found a nice guy who carried it out to my truck.  I let it sit out in the cold all night long to teach it a lesson.  It better shape up FAST!!!

The three hour tour ended up with lots of committees to look at stuff, all of which I denied.  It's about time someone ELSE volunteered.  At this point, I don't have much more volunteerism in me.  Maybe I'll feel better when the infernal machine gets over the chicken pox ... or whatever it has!!

I have a long list of to-do's today, including driving the van to keep the battery up since I STILL haven't figured out how to work the charger I bought.  I'm good with plug it in and push one button.  This one has four.  The next time I go to the lodge, I'm taking it with me so a nice MAN can MANSPLAIN it to me.  Where have you heard THAT before!!  



  1. Happy Valentines Day!

  2. Happy Valentines to you Nancy !

  3. You've got a cute little Valentine there with you! I love the Mansplain! Know where you got that! :))

  4. When you (California) has a storm(s) like they are having, I enjoy going to the Caltrans CCTV Map (, click on a red camera and watch the vehicles drive through the snow over Donner Pass...remembering the many times I did the same. Precious 'white knuckle' memories...

    1. Oh that's right ... I forgot all about the cameras. That snow driving doesn't look like fun to me.

  5. Happy Valentine's Day to you and Cooper!

  6. Happy Valentine's Day Nancy. Here in the So Cal mountains, we had four inches of rain in less than 24 hours. We too are very dry and every drop helps to fill the lake.

    1. WOW ... that's a lot of rain!! I think we got an inch, maybe a little more.

  7. My Valentine's Day was fine, it's just another day

    1. Same here Joanne ... kind of like my birthday! LOL

  8. I went for a walk around the park. I’m not sorry, but I couldn’t stop laughing all the way… I love it when shenanigans 🧩come into play

  9. Yay for rain! Good for you for not taking on more. You need to shed a few things. Happy birthday Patty!
