Thursday, February 13, 2025

Factor and Rain, Rain, Rain

 I'm happy to say all the grumpy has gone!!  I still dread trying to program the infernal machine, but the sun last morning put a smile on my face.  I had plans to walk, to shop and to drive the RV, but alas, I just tried to rest up instead.  Sometimes you just have to say no, which I'm not very good at.

Instead, I decided to fix my shower head.  The water here is quite hard and plugs up the showerhead.  I had a little trouble getting the tiny little screen out, which was full of sand.  It required pliers.  I put it all back together and installed it in the shower.  The moment of truth ... I turned on the water.  Nothing.  Not a drop of water came out.  Maybe I broke something?

I tried again and again, but nothing worked.  A plumber, I am NOT.  I tossed it out the door and stole the one from the company bathroom.  I hate it, but it will have to do until I can order a new one ... hopefully one without all the "you don't need any water flow to take a shower" restrictors.  I'm hoping the new "let the water flow" programs, including toilets, dishwashers and washing machines, will get rid of the restrictors.  

Awhile back, I made the mistake of getting a new kitchen faucet.  The flow of water coming out is barely 1/4 inch wide.  I have to wash and rinse twice as long to get anything clean.  

Speaking of which, here are just a couple of the things the "auditors" have found about government spending.  We should ALL be mad about this stuff.  

$10 million worth of food to an Al Qaeda terrorist group.  $20 million to produce a Sesame Street program in Iraq.  The list just goes on and on.  I try not to be political in my blog, but this is just crazy and it affects all of us.  Even many of the Senators didn't know this was going on.  The money should be spent on countries that support us and need help ... like food and schools for children ... NOT terrorist groups.  It sure makes you wonder who got kickbacks on this stuff ... and I guess we will find out.

I'm hoping all this craziness ends up with our taxes being lowered.  I spent two hours yesterday gathering up my paperwork to send to the accountant.  Sadly, I have no deductions this year ... and I'm going to pay through the nose.  I'm outraged to find out WHERE my hard earned tax dollars are going ... and I'm just one tiny little person!!

And so I took a lot of big deep breaths, soothed my soul with a little Pepsi and finished sewing the binding on this quilt.  My company had a great idea ... I'm going to start donating more of these quilts to organizations that can auction or raffle them off, giving me at least a bit of a tax deduction.  Getting hung up in another rental is way too much work.  At least this is something I enjoy doing.

Lunch was the second Factor meal.  This one was Grandma's beef bolognese.  This is how it comes to you.  It is interesting that they say to put the pan in the microwave with the biggest side pushed out to the outside of the microwave plate.  

Is that because it heats MORE on the outside, or maybe less?  At any rate, THIS was delicious.   How do they get all that flavor in there?  Yes those are big carrot pieces, and they were perfectly cooked!  So far, I'm impressed with this food service!

Okay folks .... here you are.  THE puzzle of the century!  No I haven't finished the other one yet.  I set up the 8 foot long table and spread it out.  I worked for over 30 minutes and only got HALF the pieces turned over.  Luckily the edge pieces stand out a bit and I was able to get this far.

NOW ... anyone who comes through the front door to visit, or even drop off a package, has to put ten pieces in the puzzle.  Yes, even the UPS guy is going to get shanghaied.  The good thing is the quilt colors and patterns stand out ... kind of ... and will hopefully make it a little easier.

Just after hitting the sack last night, the rain came in like gangbusters.  It poured most of the night and STILL looks like this now.  The forecast is for thunderstorms continuing for three days.  This should be fun!!

By the way, here is an interesting little tidbit.  The infamous governor of California, in spite of approving $50 million dollars to Trump Proof the state and fight extradition of illegal migrants, he has now said he will do everything he can to help ICE arrest them.  Funny how the withholding of federal funds and indictment of governors can change a person's mind.  

They are now going to do everything they can to help ICE remove the bad guys ... the criminals.  Why would you not want to DO THAT?  So I wonder what will happen to the $50 million????  FYI the State of California is $1.6 TRILLION (with a T) in debt.  Kind of makes you wonder WHO we are in debt TO.

Anyhoo .... since there is a Trustee meeting tonight, my plan was to go early and begin the reprogramming, but alas, I forgot to get the manual that tries to explain it (which is vague at best) out of the safe.  So this morning, I'll see if I can download something from the internet.  

If not, my next best idea is to bring it home with me so I can work on it here.  I'd much rather be frustrated in my PJs.  

Valentines day is coming up FAST.  If you haven't been to the store for your sweetheart ... you better hit the road TODAY!!!

Sorry about the political stuff, but when you figure out just how much you have to pay in taxes and then you find out what they are doing with it .... well I just can't help myself!!!


  1. Remember Pres. Carter's 55mph law...and how Nevada and I think it was Montana said, "Not here!"...until he withheld road money from those states, and the high court backed withholding money is a tool, and Newscum knows it, which is why he SAYS they will cooperate, but actually doing it is a whole another thing.

    1. He will probably do it, but just for the ones they already have in jail. I don't know ... his train can be derailed too, so that might make him toe the line.

  2. The way money is being spent by our government is crazy. All we do is pay more taxes. Makes me sick!
    Raining hard here.
    Happy Thursday!

    1. I knew they were corrupt, but had no idea it went this far. Neither did anyone else. You would think the oversight committee would have tried a little harder, especially when the departments said NO ... you can't audit us.

  3. It doesn't matter what side of the border or what party is in power, it's always the other guy's mistakes.
    In my young family's time, the Company used to try to pay off the Unemployment Insurance and Canada Pension in the early part of the year. In order to feed the family, pay the mortgage, insurances and fuel to travel to work, I was forced to work Overtime. Once that was paid off, I was already in a higher tax bracket and planning for taking the family on vacation, so I had to work Overtime. Back from vacation, the kids are in school, another higher tax bracket, and Christmas wasn't far off, I had to Overtime just to feed and clothe the family.
    The only one laughing all the way to the bank was the Government. You just can't win.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

    1. That is SO true ... and we have no recourse. Although at least now we KNOW about all the crazy things they have been spending our money on. Don't know if we can stop it though.

  4. Donating your quilts. That's an awesome idea!

    1. I've done it before, I just have to get receipts.

  5. Nancy, donating quilts for raffles is great and I have done this many times. One piece of advice is that generally people have no clue as to what the cost of the quilt actually is, fabric, batting, backing and quilting. My friend once donated a king size appliqued quilt that was gorgeous and it went for under $200. My suggestion is putting a minimum starting bid on the quilts.

    Couldn't agree more about what is going out from DC. No wonder so many there have become millionaires.

    We too, in the SoCal mountains have pouring rain with thunderstorms for the next few days. We can't complain because we have had hardly any snow or rain so far this winter.

    1. I've been watching your weather ... we finally got a little, but it's not much since it's February already. You are right about the quilts ... I should attach a note with each one.

  6. The government yours and mine and most spend money on stupid shit and not important shit like education and helping the homeless.

    1. That is so true Joanne ... we are last in line when it comes to children's education, but we are first in the amount of money we spend for it. How can that be?

  7. Replies
    1. I'll have to look for local organizations that have raffles and such.

  8. Mr Ed I thought you bought a new RV that’s not a deduction it’s got a sink a bathroom and a bed $$
    Why not put a 5 Micron water sediment filter before it reaches the house? Also, most hard water crystallizes if you don’t run it more than occasionally

    1. Oh yes, I write that off for sure ... but that's all I have besides a few donations and property tax. Not sure how or where I could put a water filter. I have my own well and all the piping is underground.
