Saturday, December 14, 2024

Keepin' My Head Down

 Hey ... no one told me it was Friday the 13th!!!!  I do everything possible to lay low and keep my head down.  My luck is never all that great, but on THESE days?  It's even worse.  

Lucky for me, there was nothing going on that forced me to leave the security of my house.  Well yes, there was another one of those Christmas parties, but I had figured it out just in time.  Nope ... not leaving the house.

At least not in a vehicle.  I took off in the early morning frigid air to get in a few more miles.  I have to admit those Sketcher shoes are working out very well.  

We passed by several houses decorated to the nines.  This one had lots of new additions.

I'm not sure how everyone feels about walking through Santa's legs to get inside.  I guess I'm more surprised that none of these decorations have been stolen.  Apparently the bad guys know we all carry.

This was my favorite.  I've never seen it before ... Santa in a Monster Truck!!  Pretty cool!

I kept on trucking for a total of 5000 steps.  In spite of my gloves and jacket, I was freezing, so I caved and ended the walk.  Even Cooper wasn't interested in going outside.

One amazing thing did happen.  All this stuff on the table got put away in the rig.  AND the engine started.  Any time I'm out there now, the engine is running.  No Friday the 13th stuff for me on this day!!

These piles are now gone, expertly packed.  Not really.  I'm not taking an iron, so if you see me and think I'm homeless, I'll just fit right in with some of the campers at Quartzsite.  I broke two hangars trying to get them in, and only one shirt was sacrificed.  Lastly, I rolled up the jeans and stuck them in my tall plastic bin in the closet.  I think I need more Command Strip hangars.  

The rest of the day I laid low, making sure I didn't start any fires in the oven or set my shirt on fire when I cooked this.  It's my idea of a veggie dinner.  Yes it IS full of pasta.  I'm just terrible at healthy eating.

The rest was boring ... paying bills, cleaning up the dog toys, scaring the Amazon driver who actually read the instructions and delivered my new ear pods to the back door.  I'll post about that tomorrow, because right now I'm off at Oh-Dark-Thirty to gather up our wreaths.  

The best part ... they bring donuts!!!!


  1. Not into slasher movies, never watched any of them...none!

    1. I have to be honest ... I've never watched any of these either. Too scary!!! LOL

  2. After having my Muscle Car repainted, brought my mother to do grocery shopping. Parked at the far end of the lot with no other cars around. When I came out, I found my passenger door touching the steering wheel. No cars around, no security cameras back then, no one saw a thing and cops said they couldn't do a thing because it was on Private Property. The day was Friday, December 13th, 1974.
    By the time I sold that car, it had been struck 13 times.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  3. Some people have awesome looking Christmas decorations outside their homes, I am not one of them, never have been.

    1. I've never done that much either Joanne. Mostly because you have to have a place to STORE them.

  4. I like looking at outdoor Christmas decorations. I never but them up.
    Happy Saturday!

    1. If my little Christmas trees had not been on sale in very small boxes, I wouldn't do it either. Way to much work and storage required.
