Tuesday, December 31, 2024

The End Of Another Year

 I know I've said this before, but WOW how time flies.  I think this is the fastest year I've ever spent.  Are you sure we aren't spinning around the sun faster and faster?  Every day I see a date written down, I think "how could I possibly have lived this long".  I remember writing 1985 and 1994 ... and since we got into the 2020's, I have to think two or three times about which number to write down.

It's been a fabulous year.  I mean really, any year we are still here enjoying family and friends, it's an awesome year.  I'm pretty sure this blog and this KID had a lot to do with that for me.  

In case you were wondering, this is where Jon lives.  It's not the most convenient spot, but he likes being close.  If I can figure out where to put my case of water and my big camera bag, I could turn the front seat around and he could live there.  Jon will be having a birthday in this new year ... 50 YEARS.  Can you imagine???  A bird living 50 years.  It must be all that good care his maid gives him.

Speaking of good care, when Mr. Chance went to the store yesterday, he brought home a nice big fat Costco chicken for Mr. Cooper, who snubbed it 100%.  What the heck?  He LOVES that chicken.  Hopefully he's hungrier this morning, because now I've got a lot of it to get rid of.

A quick recap of my year .. became 5th year trustee and thus a slave to the Elks Lodge (just kidding), had a fabulous year of no electric bills thanks to my stinginess and solar panels,  had an amazing time with friends at Tucson, Yuma and Quartzsite, sold my fifth wheel, bought a van, and am proceeding to have yet ANOTHER amazing time with my friends at Tucson, Yuma and Quartzsite.

Oh and of course had a GREAT time at the Magic Castle of Bingo, since it is after all, all about friends, even if they wield pitchforks and flaming torches.

The only sad part about this coming year is my baby boy is now 15 years old.  He has slowed down a bit and has eyesight problems, but Mom the maid will be his seeing eye dog if he needs it.  How could you turn down that face!!

And so the sun sets on another year.  Thank you one and all for reading my sometimes crazy, sometimes boring blog.  I appreciate each and every one for keeping me occupied, even if the pictures are sometimes (okay, lots of times) terrible.  Most importantly, thank you for all the advice you've given me about RV'ing, my truck, my house plumbing ... all of it.  I couldn't do it without you!!

And so it is THE END OF ANOTHER YEAR and more adventures await.

Monday, December 30, 2024

Small Spaces

 We warmed up a tad yesterday, though the mornings stay chilly and breezy.  Whoa, that first trip outside with Cooper in the morning really wakes me up!!  After that, this is the position of preference for the kid.  As soon as the computer work is done however, the games begin.

It's a little difficult in small spaces.  Somehow Santa found us and dropped off a couple of new toys for Mr. Cooper.  Squeakers are the name of the game.  Here's a short sample that I KNOW you will enjoy.

From that, it turns into THIS!  All morning long.  I actually prefer THAT to the next part where he just rolls it off the edge with his nose ... on purpose of course.  The Playee (that's me) has to pick it up so the Player (Coop) can just drop it over the edge again ... and again ... and again.  You get the picture.  But what can I do ... he's loves the GAME!!

It being Sunday, it was Football all the way.  Dan always records everything and watches it later.  I'll explain why in a bit.  In the meantime, this is my induction stovetop.  Pretty small and NOT my favorite to cook on.  If you barely graze the ON button, it turns on.  No biggie, it doesn't heat if you don't put metal on it, but that has happened quite by accident, and anything laying over it can melt.  

It's also bad if you scratch it up.  It takes up so much room that it has become an annoyance.  I mentioned to Mr. Chance that if he was bored, I had a project for him.  He's one of those handy guys that can literally make anything.  I asked for a cheap little serving platter, that when turned upside down, would fit completely over the plate and give me extra room to set things.

Here's what he came up with.  SO much more than I ever imagined.  It's made of maple I think he said, sits down over the plate top so it won't slide off the counter and doubles as a cutting board.  WOW ... now I can set my computer up there out of the way and not worry about it melting!!  You know I sing the praises of handy guys!!  This was above and beyond!!

For the next hour or so we watched the football game he had taped.  He can zip through those like crazy, skipping over all the commercials and catching only the football plays.  I think the entire game took maybe an hour?  That's what I'm doing from now on!!  

Dinnertime showed up rather quickly, so out came the ugly steaks.  Not the prettiest you've ever seen, but I'm here to say they are as tender as fillet mignon.  

Dan threw them on the barbecue while Patty whipped up the rest of the meal in a flash.  

This was even better than that blooming onion.  Fresh green beans with onion, and my all time favorite, scalloped potatoes.  Wasn't I shocked to find the potatoes came in a heat-it-up pan from Costco.  WHAT?  When did they do that?  They were just as good as the ones I make from scratch.  I see a trip to Costco in my future!!

So far routines are coming together in the small confines of the van.  I haven't left the vent open and I remembered to turn the charger off.  We overheated a tad bit last night with my little heater, so a wall thermometer will be on my list of necessary items.  Otherwise, we are getting along quite well.  If Mr. Cooper and Jonathan are happy, MOM is happy!!

Sunday, December 29, 2024

Fast Is Fine, But Accuracy is Everything

 It was a beautiful cold morning in the desert mountains.  I was snug as a bug in a rug.  And then the Cooper bell could be heard.  I need to go out Mom!!  Ugh ... I've had three 4:30 mornings.  So up and at 'em we got!!

Anyone recognize that title and this street?  I know you do, and YOU know I probably would not stop anywhere in the locality without making a visit.  On this day however, it was Mr. Dan's idea to head out on a drive to Tombstone.  

I did NOT take my big camera because my back has been a pain in the ..... well a pain in the back.  But I'm sure everyone recognizes this stage coach on the streets of Tombstone Arizona.  There's nothing like walking in the footsteps of Wyatt Earp.  

It was Saturday however, and the place was packed with tourists!  It's so good to see this town that has struggled quite a bit since cOvd, come roaring back.  First stop ... the Harley shop, of course.  I know I've mentioned our crazy riding days many times, but did I ever mention Mr. and Mrs. Chance owned a Harley Shop in Jamestown California?  Another almost ghost town, helped back to life by the huge number of Harley Events they held at their shop and home.  Being retired now doesn't keep them out of the bike shops.

Now this is my kind of bike.  It's painted to look like the dirty streets and gun barrels of Tombstone.

I rarely find my size of shirt any more.  I had dozens of size 5 and 6 back in the day when I was a skinny mini.  For many years Harley did not make anything that would fit us "older" gals.  At long last they are figuring out us Baby Boomers have all the money.  And so this one came home with me.

I was looking for a new leather purse, but the smell of food distracted us all.  Probably the worst picture I've ever posted, but the sun looks cool.  This is the Longhorn Saloon.  Big Nose Kate's had a dozen people waiting out front to be seated, so we passed them by for a no-wait table here.  Okay, we waited a long time for the food, but it was worth it.

The place looked packed, but as we walked in, we saw several open tables.  Never look right and left as you enter.  You'll see something you might be sorry for later.

THIS is a blooming onion ... what I glanced at as we walked in.  LET'S TRY IT!!  My oh my ... it was delicious!!!  

And HUGE!  So by the time the ABC Burger showed up, we were already full!  This is an Angus burger, Bacon and Cheese with a big chunk of avocado on top.  YUMMY!  Their fries are absolutely the best if you ever get there, but I could barely get the burger down!  

On the way out of town at the very last (and my favorite) store, I slipped in to find it.  This is the purse I've been looking for.  Of course this does present a small problem ... where in the heck to store the old one!

And so we drove back in the gorgeous sun, full to the brim.  Mr. Cooper was very excited to see his Mom return.  Ok, he didn't miss me at all because he was sound asleep when I walked in.  

I'm sure Mr. Coop and I will go for a walk today to burn off some of that blooming onion, but otherwise, it's going to be a slow day.  Lifting him in and out of the rig isn't good for these old back bones.  My back protesteth.  Yes that's a word.  God willing and the creek don't rise, I'll see you tomorrow.

Saturday, December 28, 2024

Ugly And Handsome

 Another 39 degree morning greeted me, but my little heater kept up easily.  It helps when you remember to close the vent.  The "routine" is beginning to click a little, or at least the nighttime regime is.  Turn off the water pump, the charger, close the vent, hit the "night" button for the fridge and grab my ear plugs.  That kept me from getting up five times.

Sadly however, it did NOT keep me from cleaning up the water bowl mess when I hit it with the bathroom door.  C'est la vie!

I met the morning with optimism.  It was time to try out a shower and hair wash NOT in someone's house, but in my tiny 2-1/2 square foot bathroom.  I was shocked it went so well.  Probably because I cheated.  I washed my hair in the kitchen sink.  

The problem came when I forgot I live in a 30 amp facility.  There was the heater, the TV, all the lights and a tiny little hair dryer with a big appetite for electricity.  CLICK.  It went dark.  Uh oh ... I know what THAT is.  I went straight for the breaker panel, surprised that I even remembered where it was.  

It's on the floor, which meant getting on my hands and knees to try and read what was what.  It took twice, but I lucked out and I was back in business.  I'll remember that next time ... I hope!

Mr. Cooper ignored the entire emergency because he thought me getting on the floor was for play time.  Okay, Coop ... we played kill the parrot for fifteen minutes.

Soon we exchanged the parrot for the smaller toy, because now on the couch, he kept throwing the parrot on the floor, which his housemaid had to retrieve.  

After a quick breakfast, Patty and I headed out to deep in the heart of Tucson for fabric and steaks.  She got a great deal ... 50% off backing for a quilt.  This girl knows how to shop.  On to the meat store.

In case you didn't know, Tucson is known for its UGLY steaks, only to be purchased at ONE meat market.  They are not cheap at $15.99 a pound, but akin to fillet mignon.  Their cut however, is pretty ugly, and not steak-like at all.  I'll get a picture when they are cooked for Sunday dinner.

We then stopped at a SECOND and NEW meat market closer to home.  The UGLY steaks are pretty much a brand name, so THIS store sells HANDSOME steaks.  Same thing, same cut, but they had to change the name.  If you can't find it, just look for the copper bull.   It's a barbecue, complete with a beer bottle opener on the nose.

Almost home, Patty said TURN HERE.  Off we went through parking lots and around corners to wind up here ... at Mr. Toro Carnicera.  They never had all this food when I was here.  Patty said their tacos are amazing ... so we ordered one each.  

Obviously it was yummy since we inhaled them and there are no pictures.  It was more than enough for lunch, with three different sauces for your tasty pleasure.  I really have to get better about remembering to take pictures.

In the afternoon, we ate a little popcorn, watched the news, ate dinner and generally vegged out in comfort.  I'm sure we'll go wandering out in a day or two, but for now, it's nice to just hang out and relax.  I have to admit, there is one money saving thing about this van.  Try as I might, I just cannot come up with much space for bags full of fabric.  That is NOT a bad thing and my wallet is smiling.

This morning, the flag whipped around the pole to the serenade of the stars.  It's time to get my act together and feed the "kids".

Friday, December 27, 2024

Not Too Hot, Not Too Cold

 Just like Santa Clause's cocoa.  Not too hot, not too cold.  It was overcast when I got up in the wee hours of the morning.  Mr. Cooper did not appreciate the 37 degrees outside, so he stayed in bed.  In spite of my clicking on the computer, he sleeps until at least 8:00.  Oh to be a puppy!

The good news is that on THIS morning, I was toasty warm.  It's all about routine I tell you, and I still do NOT have it down.  That morning after I turned the heater up to 85 degrees and was disappointed my little heater had quit working, I happened to look up.  I never look up.  

The vent was wide open and the fan running so quietly I never heard it.  Good grief!!  I closed it, turned the heat down to 68 and was toasty in a matter of minutes.  From now on I'll open the windows and leave the vent closed!!

So on THIS might, the temperature was perfect!  I actually even got some sleep in spite of my old bones yelling at me.  I suppose I've been bucked off too many times and it's finally catching up to me.

I had my usual egg McMuffin for breakfast (sharing with Cooper) when what to my wondering eyes should appear?  Well remember when I went to Monterey and had to walk ten miles to Whole Food Market where they only had instant cocoa because I didn't have any more of my tasty expensive brew?

While on my knees scrounging for the toaster which I KNEW was in the very bottom cupboard, I pulled it out to find it was resting on a CASE of gold.  THERE sat my coffee.  I guess I won't be running out on THIS trip.

Time for a Cooper walk.  There is no stopping him on concrete or asphalt.  The rocks, not so much.  

He completely missed the quail that ran across in front of him and headed into the brush.  Can you find it?

He was a lot faster than I with my phone.

Just so you know, we are in the desert mountains south of Tucson.  Mr. Chance can grow anything, and takes excellent care of his cactus.  I have to be real careful with Cooper since he doesn't see well at all any more and came WAY too close to running into this.  

Back inside, we chatted, watched the news, laughed and ate popcorn.  There are places to go and things to do, but we are just relaxing and enjoying the day pass by, wallet intact.

Today will be the true test of the new rig.  It's time to wash my hair in the too small basin.  Therefore, I will just turn around and use the kitchen sink.  Yes I could go inside like a grownup person, but I'm all for reliving my childhood when we washed our hair in the water bucket perched on the fence post next to the cattle water trough.  I'll let you know how THAT goes!!  

In the meantime, I STILL have not figured out my TV and of course I have not run across the manuals.  If I knew the model number, I could look it up.  All it says is LG.  My morning choices include QVC, Forensic Factor and Sally Jessie Raphael.  Shouldn't I at least be getting local news?  I'm on Live TV if that helps any.  Guess I should find a 14 year old kid to help me out!!

Thursday, December 26, 2024


 Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse ... or a pack rat because Nancy has not one, but TWO Rid-a-Rat lights on her van.

No stockings were hung by the chimney with care, because St Nicholas was out on business elsewhere.

The Coop-kid was nestled all snug in his bed, while visions of doggy treats danced in his head.

Jonathan in his house and me in my bed, had just settled down for a night of dread.  Seems the weather has changed and the cold has arrived.  Seems we will miss that good night's sleep for which we strived.

When what to my wondering ears did I hear, but a noise like a generator, definitely NOT a reindeer.  On and off it went up into the sky and I peeked out the window and yelled OH MY!!  

Santa sprang to his sleigh, gave Rudolph a whistle and off they flew like the down of a thistle.  Oh wait ... that was the train whistle.  I heard him exclaim as he drove out of sight, Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.  Good luck with going back to sleep!!     Thanks Santa!

When I finally got up at 4:30 because there's no going back to sleep after THAT, Mr. Cooper and I wandered outside to see the sunrise.

It just got better and better.  That little white blip in the sky is the new moon.  Thankfully, it's not shining down on snow this Christmas morning.  

It just got better and better.  It did NOT however, get very warm on this day.  It was a long sleeve Christmas Day at the Chance Ranch.  

Breakfast was minimal.  I tried to down a healthy scrambled egg, but neither Cooper nor I were very hungry.  It probably had something to do with this box I received in the mail upon my arrival.  It once had three times this much candy in it!  Like little kids at Christmas, Patty, Dan and I ate WAY too much of it!!

In no time we were ready for a little football!!  We were able to watch the Kansas City game because Dan has Netflix.  I finally got MY little TV to bring up five channels.  Two murder and mayhem and three Maury Pauvich type.  Anyone remember that crazy "she's trying to find the father of her baby and this is the 4TH DNA TEST"!!!  Yeah, I went back to the murder and mayhem, once I finally figured out how to GET there.

Patty cooked a fabulous turkey while I threw together a lovely cherry pie.  Now THIS is MY kind of turkey dinner.  Yummy turkey sandwiches with lots of mayo and cranberry sauce, followed up with LAYS chips!!  I could eat this all day, which of course we did, and was WAY too much food yet again.

Dinner was simple.  Dessert.  Yes, I slaved over the stove all day making this cherry pie.  Right from Marie's box.  You know the one!!  Add a little ice cream and we were all smiling!!

In the blink of an eye, Christmas Day was over and I headed back to the rig for a cold winter's night.  It's a chilly 39 degrees this morning and my little heater is not keeping up.  I guess it's time to test drive the RIG heater and see just how long that little propane tank will last.  

I'm blessed to have great friends like Patty and Dan who let me join them on Christmas and New Years.  I hope everyone else had the same friends and family to share their day with. 


Wednesday, December 25, 2024


 I can't believe another year has gone by in the flash of a reindeer's nose.  It must be that old age thing.

Morning in Quartzsite came early.  I kept looking out the window wondering when the sun was going to come up.  I felt compelled to get on the road since it had taken me six hours from Bakersfield to Q town.  How could that be?  I was driving MUCH faster than with the fifth wheel, which I swear only took me FIVE hours.  

AND I needed fuel ... so I packed up and headed over to Patsy and Bills.  Patsy was on her morning walk, but Bill came out to say goodbye.  Now I feel terrible because I left without saying goodbye to Patsy.  My New Year's resolution is to NOT worry about what time it is EVER AGAIN!  

Here's another picture of Mr. Gibbs absolutely destroying that INDESTRUCTIBLE big-boy dog toy.  I don't think it lasted 30 minutes.  Patsy should call the makers and have Gibbs be their test doggy.

Not as cheap as it has been, but fuel here is much better than in California.  It's also cheaper than the bigger stations down the freeway.  

And we were off ... Mr. Cooper napping the entire way.  Traveling really isn't his thing any more.

You know you're in Arizona when you pass by all the Prisons.  About here is where I realized the time change had bit me in the butt.  That's why I felt so compelled to get on the road.  It only took me five hours after all!!!  We cruised right along with practically NO traffic until I hit Tucson.  Construction zones still exist here as in California.  The only difference is they don't slow down one bit.

I arrived at the Chance Ranch and was guided into the perfect parking spot.  Dan even loaned me his ramps to raise the front a little.  Boy do I love those ... and they are so much smaller when it comes to packing them up!!  I don't remember what time that was, I was too exhausted to think.

What a great welcome back I received from my two wonderful friends.  We spent the first hour going through a package of goodies I had mailed to this address.  Patty and I opened it up to find about a million calories of candy.  We split the box, but I'm sure I won't be able to eat all of it, even with MY sweet tooth.

Dinner was a fabulous peasant soup Patty slaved over all day.  No kidding ... it was delicious.  The perfect Christmas Eve dinner.

As Mr. Cooper snoozes away and Jonathan tears up the bottom of his cage, I'm sipping a nice cup of hot chocolate and finally relaxing for a few days.  

After an hour of frustration not getting anything to appear on my smarter-than-me TV, I discovered a little icon up in the corner that said LIVE.  I clicked on it ... heck, I clicked on every icon I saw ... and VOILA I have TV once again.  Here North of Tucson, it says I'm getting 17 channels, but only about 5 are visible.  That's okay with me ... I'll settle for ONE.  

I hope Santa brought you everything you ever needed for Christmas, mostly family and good times.  I appreciate each and every one of my readers and thank you for being MY family.  And NOW ... it's time for Cooper and Jon's presents to be opened.  Jonathan is getting chew sticks ... and Cooper ... what else but new balls for the ball game!!!