Thursday, January 9, 2025

World Record Saves Yuma

Now THAT was a crazy day of wind and sand!  Gusts up to 35 mph rocked my rig a bit, but wasn't too bad until we decided to go exploring.  The amount of dust and sand in the air made it feel like we were in a movie.  No problem though, we persevered!

Sometimes crazy ideas actually work .... and here's one of them.  Bill Richards posted on this a couple years ago, and I've always wanted to check it out.  Today was the day!!  This is the Yuma City Hall. 

Walk inside and you are met with this grim face.  A BUICK!  Here's the story.  After World War II, the military base in Yuma was going to close and it would become a ghost town.  Members of the Yuma Chamber of Commerce came up with the idea of gathering favor to keep the base open, by flying a plane longer than anyone ever had before.

To do that, they needed a plane, and a car that would fly across the ground underneath it while they passed off fuel and food.  

This Buick got the job.

In 1949, two men piloted this plane for 47 days without landing.  

While in flight, they changed the oil every couple of days and swapped canister after canister of fuel and food.  They say the car made 1500 trips down the runway in order to win the favor of the military to keep a base open here.

Here she is, planted in City Hall for posterity.  The military base was kept in Yuma and the little town survived.

And then it happened.  We got lost once again.  We were trying to get downstairs to the next attraction when we ended up in a stairwell.  Cindy SWEARS she knew the way, but I wasn't so sure.

Downstairs, we found this beauty.  Any idea what it is?

Pretty simple ... 3 pedals and a brake!

This is a giveaway ... says to TURN BOTTOM UP.

Love the chain drive ... and I bet it was a rough ride.

Very red and VERY patriotic .....

TA-DA!!!  A 1916 Model T fire truck.  That makes you feel safe, yes?  Oh to be the driver of this baby!!

There was one more stop at a Craft Fair at one of the local RV parks.  I'm actually pretty happy my excuse of "I have no room" is working well.  On the other hand, I DID have room for a couple of small things.  I'll post those tomorrow.  One VERY interesting item I can't wait to try.

TODAY however is the ..... wait for it ...... FABRIC SHOP!!!!  WOOHOO!!!


  1. Have fun at the fabric store ! Two quilting gals running loose in the fabric store ! Scary !!!

  2. Enjoy the fabric store.
    Love your pictures.
    That Buick is a beauty!
    Happy Thursday!

  3. How cool is that?!?!? That is someplace we would like to stop and explore.

  4. I think they could have used that fire truck in Pacific Palisades. This is Paradise Fire on Steroids!!!

  5. We have been there more than once. Glad you got a chance to stop in!
    You know Bill has that plane in various stages of being scratch built back home. Not sure what scale. Hence the frequent visits. 😄

  6. That is a neat place to visit and for sure an inspiration for the hobby plane enthusiasts. Those sand storms are something, aren't they.

  7. One more thing or my bucket list, thanks for showing this. Vern

  8. I never knew about that place. That is the kind of place I like to find.
