Thursday, December 28, 2023

Off To The Doc-TOR-a .........

 It's been weird weather this year.  We usually have nothing but dull overcast skies with no personality whatsoever!  Last night it looked like this, just before pouring out buckets of water, followed by lightning akin to Arizona.  That rarely ever happens here.  It lit up my entire house ... INSIDE!  

Sadly, today we have a trip to the Vet on tap.  Nothing bad ... just his normal shots and a blood sample.  Just like regular doctors, all his appointments seem to be at 8:00 in the morning.  I hate it as much as he does.  It meant a bath was in order for him ... his least favorite activity.

Cooper thinks it's just fine to run in the ocean water, or in mud puddles (like any little kid), but stick him in a bathtub with an inch of water in the bottom and he goes into "I'm dying" mode.  I do my best ... I even turned the heat up to 72 degrees ahead of time so he wouldn't be cold.  

Maybe it was the 30 minutes of the blow drying.  You've never seen such a happy dog as when he's finally put back on the floor.  He's still a little damp around the edges, but as you can see ... he made a beeline for his ball.  If I'm going to torture him with a bath, he's going to torture me with an hour of ball play.

Sadly that's it for this mornings blog.  I'm up a tad bit late and have to get my butt in gear.  The good news is the nori popcorn is now gone ... it magically disappeared over night ... and my house is clean.  Bet you didn't see THAT coming!!!


  1. Poor Coop! But good to hear the house cleaning fairies took care of that popcorn for you!

    1. I wish they would take care of the house instead! LOL

  2. Cooper looks so cute.
    Beautiful picture of the sky!

    1. You must have lots of beautiful skies down your way Frances.

  3. That’s actually a pretty good price for Springs… Chevy dealer work Book for parts, and labor Is a tad higher when you put 1800 it appeared that was the price of the 2 work orders My apologies

    1. Oh no need to apologize. I've only had two big things done to that truck besides tires, and this was the most expensive, so I think I'm ahead of the game ... so far.

  4. Indy is just like Cooper...will go and stand in the nearest puddle of water, but will do anything to keep from being put in the tub. But when finished, she LOVES getting dried off with the towel(s), and when put down, will run all over the place and digging her head into the nearest doggie bed, couch, our bed, pillows, etc. etc. And then, of course, there is the treat that comes after it...

  5. I missed the sunrise today. Love the swirling clouds!
    Cooper looks so handsome!
    No appointments made here until after 9am. Takes time to read blogs in the morning!

    1. Hahaha I am the same way. I hate those early appointments!!

  6. Cooper looks great after his biffy baffy. It's been foggy cloudy and rainy around here. Luckily quite warm for this time of year.

  7. Great sky picture! Only seems fair, you "tortured" him by giving him a bath...he should get to play

    1. His thoughts exactly!!!!!! And a treat ... there's always a treat!!

  8. Oh, our pooches. We feel for them when they need shots and blood work. He's so cute after his bath, all fluffy.
