Monday, November 20, 2023


 Oooohweeeee it was exciting yesterday.  It's probably not what you think.  We didn't get much rain, but we sure got big winds throwing limbs and leaves everywhere.  The banging on my bedroom wall reminds me every time that I need to secure those two tall vines climbing the metal railing that has come loose.  Bang bang bang ... all night long.  

At first I thought someone was breaking in, but the alarm never went off, so there's that!  It's the perfect start to a lovely day OUT.  I'll explain later.

First ... meet Miss Jade.  How could I have forgotten to introduce everyone.  Barbara worked for SPCA for many years.  She and Tom have helped many a critter have a better life.  Ever since I've known them, they had a beautiful kitty named Pansy, who lived in their RV with them.  Sadly Pansy passed away.  

Miss Jade has taken over Pansys house guarding duties.  Just look at those eyes.  She's a beauty.  I got in lots of scritches, pets and rubs.  She was fascinated with the smell of Cooper on my hands.  The best part, she's exceptionally good at keeping Barbara from falling out of her chair by laying in her lap for hours.  

Too bad Cooper doesn't like kitties, a trait he picked up from Miss Jessie who used to chase them over the fence.  All in good fun I guess because she never hurt one, or even got close for that matter.  Here we are trying to catch up on a little sleep.

So what's for breakfast Mom?   BOIL of course!!  Cooper got little pieces of steak from the Elks, followed up with chicken treats.  I got a big bowl of THIS delicious treat.  I think I ate six cloves of garlic.  Ooooooweeee!!  It's going to take a lot of mouthwash to get that smell gone!

I really didn't get very much done.  It's raining ... that's my excuse.  I figured I better rest up because it's going to be a long week, but there on the table was my last Amazon order calling my name.  It's been staring at me for several days now.  I really wasn't that gung ho about this, but it wasn't going to get done by itself.

I drug the ladder into the room and grabbed my tape measure.  There's just no easy way that I know of to hang drapery rods.  They give you those little plastic things to stick in the wall to hold the screws, but they never work very well.  Either the hole is too small and it won't fit, or I make the hole too big.  Big sigh ... it was too big this time.  

I finagled it with toothpicks ... at least I was inventive about it ... but it will require a trip to the big box store for bigger thingies.  I don't even know what they are called.  At any rate, I got it up, along with the quilt.  There's actually room on the other side for one more, but I was done for the day.  Something about climbing up and down the ladder twelve times wears me out!

I spent the rest of the day watching the trees bend in half and working on a new secret quilt project.  A third project has me on the internet searching for fabric.  It's amazing to me that I can find almost anything I want ... and it usually comes from Texas.  They must do a lot of quilting in Texas.

Sadly, it gets dark at 4:30 here, and by 5:30 I'm thinking it's time for bed.  Oh how I hate the time change. It's hard to stay on Arizona time when you've got appointments and BINGO looming over your head!!

Speaking of appointments.  Guess where I'M going today!  Oh yes ... my all time favorite California DMV.  It's okay ... I've already convinced myself it's going to take all day long.  I'm even taking food for snacking.  Speaking of food ... Oooooooweeeee ... having BOIL twice in one day is a little too much.  I reek of garlic!!  I'll be sure not to breathe too hard while trying to get my truck and trailer license plates.


  1. Thank You for your hard work ~ the quilt is wonderful !

  2. That quilt looks awesome up there. Next time you are uncertain if it is someone breaking in or just a tree branch, shoot holes in the wall. If the noise continues, it is most certainly a branch!
    Looking forward to hearing more about your super secret project!

    1. Hahahaha that's a GREAT idea!!! Then I could learn the skill of sheetrock repair!

  3. Nancy I will not show quilt to husband. I'm afraid he would snag it off your wall.
    Beautiful quilt!
    Glad you are taking snacks to DMV.

    1. If I had the fabric Frances, I'd make six more and send them out to everyone. It is a particularly nice one if you like wild critters.

  4. Another beautiful quilt. I am amazed as to how many you make and they are all so beautiful. I have my doubts that you actually reek of garlic but maybe that would be a good strategy to get in and out quicker at the

    1. Oooohhh I didn't think of that! Wait til you hear today's story!

  5. Brrrrrr It was in the thirties this morning! Time to head back, shooting for a Saturday departure. Absolutely LOVE that quilt and how you are displaying it.

    1. You got that right Dave ... chilly city this morning! If I were you I think I'd head down 5 and cross over. The freeway South through Merced is the biggest mess you've ever seen. I drove my truck through yesterday and it scared me to death!!

  6. Replies
    1. Thank you Elva. I appreciate that. It's a great way to display them and very inexpensive.

  7. I agree, that quilt looks beautiful. I think those 'thingys' are just called wall plugs. I could be wrong but thingys works for me!
    Love those pictures of Cooper, he's such a cutie pie! Miss Jade is beautiful too, my daughter's 2 black cats, Jack and Trinity, would love her.

    1. Thank you Patsy. One of these days I'll have a kitty again. They are so sweet ... usually.
