Thursday, October 19, 2023

My Cool Is Gone

OH NO!!!  Look at this!  Just kidding ... this is the original photo of the outlet.  Everyone says they have never seen anything like it before.  The good news, so far anyway, is that the pretty turquoise color has not returned.  It's weird, but then I'm not an expert on electricity. 

In other completely non-interesting news, my cool has disappeared.  It jumped back up into the 80's yesterday afternoon spoiling my plans to bask in the sun.  It was just too hot!  I'm becoming a wimp!  It's supposed to head on up to 94 today.

Add to that the BLAST that came over central California that there was a HUGE earthquake in the Sacramento Delta area.  No worries, no cool lost there.  It was weird because literally everyone in Sonora (that's up in the Sierra Nevada mountains) got the notice screaming over their phones.  I got nothing.  No one could verify if it was or it wasn't.  To make it even MORE confusing, there was supposed to be a FAKE warning sent out TODAY, to make sure the system worked.  

Turns out is WAS real ... there was a 4.5 earthquake (that's small around here) the day before the big earthquake warning system test.  Lucky me, I'm in one of the few areas of the state where earthquakes are rare.  Now watch the state fall off into the ocean!

This was me for the next five hours.  No kidding ... I was on the phone for an entire FIVE HOURS.  Since the house was closing today, I figured I would shut off all the services.  I called the electric company to be told my name had already been taken off the account.  How can that be?  Am I not still the property owner?  They didn't care.  Okay then, I'll make sure I don't pay the bill for the last two days.

Then I called the water company.  After waiting on the line, I finally got a real person and asked them to turn the water off.  She informed me I have to go online and fill out a FORM and send it to them.  What?  you can't just write it down now?

I called the gas company ... that was already OUT of my name too.  Really?  Anyone can just call up and say "put my name on the bill" and you will do it?  Yup ... I was told they cannot refuse service to anyone who calls in.  Did my house magically move to California?  Nope ... it's still in Arizona.

By the time I got through with the last call to ADT alarm services, I looked like the above picture.  Lucky for me, I called them on October 5th and told them to shut it off.  Just to be sure, I called again, only to be told THIS time that it won't be shut off until November 5.  WHY????

Because even though there is NO contract, they require 30 days notice.  Well that was nice of them to tell me.  My hackles instantly went up.  It also means the new owners cannot have the alarm system put back in service until November 5.  That's ridiculous!  I hope the new owners change to another company.

In the meantime, there were a few more calls from the realtor, to sign papers saying there's no lead paint in the house (it's too new for that) and that I am not aware of any outstanding loans owed by the BUYER.  By now my cool is completely GONE.  How could I possibly know that?  I've never even SEEN these people.  

AND they want the second garage door opener.  Good grief ... I'll give them $10.00 so they can go buy one.  Nope ... they want the garage door opener.  It is in Mr. Chance's truck ... so they will go retrieve it today.  I just shake my head at the senselessness of this stuff.  I won't even go in to the deadbolt key not working in the door handle.

The good news is the recording will happen today.  You know cheap me, oh wait, that's FRUGAL me, I celebrated by cooking up that chunk of really old broccoli that's been sitting in the fridge.  How about some broccoli cheddar soup.  

Ummm yes, it did boil over a bit.  Okay, it boiled over a LOT.  The first burner is completely covered with cream and cheesy goodness.   That's why I put the pot on THIS burner on LOW ... honest, it was on low.  And of course it boiled over a second time.  Stop it!  STOP IT!!!!

It really was quite tasty.  The recipe called for a piece of crusty bread to go with it, but instead I had a second bowl.  It soothed the savage beast and I got my cool back.  I think I'll celebrate that with a big barbecue bacon cheeseburger from Habit Burger!!

Speaking of back ... it's a tad bit better every day as long as I don't use my arms too much.  I can even lay down flat on my back on the floor.  First time in about 50 days.  Twisting still hurts, so I try not to do that.  Good news always makes it better, and I'm hoping today will bring glad tidings of the sale being recorded and that my carpet has arrived for tomorrow's installation.  YAHOO!!!!!


  1. Sounds like you are getting things done.
    Happy your carpet is being installed tomorrow.
    Cream of broccoli soup is my favorite!

    1. We are a different breed Frances ... I don't think many like cream of broccoli. Add enough cheese and I love it!

  2. First, from yesterday, just apoxy a plastic knob on the turn post and forget the threads. If it ever needs to come off, put a heat gun on it and pull or cut it off. Plastic melts. That's what McGiver would do.

    Glad your back is better and your house didn't burn down. And you had another stress free Bingo nite!

    1. Life is good Doug! I'll see if any good epoxy is available around here.

  3. People are so interesting but you know that from bingo. We both received the alert. I thought it was fake but I checked out some local news sources only to find out we did have an earthquake about 30 south of Sacramento. But so many people go to Facebook for the information. Nothing will confuse you more than Facebook! I remember having a problem with the alarm company when we sold the NH house. I had to actually mail a letter to disconnect the service. But that was 18 years ago. When that money hits your account I expect to hear you scream for joy!

    1. You will probably hear that Elva!!!!! You aren't THAT far away!

  4. Nancy... husband says the blue came from the copper on the outlet. It's copper oxide. If you replaced outlet that's why it's gone.

    1. I've never seen or heard of that before. Is it a bad thing because there's one more questionable outlet.

  5. Mr. Ed said find And electrician
    Green goo is the result of a reaction between decomposing plasticiser and the copper conductors of PVC cables. The plasticiser starts to slowly decompose over time, reacting with the copper to produce the green colour. This process can be accelerated by high temperatures caused by overloading or loose connections.

    1. Overloading? I think the only thing plugged in there has been both my phone and my watch, and that one time Dan's computer. Hopefully the new plug will help.

  6. Ya, ADT sucks real bad. When our home sold in Palm Harbor we went through the same thing...little did they know we moved into a home we already owned with we canceled that home too. Alarm would still work, but it just did not notify anyone (except the neighborhood).

    1. I never used them before that house. They tried to get me to sign them up here, but I said heck NO! They are ripping people off!

  7. I'm not much of a soup person, but yours looks yummy! My sister said the alarm was so loud that they couldn't understand what was being said. Lots of good that does LOL.

    1. If you add enough melty cheese, anything is good! LOL

  8. I love broccoli cheddar soup! If you made it in the Instant Pot, you wouldn't have to worry about it. Also, in a pot, if you set a wooden spoon across the top, it 'shouldn't' boil over. It works for me with rice or potatoes. Yay, for the house closing!!

    1. What??? I've never heard of that one Patsy. I'm going to have to test that out. And next time I'll use my IP.
