Wednesday, April 19, 2023

The Magic Kingdom of Bingo!!!!!

 Feels like a bad hangover.  When you're an early-to-rise chicken who has to stay up and watch the fox in the henhouse, it's hard to concentrate through the cobwebs of a headache the next morning.  You would think I would sleep like a log, but no such luck.

Be careful what you wish for.  Yes, the party is still going on after three days.  Not that I care really, because they are one house over ... meaning you-know-who is getting the main blast of drums.  Have you ever listened to Eastern Indian music?  I love the beat for the first hour.  After that when the beat continues most of the night, not so much!  I feel like I've been drug through a knothole backwards.

I'm very curious what they are celebrating because the house is now completely decorated with outside lights on every section of the roof, down the sides, around the door and around the entire back yard.  Almost like Christmas lights.  This is a BIG celebration!!

So ... here we are in the basement at the Magic Kingdom.  I'm not sure why they built this 125 year old building this way, but at least 8 feet is below ground level.  The second story is just that, like a two story house.  

In spite of it NOT being a full moon, things happened.  At least this time there was no banging and kicking at the back door.  Instead, one lady told a fib about needing to go to the bathroom.  She was let in the door.  

She went to the back room for less than two minutes, then made a beeline for the main door and tried to open it, letting everyone in.  When she got yelled at, and that failed, she went over and got a cup of coffee before trying to park herself at a table.  No no no ..... we are NOT open for another 30 minutes.  Out you go!!!  

We did have a little trouble with people trying to cheat us ... as is usual.  Everyone who comes in has to buy two cards minimum ... for $20 each person.  Three different people tried to buy four cards for $30 and let two people play.  Nope .... it's $40 for two people.  By the end of the night, I had a big pile of voids to feed to the infernal machine as I rang them up a second time.

And then ... the big excitement for the night ... someone came along and spilled a huge 32 ounce cup of soda all over the table ... and of course the cards that were laid out.  You cannot imagine the uproar!  Those are the "special" cards they picked with the winning numbers, and now they can't play them and won't win.  

They didn't ask, they DEMANDED they be allowed to go through our big stack and pick new cards.  Sorry ... here you go, as I tore off the top games that had already been played.  I'm pretty sure that lady has a hundred daggers in her back from the players at that table!!  

Otherwise it went pretty well I thought.  Oh wait ... except for the hair.  You're not going to believe this, but a group of ladies went through my line, all of whom had braided hair of one kind or another.  Wasn't I shocked when suddenly there was a 15" long string of 1/2" thick braided black hair laying on my table.  I should have taken a picture.  WHAT THE HECK??

No kidding ... there it lay like someone had cut a piece off while she was waiting in line.  One lady was brave enough to pick it up and drop it on the floor behind me.  When the King stopped by, I told him his admirers had left a present for him.  He didn't want to touch it either, but he laid it out nicely on the garbage bag table.  As far as I know, it's still there, so if you need another tress or two, let me know.  

So as promised, here's the photo project.  I took this class at the local college after talking my best friend at work into going with me.  It was a lot of fun this class ... as we drove all over the country getting images 100% better than we had before.  I laugh because by now I can see where these really were not all that great ... but they got me an A.  We had to do some kind of photo shoot at the end of the semester, all 12 x 15 prints mounted on whiteboard.  You will NOT be surprised at my subject.

BUT you'll have to wait until tomorrow for the first act starring THE CHAIR.  I'm going to go do my morning Yoga get-the-ball-out-from-under-the-couch exercises in the hopes I will feel better quicker.  

I'll be on the couch after that .........


  1. Oh my goodness bingo can sure get serious!
    Have a good day Nancy.

  2. Your accounts of the Bingo Events are quite entertaining. Maybe your neighbor has another wedding?

  3. Bingo wow. I assume your neighbors are Sihk's. This year they have celebrations April 14 and April 18. The names of the celebrations were too much to try and

    1. You are right Elva ... I couldn't even pronounce those names, let alone know what they were!!

  4. What the hell is wrong with people? Your stories are doing little to restore my faith in humanity.

    1. I don't think there is much "restoring" going on at Bingo nights. It's a whole other world.

  5. The Chair? Intrigued me...might be a 'Chair' like the head of a committee or it might be a 'Chair' that fits in with the whorehouse furniture...hoping for the latter! (Yes, Dave is feeling a bit better today)

    1. Thank goodness you are on the mend. And the latter would be correct! LOL

  6. Seriously Bingo players are a little crazy and a little scary.
    Really liked seeing the pictures of you in the vintage clothes. I am going to guess you had a ball wearing them.

    1. I DID have fun with the clothes. It lets you be someone else for a short time.

  7. 57 channels and nothing on...not a problem! Follow Nancy to bingo. More live entertainment in one night than 5 nights on TV. LOL. Obviously you and your worker bees have figured out how to keep the peace, make the money and not kill or maim anyone while doing so. That is DEDICATION. LOL


    1. That is the PERFECT description of what goes on. You nailed it Deb!!!
