Wednesday, May 18, 2022

It Was A LONG Night!!!

 What a gorgeous morning it was.  A nice cool breeze, lots of sunshine ... too bad it wasn't happening here.  Summer has arrived, along with lots of wind and heat, making for a convection oven morning.  I sipped my brew on the patio, thinking maybe I should try iced coffee instead.  

I admit, I was pretty bleary eyed, as that darn magpie just keeps screaming all night long outside my window.  What's wrong with that picture?  His clock is going to get clocked if he doesn't cease and desist. 

I'll tell you about last night's Bingo party, but first, I want to address the comment about me wasting so much water when the farmers and ranchers need it.  

First off, I have a dishwasher, but haven't used it in over ten years because it uses too much water and electricity.  I do one load of laundry about every ten to twelve days for the same reason.  I keep the front lawn watered so most of it stays green, but let the back yard die off in the summer because it uses too much water.  

How about the farmers who sold off their water rights just to get rich, allowing Southern California to suck the rest of the state dry in order to provide water to those thousands of new houses they are building every year?  Maybe they should talk to their representatives who allowed that practice.  Or maybe the writer should ask Southern California why they let millions of gallons of water go right down the drain into the ocean, instead of capturing it for irrigation.

The writer might even talk to the cities and counties who water THEIR green lawns literally all night long, allowing thousands of gallons to go right down the gutter.  I've seen it happen and I have filed complaints, but they continue the practice.

In the meantime, I'm doing more than my fair share when it comes to water conservation.  Okay, off the soapbox!

Here's my view from the cheap seats at the only game in town.  Every week we seem to get new people, bringing our total last night up to 125 ... on a mid month night.  That number only happens on the first and last month when everyone gets paid!

It was a fast paced night, with two different payout amounts causing havoc with the infernal machine.  The King and his men are not patient when that happens, standing over me like a vulture waiting for my last breath.  There was a last minute surge which brought the totals up, allowing peasants to win $250 for the last seventeen games.  They were happy.

Mostly ... they were MOSTLY happy.  There's always the fight over table space and "you've got MY chair" arguments.  If they won sitting in that exact spot last year, they insist on getting that EXACT spot every week.  Someone actually had the nerve to put their dobber a little too far away from their designated spot, resulting in cries of "SHE'S SAVING SEATS"!!!  That's a practice not allowed any more since there were so many hair pulling incidents.  Us old folks don't have that much hair left to pull out.

One lucky peasant won $1199, along with a $500 hot ball payout, followed by our $250 jackpot.  The screaming was epic, ear splitting I would say!!  That chair now has her name on it in big bold letters, so I expect a few fights next week as she fends off her territory against the imperialistic hoards.  No, I'm not kidding!!

Sadly, the infernal machine caused me trouble all night long.  It decided the $50 I entered should be $60, and so I was $10 over.  It's easy as pie to delete sales, but extra income is a complete pain in the patooty since it's brain doesn't work like mine at all.  It made for a long night, but I finally got it to agree with me and put it to bed.

Although Cooper and I tried to crash when I got home, the magpie had other ideas.  Even with ear plugs and a big pillow over my head, we were up most of the night.  Hopefully I can catch up because tomorrow night is another Elks meeting.  WHY are there so MANY meetings???  Sheesh ... counting Bingo, I have to be there 7 to 8 nights a month.  I'm thinking maybe I need a cot up in the attic, like my neighbor did when he got divorced.  At least there wouldn't be any magpies keeping me up!!


  1. Like I said yesterday, if you're going to comment, leave your name at the end, not just anonymous! Why don't you want us to know who you are?! That sure is a lot of $$ going in and out at Bingo! No wonder so many people want to play! You are a busy girl!

    1. It's interesting how people will say things on the internet that they probably wouldn't say in person. I've seen some crazy rants, I just try to ignore them. Busy is good ... it keeps my brain in gear.

  2. We have a 30 gal grey tank, empty it once a week along with our 30 gal black tank. I figure we go through about 45-50 gallons in total each week since I never let the tanks get full. so 50 gallons is equal to 3.5 gallons a day per person...can't get much less than that. Don't know of an experienced RVer who does not conserve water...can't let the water run free at the sink back at home because it just doesn't feel right!

    1. Wow ... you don't use much water at all. And yes, that's what got me into conserving ... living in an RV for months at a time.

  3. You have not talked in the past about your water conservation only about how often you have broken sprinkler heads that send a lot of water everywhere. Maybe you could stop telling us about those if you don't want us to think about wasted water.

    I'm sorry, Google has decided I can no longer sign in as me. It doesn't let me be anything but anonymous on your blog now. And it won't let me comment at all on Blogger brand blogs. I am frustrated by that.

    1. That's very weird it won't let you sign in. I've had the same problem on other blogs. I'm pretty conservative about a lot of things, I just don't always say so. Cheap really, when it comes to water and electricity because it costs so much. My family farmed for 50 years before I jumped into an RV. If you do both, you are crazy conservative!!!

  4. What "anonymous " says is true. I can no longer comment on a couple of blogs without setting up some type of account. And I'm just too lazy to figure out how to do that. But how hard is it to key your name? I just key "E" and my name pops up. I've always believed it's good manners to identify yourself. Elva

    1. Okay, I'm trying that "key" trick. I've never heard of that before.

  5. For the most part, I think RV'ers are some of the most water conservative people around. We have brought that practice into our house as well.
    We have been getting a lot of anonymous comments as well due to whatever blogger changed but most of the people put their name at then end so we know who is commenting.

    1. Isn't that funny how it carries over to your house? Being a farmer AND an RV'er really puts the crunch into my house! LOL
