Sunday, January 23, 2022


I woke up this morning.  That was a pretty good start to the day, even if it was at another crazy 3:00 am.  Yesterday morning I might have only given myself a 50-50 chance.  I admit, I felt pretty bad.  I can only say thank goodness I made that quick decision to come home to a cozy warm house with no stairs.

I spent the entire day on the couch, getting up only to grab another Gatorade orange.  Somewhere I read that was good for you.  Wrapped up in not one, but TWO quilts, I watched the Bengals win the playoffs through blurry watery eyes.  

Although I have very little recollection, apparently I did go outside to catch the sunrise, so I wasn't completely brain dead.

By 4:00 I actually ate, although not what the doctor ordered, I'm sure.  Taquitos with avocado.  The soup Patty brought over was breakfast and lunch.

I don't know if I have the C word or not ... wouldn't want Facebook fact checkers to raid my blog ... but it was exactly like every flu I've ever had, down to the last cough.  I had a mild temperature, never getting over 100.3 and I kept an eye on my oxygen levels. 
  I took zinc every day, even though my body doesn't like it and aspirin because a friend said there had been a lot of blood clots from covid.  Might I just say how surprised I was that aspirin got rid of the aches fairly well.  That was a big win!

There was one fun little tidbit I didn't tell you about when I drove home.  I really needed to dump the rig, so I stopped by the fairgrounds for a $5 drop off.  As I drove to the back, I discovered the road was completely blocked by the rodeo crew.  OH NO!!!  I have to turn around!!

Boy am I glad I got that backup camera, because who should drive up just as I was starting to turn but the SHERIFF!!  I waved him by, but no ..... he sat there and watched the entire action.  I was praying I didn't hit anything, including him!!  To be honest, I felt too bad by that point to care.  I never did get to dump.

And so today begins.  Temperature normal.  A lot of coughing but the heavy chest stuff is gone.  Ribs are SO sore, like I did 385 sit-ups.  Headache is gone but I'm still stuffed up.  

I think I'm going to live!!!  I can feel those little immunity guys swirling in my body!!!  I even think I'll wash my hair today, because if I don't, I'm going to have dreadlocks for life.


  1. Glad you're alive! Sounds like the basic cold/flu to me! Enjoy another day on the couch and by tomorrow you'll be feeling much better! Too bad you weren't able to dump though, you have one set up at your house?

    1. Feels like the same basic cold/flu too. Don't know if it's the SPECIAL one or not! I'll dump next week!!

  2. Glad to hear you are on the mend, hopefully you are back to 100% in the next day or two!

    1. Wait ... you didn't give me the "feeling of the day"!! Hope you are back to 100% also.

  3. Great to hear you are feeling better and 100% is just around the corner.

    1. Thank you ... I'm just praying I didn't pass it on to you guys. By the way, I think I found a cage heater alternative to the blue flame. I ordered one and will see how it works.

  4. Good morning. Yesterday I checked with family and friends that got the flu. It looks like after the 3rd day life gets better. Hopefully you are on the uphill to getting well. Sure hope so! Elva

    1. Thank you so much Elva. Your family and friends were correct. Thanks for the football entertainment last night!!!!

  5. Glad you're feeling a tad better. Keep up your regimen and you'll be running free in no time.

    1. Yessirree!!! Much improved today. So sorry you missed that game Doug ... it was pretty darn good.

  6. Do you pickup your Z-Pack in Mexico when you go there?

    1. Yes, I've done that for several years now, but it's packaged completely differently than here in the U.S. Same stuff, works like a charm for me, but be sure your Doctor approves.
