Thursday, October 7, 2021

Is There A Full Moon?

 You know how all the crazies come out on a full moon night?  Well surely yesterday was a full moon in spades!  Maybe it was the change in weather (SO welcome at this point) to a slight breeze all day and 75 degrees.  I think that saved me.

This is the infamous slide.  It doesn't look too bad from the bottom.  Once you get to the top however, it's VERY steep.  And very high in the sky!!  

Parents seem to want to force their kids to go down.  I don't get it.  So they have to be 38 inches tall.  Probably half of those that height are still in diapers.  Surprising?  Yessirree!  The rules say you have to hold your own blanket and walk to the top, then go down by yourself.  No lap sitting, no holding hands.  Those kids ride the whole way laying down ... if they ride it at all.

Yesterday was an epic day of screaming crying children.  I walked the first four back down to the bottom.  One parent insisted her little girl ride, so she brought her BACK up.  I walked her down again.  New Rule:  Once you walk down, you are not allowed back up.

Sandals are not allowed.  The website, the front gate and the big sign at the slide all say YOU MUST WEAR CLOSED TOE SHOES.  Therefore, anyone wearing sandals cannot ride.  The cry of outrage was like a rock band in my ears!!  

The full moon effect kicked in.  She said I told her daughter in crocs that she could not ride.  No ma'am, I told the little girl standing NEXT to your daughter SHE could not ride because she had on sandals.  They literally went screaming to the boss.  You can't talk to those people ... they just flip out.  I seriously think it's an act to get something for free, because of course they all want their money back.  (They didn't get it though).

And there was more.  One little girl was so scared she started screaming and would not let go of the handle so we could walk her down.  I have not heard screaming like that EVER.  I finally located her mother and asked her to please get her child off the slide.  Even Mom couldn't make her let go.  

She finally grabbed one arm and just started walking down.  I thought for a second she would rip her arm from the socket.  She dragged the screaming-ever-louder kid the entire way.  It was epic!!!!  You could tell it was more tantrum, because at the bottom she continued to scream for the next ten minutes.  It took all my patience not to ask her to leave.

Oh yes, there were more.  I quit counting at eight kids walked or dragged down the stairs.

Aahhhmmmmmm I went and contemplated the sunflowers for awhile.  

I really didn't know there were so many different kinds and colors.  All of these are from 4 to 8 feet tall.  Pretty cool!

Scheduling kid workers has been another awesome task.  Thankfully I don't have do to it, I just have to figure out where I need people and move them around from place to place.  So far the kids working have been doing an excellent job ... making MY job much easier.  

The nice lady who took over the snack bar hardly has any hair left since pulling most of it out on the first two days.  I'm pretty sure she didn't know what she was in for.  Not only do you have to manage the entire kitchen, but order and keep everything in stock.  

Thus the 2500 hot dogs now residing in the refrigerator, along with 2500 hot dog buns hidden everywhere, in every cabinet, in wagons in the shop building and in the freezer of a nearby parked RV.  I help her when I can, but don't want to get in her way.

My reward was a hot dog for dinner.  Any leftovers are offered up to the kids, but I snagged this one for me.  Not too appetizing, yeah?  No worries, smothered in mustard, it tasted GREAT since I hadn't eaten all day.

I was a little taken aback when I got home to discover I am apparently allergic to almond hull dust.  They use crashed shells on the entire grounds.  I have a lovely red rash from my ankles to my knees that tingles and itches like crazy.  Now Benadryl has become my friend!!  Today I'll be wearing my lovely boot socks in an attempt to keep the itching at bay.  We shall see how that goes.

Total miles walked as of day 5:     41.1 miles


  1. Good news...the heat is gone for a week or so! Better news, that crying child won't be coming back...

    When my youngest (son) was 3 or 4 years old, we went to Disneyland (SoCal) and this child would not ride anything after I took him on the Matterhorn. When I was a kid the Matterhorn was very fun to me...but I forgot that it starts out with a steep down into the mountain experience. It took all that we had to get him to ride "It's a small world", and the monorail. This is the kid who grew up and hiked Half Dome, has skydived, and just visited his 49th state (North Dakota) yesterday with only Alaska left on his list, and may have visited more National Parks than I have!

    1. It's funny how the ones you think will do great, do not. And the ones you are sure will freak out, do just fine!!

  2. Just amazing......simply amazing. That's why I hibernate as much as possible. People are weird.

    1. Elva you are so right!! Some are so very nice and others are just crazy!!

  3. Haha I have to agree with unknown! I hate itching! We take Niacin (timed release) and every once in awhile I wake up itching all over! Drives me crazy. I love the way you are so into the pumpkin patch :)

    1. I've been working the Patch for about five years now, believe it or not because I love driving tractors!! And that's the only place I get the chance to indulge!

  4. You described it perfectly!! Actually, it all gets me out of the house. It also gives me the chance to help some people who maybe could not afford a pumpkin, as along the way they magically appear for kids to take home. (I often times pay for socks and pumpkins!)

  5. Just go on your computer and Google Karen's throwing a tantrum or something like that and you will see dozens of people who think they are better than you, can get things for free and if they are lucky, even get you fired. What is wrong with these people? Can they not listen to reason?

    1. They seem to go into some crazy LaLaLand and won't even be quiet enough for someone to tell them what happened. And of course they believe everyone in the world is trying to cheat them I guess.
