Wednesday, June 23, 2021

They Almost Got Me!!

 Thank you everyone for the solar feedback.  I haven't heard back from the original guy, I'm guessing because my power usage won't garner him a big sale of 40 panels, but rather a drop in the bucket at 20.  I've checked my neighborhood, and it seems 25-30 is the average.

SO ... I've called my commercial specialist for another name.  I'll be contacting them today with my explanation of why I'm being penalized because I'm conservative with my electrical usage.  

In the meantime, does anyone realize how we are being cheated with everyday products?  I think I posted something about this previously.  The OLD roll of TP was over a inch taller than the "new" roll.  With everyone freaking out and buying cases of the stuff, the producers decided to make even MORE money by cutting that same amount of toilet paper into even SHORTER rolls.  This one on the left is the newest variety.

Imagine how many MORE rolls they are selling by cutting them short!!  I think they got me!!

Here's a good one.  I got this email regarding the order I placed.  I know I didn't place any orders to China and I didn't click on anything but doesn't it just make you wonder?  Sorry it's rather blurry, I had to copy it a couple of times.  

The one that almost got me ... even though I think I'm pretty computer savvy ... was the one saying my Amazon order payment had been declined.  Really?  Timing is everything, since I had just made an order on Amazon not ten seconds earlier.  I did a double take.  Click Here to re-enter your credit card information to confirm purchase.

Hmmmm ... when I order anything from Amazon, it tells you instantly if your card has been approved or not.  I'm calling SCAM!!  Honestly, they are getting better and better.  On the other hand, I wish they would hire me to correct their English and spelling.  It would be worth the thousands I would charge them.

Then there was THIS.  They really did get me on this one.  Anyone buy graham crackers lately?  Did you notice the packages don't fill up the box any more?  False advertising!!  The big box makes you think you are getting the same amount of crackers, but looky here!!  We used to get TEN per package.  Now you get only EIGHT.

To add insult to injury, they cut off over an inch on the length.  Seriously ... look at the tiny packages of crackers in the same size box!!!

We're been scammed I tell you!  They make us think it's the same product at the same price, but they are shorting us by leaps and bounds!!  No wonder food seems to cost so much any more!!

As I mentioned yesterday, we were all called in to a Bingo meeting at the Elks Lodge.  The plan is to restart the electrically-charged games at the end of the month.  Thankfully enough people showed up at the meeting, we are set to go.  Except for the food that is.  Our main go-to girl, who goes to the store and gets the food, is moving out of state.

Since the food is so cheap, they don't make a lot of money in the kitchen, therefore no one wants to step forward and volunteer.  They almost got me to raise my hand, but my excuse that I will be gone for a month at a time stood strong.  My solution was to raise the prices.  $3.50 for a hamburger is probably less than what it costs to make it.  Sometimes the simplest solutions are the hardest.

Since the thirty minute meeting turned into two hours, I stopped on the way home.  Terrible picture, but can you guess where I am?  Now here's a business that makes billions.  In case you were looking for a real castle, the lady who now owns this business has her house up for sale for chump change.  Like only 20 million dollars.  She wants to move up to a more exclusive neighborhood.

And so as I pulled in to my driveway, I breathed a sigh of relief.  They almost got me ..... ALMOST!!  Thursday will be a dry run at Bingo to see if the equipment still works.  OH BOY ..... BINGO!!!


  1. How about having a food truck outside, allow the people to bring the food inside to eat, Elks doesn't make money (although it would be nice if food truck donated some $$$$) but also Elks doesn't have to do any work outside of normal clean up. Just a thought.

    1. That's an idea we didn't think of!! I'll pass it along. Thanks Dave.
      What they did come up with was ordering pizzas to be delivered and charging by the piece. Need more? Just call for delivery!

  2. Nancy they have been downsize the TP rolls far longer than the COVID....look at the holder on any older "stall" homes or public and you will see a large space now where it used to cover the holder completely.

    1. I've never noticed Norm. And it's more expensive than ever!! LOL

  3. I had the same scam the other day from Amazon and had just ordered too. Those scammers will try anything. Feel sorry for the people that fall for it. Now I want pizza! LOL..

    1. It's sad that so many people DO fall for those scams.

  4. Sounds as if you are excited about the Bingo restart. Do you play?

    1. I don't play Doug ... too cheap! These people play around $150 every single Tuesday night on Bingo and pull tabs. Some even more. I'm one of two cashiers for the Elks. It does get exciting, I can say that!

  5. Actually you’re technically not being scammed when you look at your package it’ll tell you how many ounces it is . And for how much it cost
    Where they’re sticking it to you is the fact that you’re paying the same amount of money for a lesser of of the product
    If you went and bought a gallon of bleach it will cost you two dollars so the price of the actual product went up by 25% so instead of charging you 225 for that gallon they give you a 3 quart container for two dollars .
    It’s not really deception or a scam it’s a buyer beware of the price of quantity of product. It’s all psychological you buy a product because you’re familiar with that brand as well as average price you don’t buy the product because it’s ounces contents The product company just outsmarted you that’s all
    Do you remember years ago when you went into a grocery store how wide the isles were take note of the width of the Isles today if The isles are narrow where they can get one more aisle in somewhere and pick up another 800 products to sell to the consumer
    That’s probably why they put the bakery right next to the entrance door by doing so it increases there sale of products by ? % Doesn’t bread and pastries just smells so good

    1. All very true. I wouldn't feel scammed if they put the crackers in a box that fit. Thing is, you don't know until you get home that you have been scammed with less product since the container is the original size.

  6. You were on a roll with the rip offs! Better not to know, haha, it is just too infuriating.
    Good for you, keeping your hand down! :) I'm so proud of you for taking a break.
