Thursday, May 13, 2021


Or maybe not!!   The trap was set with the tastiest of tuna!!  What could go wrong?

Possibly this.  Here is kitty kitty snooping around, although this big guy learned his lesson early on when he got caught the very first time.  He hasn't been back in the trap since.

HOWEVER ..... this morning there is SOMETHING in the trap.  YAY!!!  or not.  I wrapped it up a little too tight and can't see much more than some grey fur, which I suspect is not the black and white formal job I was after.  I also hear no digging, so I rather imagine another kitty kitty is caught.  I'll find out when the sun comes up and let you know.

I thought for sure the camera would show what tripped the door, but alas, there is NOTHING on the critter cam.  What's up with that?

On another front, I actually had a Doctor's appointment yesterday.  Those who know me, know I don't do Doctors.  The Doctors are glad since I'm not civil after waiting in their lobby for an hour before being called, and then waiting another hour in the room.  I'm sure there is a big red star next to my name.

Even though it's an old building ... very old ... we are high tech in this little berg.  You check in on-line before entering.  My appointment?  10:00.  At 10:10 I was called in to again wait in another chair in back. Finally the gal took my blood pressure, which by now is always high.  That's why I was checking in ... to see if we could lower it a tad.

She asked when I would be back to see the Doctor.  Back?  What do you mean?  I'm here to see the doctor TODAY.  Oh she said ... your appointment is just to have your blood pressure taken.  In a flash, my BP went off the charts.  I made an appointment to see the doctor because I think my blood pressure is higher than it should be ... which is DEFINITELY the case NOW!!!

They got me in a room as I practiced my breathing and calmed my little brain.  An hour later a nice Nurse Practitioner came in and I got a prescription.  She thought I was ten years younger, so come to find out my blood pressure isn't that high after all.

Feeling like I needed a treat for not coming unglued, I went to Habit Burger, a brand new joint in our little town.  There were twelve cars ahead of me at the drive through.  I waited ..... and waited .....  and did not move one inch for over 10 minutes.  Okay, I'm going to Panda Express.  

For ten bucks, you get a lot more food.  This will last me three days!!  They have their act together since I was only in line about three minutes.

Since I had to drive BACK by Habit (which I've never heard of before) I decided to REALLY treat myself to a shake.  With only three cars in line, it can't take long.  OR NOT.  Twenty minutes later I had my shake in hand.  I have to say it was worth it.  Of course an Oreo cookie shake is always worth the wait.

I felt even better when I got back home to find this in my fortune cookie.  Woohoo!!!!

So now it's time to go see what's in the trap.  Honestly, I'm kind of hoping it's not a skunk because that requires lots of fortitude and hutzpah to get rid of.  I'm not sure what's worse ... rattlesnakes or skunks!!!  I'll let you know tomorrow!!


  1. Had to look Habit Burger up...started in Santa Barbara in '69, it grew to 23 restaurants in and around LA. Bought by a private equity firm in 2007 it expanded to 109 locations by 2014 and went public raising $83 million. In 2020 it was bought by the same company that owns KFC and Taco Bell and has over 300 locations. Will need to look out for this place, sounds like they serve a good burger (although I can't eat the bun due to diet). I am sure that one of these days you can drive up and they will say, "Welcome, you want a burger, taco or chicken today?"

    1. I was wondering who they were!! They are in a good location not near any other fast food joints. I've heard good and bad about the burgers. I'll test drive it and let you know.

  2. By dwelling on the test Kathy's BP used to be through the roof every time it was taken. I trained her to take long slow deep breaths and to think of a Happy Place. Her BP is normal.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

    1. It definitely does make a difference to breath slowly.

  3. I have to bring a book to read while having my blood pressure taken in order to get a decent reading. Thinking about having it taken is enough to get a high reading so I need to distract myself.

    Panda Express is one of my favorite places. I get half rice and half noodles then three entrees. I eat less half of that for one meal then I put the rest in a food processor to chop it finely and put it in the fridge to eat cold for another couple of meals. Yum! Unfortunately, the only Panda Express around here is inside the Mall of America so I haven't been there in a very long time.

    1. Well thank you Linda! I didn't know you could ask for half and half!! I love their food, and lucky for me, there's one about three miles away.

  4. Been to The Habit in Roseville a few years is yummy! hopefully you're able to go back. My blood pressure always high at the doctors. Oh I have a crazing for Chinese food. Our fave place is still only serving to go..can't figure why when most other restaurants are open and open to 100% now!

    1. Everyone is open here, no thanks to our Health Department. Glad to hear Habit is good because they are VERY close to me!! Just a treat now and then you know.

  5. Hope your BP meds help. Ive been taking for years even though I look 10 years younger 😁 Can't wait to see your catch.

    1. Honestly I'm not sure the meds are necessary. It seems my BP isn't all that high and the meds are causing lots of side effects. We shall see.

  6. Wow ... that is GREAT to hear!! I had never heard of them before. And real tuna filets? That's a miracle! Ooooh and onion rings are my absolute favorite!!

  7. So, what I got out of all that is that you look 10 years younger than you are. Celebrate!!! I think the doctors/offices have lost their ability to deal in person with clients. LOL That's terrible!
