Friday, April 9, 2021

No Luck Is Lucky

I had no luck with the game camera last night, which is probably a good thing.  In this case, no luck is good luck since that means there aren't any skunks living in my back yard.  At the moment anyway.  

Cooper scared me half to death when I let him out and he went running and barking towards the fence line completely covered in dark.   Skunks are so black you cannot see them at night.  On a sad and uh-oh note, the huge burn pile near where we let them loose caught fire yesterday.  Apparently some homeless guy thought it would be fun to see flames.  The fire is out now, but I'm afraid those skunks will be looking for a new home.

Here's my latest "kid" looking like she's up on her tippy toes.  It's an optical illusion since the bottom line is also black ... OH NO!! ... I bought a black and white skunk rig!!!!  Anyway, you really can't see the bottom line.  

My next little project was to find my old horse trailer hitch lock.  Sure enough, there it was under the back seat of my truck ..... minus the key.  I went through all of my 99 keys with no description (left over from the ranch since we had to lock up literally everything) with no results.  No key.  

I probably could have had a locksmith pick the lock and rekey it, but it would cost me just as much as this lock which is much easier to install.  It's pretty funny that they attach a plastic chain with a tag that says HITCH LOCK IN PLACE.  No kidding!!  Someone must have tried to hook up and and couldn't figure out why it wouldn't latch.  I'm sure the chain will disappear in a day or two!

The next new gizzy, always required in any RV, is peanut butter cookies.  They made great snacks to keep you from starving, can entice big dogs away and calm the savage parrot beast that lives inside, not to mention the nerve-wracked owner.

Next up on the to-do list was the Elks Lodge initiation practice.  This time we were forced to wear microphones.  Trust me, you can hear me a mile away, but I finally said okay.  The problem with that was when the guy is telling you what you did wrong and you answer, the entire building hears you.  Nancy learned to zip it!

I stood up a little too early, didn't open the door wide enough and sat down before I was supposed to.  These are all new members who have no clue what we do ... so what if we make a mistake!  Uh no ... mistakes are not allowed.  

At least I had my lines memorized.  Others read directly from their piece of paper.  We got through it with a few hiccups before heading to the Trustee meeting.  One of five was on time.  Two were 30 minutes late and two didn't show up at all.  Well that was fun.  

The best that came out of that was the acquisition of my purple tie.  Which reminds me, it's stuffed down in the bottom of my purse.  I guess I better go rescue it before heading out on my walk.  I didn't walk yesterday, as I was reminded by all those really achey muscles when I tried to sleep last night.  I'm determined to make this a habit again after eight years.  Gosh, has it been that long since I ran???


  1. Those cookies look just like the ones mama made....

    1. I love that recipe. Stick them in the freezer, then eat them one at a time.

  2. Oh my. Those cookies look delicious. Your trustee meeting.....that's why I don't join anything. I'm always early and get too annoyed with people being late. Not showing up? I would be looking for a hit man. Have a nice walk.

    1. I'm with you Elva!! And the ones that were late are lawyers!!!

  3. Years ago, I joined Moose (because they had a nice bar). I didn't like their initiation ceremony at all, so I never went back. LOL

    1. Some can be pretty outrageous. Ours is just long. It's over an hour if you only have a few people. We have 40 coming in. I think that's a record.

  4. That initiation sounds pretty intense but it sounds like you have a pretty good handle on it. Memorizing the lines is the hard part!

  5. I'm so far behind reading blogs! Those cookies look awesome!!!
    Initiations like that would not be for me either! You did really well, I used to be good at memorizing lines and poems but not anymore!
