Friday, June 21, 2019

BANG!!!!!!! In The Middle Of The Night

You're not going to believe this one folks!!  There's nothing like a little panic in the morning to wake you up.  I was sleeping restlessly for about an hour when all of a sudden there was such a huge BANG it shook the doors of the house.  I seriously thought it was a home invasion!

I grabbed my gun and the puppies before heading for my closet.  It was quiet.  That's funny, the dogs didn't even bark.  I sat in the dark waiting.

Hearing no other noise except something out front, I snuck out and crept through the house, my heart in my throat.  You cannot imagine the blood pumping in my ears.


There's that funny noise again.  I finally screwed up my courage and opened the front door to find a geyser of water on my front lawn.  OMG!!!  My well exploded!!!!

It took my brain a minute to kick in.  Actually, it took five minutes after being flooded with adrenaline.  I called the Pump Company.  Busy signal.  At 2:50 in the morning????

I called the second company who had an after hours number.  Poor guy ... obviously I woke him up.  I apologized, then explained my problem.  Turn off the circuit breaker for the well he said.  OH ... now THAT'S a good idea!!  I seriously had no clue!!
Send me a picture he said, so I did.  It appears the hose spigot is what exploded.  He said he could come fix it now or when they open.  When you open please, as the screaming headache began to raise it's ugly head.  

Here's the best part of all.  My neighbor says hello from the dark recesses of his garage.  I'm not surprised because I know he works graveyard shift.  I WAS a little surprised when he told me he was just out smoking marijuana.  Really?  Sadly, he looks like he's lost 50 pounds.  

Marijuana makes you talkative, in case you were wondering.  I've never tried it myself, but spent many a night listening to others when I worked in Yosemite National Park.  Way back in the 60's while employed by the Health Department, they burned some in an ashtray so we would know what it smelled like.  I got VERY sick just from the smell, so it's something I never wanted to even get close to.

He couldn't talk fast enough and went on to explain how our neighbor down the street chewed him out about bringing riff raff into our neighborhood with all his "buddies" who came to smoke with him.  I suspect there is more than just marijuana.  

By now my headache is screaming in my brain and I'm still so full of adrenaline, I'm shaking.  Hopefully this will all subside soon and things will get back to normal.  Yes, there's probably going to be a hefty bill in my near future, especially if that explosion damaged anything else.  It's a good thing it happened before I left.

I'll be on the couch trying to calm myself down.


  1. That sure sounds like a rude awakening and would really put you on edge. Glad you figured it out and is not a big deal. Nice that your neighbour is friendly at least.

  2. Oh my goodness! Scary stuff! I love your reaction - gun, dogs, closet. :)
    Good that it wasn't an intruder but sorry about the future bill. Maybe he's single, good looking and rich?

    1. Ha!!! I wish Patsy! Although he was pretty good looking, he was a tad too young!!

  3. Like you said it's a good thing it happened while you were home.
    Most repair services never saw what we did in the Industry. For us a quick fix for them something that will bring in $$$$$.
    Be Safe get some rest and Enjoy the repairs.

    It's about time.

    1. It actually was a quick fix ... if you new what you were doing! LOL

  4. That's always in the back of one's mind when leaving for awhile. What is there to break while I'm gone? We have people coming around to look for sprinkler leaks over the summer, and had the roof inspected before we left... but you never know;

    1. Yup ... you never know, and I don't really have anyone here to check things out, although once in awhile someone will do a drive by.

  5. Reminds me of that toilet intake line busting a few months ago while in Albuquerque...could not believe how loud it was, and the rushing water noise that followed. Wonder if your pot-head buddy next door was out walking and leaned on it or something...hard to imagine it just blowing like that...but then again, what made my toilet line blow??? Thank goodness it did not happen while you were gone. I take it that same water is also your irrigation water, if not, you might want to hit that breaker before you leave on trips. We turn off our water, hit the breaker for the hot water heater, the dishwasher and the garbage disposal.

    1. I remember that!! It's so scary, but thankfully Marcia had a man around to deal with it!!! Unfortunately that IS the sprinkler water. I unplug everything else in the house!!
