Monday, May 27, 2019

It Followed Me Home!!

It started out as your normal overcast 60 degree day.  I was sitting at my sewing machine when I heard CRACK!!!!  Then the distance sound of rolling thunder.  It's almost June and we're having a storm?  This was the BIG ONE, or so the weather guessers said.

When I heard something hitting the glass in my sewing room window, I got up to check it out, figuring it was the neighbor kids.  YIKES!!!  What I saw was crazy!!
There was half inch hail falling from the sky, sounding like someone was dropping marbles on the floor.  Another big CRACK and the skies opened up like I've never seen here in all my years.  Did you follow me from Utah?????
More thunder, louder than I've ever heard here as huge chunks of ice fell from the sky.  I had a fleeting thought about the skylight on my rig.  There was just as much water coming down as hail.  Instantly it flooded my back yard and all my flower beds.
This is all that hail floating in about three inches of water.  After fifteen minutes, it slowed to a steady downpour.  You sneaky thing you ... you thought you would catch me unawares!!  As the rain finally quit, I let the pups outside.  They were slipping and sliding all over on the white b-b's on the ground.
Hopefully that's the last of it!!  I checked the weather guessers again, who said it's going to be 90 degrees by next Saturday.  I went back to sewing, finishing up this queen size quilt for the rig.  

It's not my favorite ... it was a mystery quilt where you get one square pattern a week.  In the end, you sew it all together to find out what it looks like.  I don't care much for the pattern, but it fits the bed perfectly!!!  The other good part is I don't care if the puppies get it dirty!  Of course if it's going to be 115 in Tucson, I probably won't be needing it.
Today I'm on to Presidential duties ... figuring out how to send an email to 50 people at once and setting up a survey on Google Groups.  If nothing else, this President thing will keep my mind going trying to wade through the how-to's.  Maybe I'll even find out how to get rid of these hiccups I've been having every couple of hours for the last two days.  

It used to be you could take a teaspoon of sugar (my mother's recipe), but that's off the table now.  Instead I've been taking as many sips of water as possible before running out of breath.  Although I'm totally water logged, it's good for the diet!!!

It's Memorial Day .... give thanks to all those who gave their lives preserving our freedom like no other country on earth.


  1. Oh my the hail does not look like fun at this time of year, It should be gone quickly though. Nice to get that quilt all finished, interesting patterns , I kinda like it. Have fun being President.

    1. I'm hoping the Weather Gods don't send any more hail. That big stuff does a lot of damage.

  2. We got some rain yesterday but nothing like the weather you received. I like the quilt, it's interesting. For relief from hiccups, I do the same. Many tiny sips of water. Have fun with Google!

    1. It's crazy, the weather. Today it will be overcast all day, which I'm okay with. At least it's cooler.

  3. Hope you didn't get any damage from the Hail.
    For sending Bulk E-mail out Create a group with all the E-Mails. Once that is done it is a simple matter of Highlighting the entire group and hit Send. Very easy.
    That quilt looks nice.
    Be Safe and Enjoy the Role Madam President.

    It's about time.

    1. I did a test run on the emails. It worked, except for the 50 emails listed across the top of each one. Wish I could make it only show one.

  4. My grandmother used to prescribe a teaspoon of vinegar for hiccups. As I always kind of liked vinegar, I didn't mind.

    1. Vinegar??? I've never heard of that one Judith. I doubt my Mom could have convinced me! LOL

  5. That certainly IS hail! No doubt about that! Wow! I like the quilt, not one of the prettiest ones but it sure fits the bed nicely.
    I agree about the vinegar! Yeuch!! That crack against the window should have scared the hiccups out of you for good! :) Drinking from the opposite side of the glass?

    1. Ooh there's a new one. Drinking from the opposite side of the glass. I'm not sure how to do that but it's worth a try. The best part about the quilt is I don't care if the puppies mess it up!! LOL
