Since I also forgot the bacon for the brussels sprouts recipe, I scouted the internet for a substitute. I think you have to be a special weird type of person to like these mini balls of cabbage.
Back in the days of hunter gatherers, my Mom would boil them until they were mush. Unfortunately, I had to sit at the table until I ate them. Two hours later after choking them down, I would be released from jail. I kid you not ... there was no wasting food in our house.
As the eons passed, at the ripe old age of 50, I roasted some in the oven with lots of garlic, thyme and butter. They came out yummy and I acquired quite a taste for them. Since I couldn't make the Instant Pot recipe, I decided to try this one instead Here's the ingredients (recipe follows). Walnuts, fresh squeezed orange juice, orange zest, parmesan cheese, onions, sliced sprouts and rotisserie chicken.
Toast the walnuts in a frying pan. If you use low heat, they won't be quite as toasty as mine were, although still edible. In another pan, melt butter and fry the onions until brown, then pop them in a food processor. WHAT? Yup ... you are making your own dressing.
The scary part was slicing these little beauties on a mandolin. That wasn't the easiest thing I've done, and I was extremely worried about my fingers. In the end, there was no blood whatsoever, but the pieces were a little TOO thin. I finally figured out how to move the blade while washing it. Thicker would be better ... even slicing with a knife would be good.
Put them into the leftover butter and onion pan with some cut up already-cooked chicken. Toss in the pan if you are more adept than me, otherwise stir so you don't have to spend 20 minutes cleaning the pieces off the stove, until it turns beautifully green. You know me, I left it on the stove a tad too long, making it much more wilty than it probably should have been.
Then I dumped in the walnuts, parmesan cheese and orange zest, which the recipe doesn't call for. I like it a lot however, and it gave the dish an extra wonderful flavor ... almost a first for me!! Top with the dressing you whipped up in the blender (olive oil, onions, orange juice, honey, S & P).
I LOVED IT!! Yeah, not the most attractive dish I've ever made, presented in my best china, but healthy as all get out, totally filling and deliciously orange.
Here's the recipe in case you're weird like me and love sprouts. By the way, I halved the recipe using only 10 large sprouts. It was plenty for two people with no leftovers. It said you can serve it cold, but it wasn't as tasty as freshly cooked and warm.
My next adventure in cooking involves melting chocolate to make cute little additions to cakes or cupcakes. I'm always ready to try something new, hoping one day to actually get a Chef's hat. With my record that's probably not going to happen, but hope springs eternal!!
The brussel sprouts sound very interesting and tasty. At least you are doing some cooking practice makes perfect.
ReplyDeleteTruthfully the only way one could make brussels sprouts interesting and tasty is to give them to the garbageman as he drives off with your bag
DeleteThat's cuz you've never had them the way "I" cook them Ed. And that's my motto ... practice makes perfect!!
DeleteYou're right I like your 0.999 cent expensive China
ReplyDeleteAnd the best part it's biodegradable
Exactly!!! and it doesn't require washing