Sunday, October 22, 2017

My Sad Fridge!

I'm finally feeling like I just might survive this nasty stuff.  It sure seems like the older I get, the harder this stuff is to get rid of.  Don't know if that's due to age or if the bugs are getting stronger.  Lucky for me, this time I didn't get the horrendous sore throat that usually accompanies the crud.

With my sad fridge looking pretty bare, I definitely need to hit the store today.  It will be a good test to see just how far I've come.  I turned those chicken breasts into chicken tenders, although they were tough as nails.  Should have pounded them out first, a thought that never entered my crud-filled brain.  There's one egg left in the carton, but that's for Jonathan.
Cooper, sweet boy, spent the entire day with me on the couch, as did Miss Jessie.  I think I watched every single episode of Yukon Vet.  I WOULD have watched the Yankees lose, but Direct TV saw fit to exclude it from my viewing area.
Here's a snapshot of my Seed Planting Classroom.  Just imagine 75 kids crowded around those six wooden tables.  That was due to a schedule mixup.  It's hard enough to keep the kids in line ... the teachers are even worse.  I was escorting 150 from the buses to the Time Travel Tractor ... how hard is that to stay in a straight line ... when I discovered 100 were missing.

I backtracked, to find the teacher taking pictures by the water wheel, in the complete opposite direction of our required travel.  They were worse than a herd of cattle to corral.  Pay ATTENTION people!!!  Most even have maps and time schedules and STILL don't know where to go.
Once I hit the store, I'll be back on the couch.  I would probably try to squeeze by, but Jonathan's supply of fresh veggies has run out completely.  I can breathe really well now and am hardly coughing at all.  It's all down to how strong do I feel.  Since I was able to vacuum the house after three weeks (good grief ... where does all that dirt come from????), I'm thinking I'm on the mend.  YAY FOR ME!!!!!


  1. Yay for you is great, just keep getting better and you be good as new again.

  2. Hopefully you'll be better soon and things will get better.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  3. Just don’t over do or you’ll be right back on the couch again
