Monday, December 26, 2016

The Creeping Crud

It's not creeping any more, the crud hit me yesterday like a Mack truck.  I spent the better part of the day on the couch watching those boring Christmas movies.  The alternative was to try and cook something to eat, not the best of ideas in my condition.

It's bad enough trying to cook when I feel good, let alone when my brain is foggy and only interested in making me cough.   I fought through it however and ended up with two inedible dishes.  More on that later.  For now, I'm headed back to the couch with the last of my honey drinks.

I didn't think my throat could get more sore ..... it did.  I didn't think I could feel much worse .... I do .... and I didn't think my head was going to explode ..... I'm now sure that is only minutes away.  I'm going to be proactive next year and stock up on those masks you see everyone wearing in China.  At least I'll be recognizable in a crowd!!


  1. You pull this same trick on us last year, you get out of the doctors office and then you get sick,,,, you see something wrong with this picture,,, next year for your Annual physical check -up you can shake and tremble and pee on the floor that's OK but you're going to the VET,S
    No bark no bite he'll handle you just right, he doesn't care if your nose is wet or dry , he's got a thermometer that will fit real tight He'll give you a treat that will check your bite and send you home with a toy that is just right
    And tell you to enjoy your day and poop just right So you can sleep all night

    1. When you went to the doctor did you get A flu shot ??
      If you did congratulations,,, turn the statement around you got a shot of flu.
      Ask your favorite nurse what's in the flu shot
      If you didn't get a shot of the flu cool

      Most people don't go to the doctors office to socialize
      So, next time Try and make your
      appointment the very first one,, less contamination
      Treat your doctors office as being contaminated ,,that's a no-brainer
      You mentioned the mask wear that in and out take advantage of all the hand sanitizers in his office. when you leave the doctors office got home put your clothes in and do a load of laundry and take a nice long hot shower
      While you're talking to your doctor inform him that you get respiratory sick after your visit ,, he may be able to suggest something over the counter
      My personal remedy for me is . I take Benadryl one a day for three days (but keep in mind some people can't take Benadryl )
      You could always try putting on four layers of'sweat clothes on and sweating it out. that's fun,,,,,,,,,,cheers

    2. A Vet check would probably be just as good. I did NOT get a flu shot because my mom always got very sick from it. The Doc asked if I wanted one, and when I said no, told me he was saying "I told you so" right up front. Not sure if this is a cold or the flu ... no temp, just bad sore throat and now coughing. UGH!!

    3. Ed ... you can always make me laugh! That's good when I'm sick!!

  2. Hang in there and keep yourself toasty. When you start feeling slightly better try walking outside. Not the Mall or the Doctor's office, around your house. Avoid all human contact and the Fresh Air will help you on the road to recovery.

    It's about time.

    1. No doubt I got this at the Doc's office, which is extremely irritating. Next year I'm locking myself in the house for the entire month of December!!

  3. So sorry you're sick. If I lived next door I would make you chicken soup! Get well soon!

    1. Awww thank you June. That warms my heart. I'll feel better eventually .......

  4. Replies
    1. Me TOO!!! I'm hoping my antibodies kick in soon!!!

  5. Sick on Christmas, bummer. I hope you get well soon.

    1. Thank you Garth!! I appreciate your words!! I would say I may just be over the hump, but I don't want to jinx it!!

  6. I'm sorry to hear you feel worse. I hope the better part comes soon.

    1. Me too Linda ... thank you for the kind words. I'm not exactly looking forward to another day on the couch, but it is what it is!!

  7. Thank you Jan ... I'm trying my best.

  8. I think I started read your Blog sometime in 2013. So in December 2014 you took of to Pasadena to work on the rose parade floods. Last December again you headed of to Southern California in December. Both times you were sick! I think I see a pattern here.
    Hope you get well soon.
