Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Bloody Bingo!

 Woohoo ... it got COLD in California.  Here it is springtime and it's 37 degrees out.  If we are real lucky, it will get all the way up to 64 degrees on this day.  I guess it's going to stay that way because I see BRRR on the forecast every day for the next week.  Ohhh for some light and sunshine!!

You know what last night was, so let's get to it!

I had hoped to sleep in, but as normal, that didn't happen.  I was in trouble BIG TIME because Mr. King of the House is out of his normal most tasty treat.  He was having none of the ones available, and I can't blame him.  Have you ever SMELLED those things?  They are NASTY!!  And so time was spent on the internet trying to find the acceptable ones. 

I've discovered lately that Amazon has so many Other Sellers, that you never know where they are coming from or just how old they are!  If it weren't for the $5.00 difference in price, I would definitely buy local.  Instead, I spent an hour cooking up chicken in my instant pot and shredding it.  I tried to be sneaky and stick in a few carrots for good health, but they went the same route as the apple.  Spit out all over the floor.    I guess I'll stick with the stinky treats.

Lunch for me wasn't much better.  I discovered a container of spaghetti sauce way in the back of the freezer.  Trying to stick to a diet that never works, I fixed up a sloppy Joe sandwich.  After all, it was National Sloppy Joe Day.  What a mistake THAT was!  That's a Keto bun by the way ... and both gave me heartburn like a CHAMP!

Two hours later, this was me.  I was OFF TO BINGO!  If you are anywhere around this area driving near 3:30, this is my warning.  We have players who drive that should NOT be driving!  Three can barely walk, even with the buggies they push.  I'm not sure their legs work when it comes to brakes.  We have several concrete blocks in the parking lot that are covered in many colors of car paint.

Then we have one gentleman who had a stroke, followed up by about four more.  He cannot speak, only has one arm that works, and cannot walk ... he barely shuffles his feet.  Oh yes, HE DRIVES.  It scares me to death because I KNOW he can't use that foot and leg for the brakes, and he drives one handed.  That's one reason I go VERY early ... to miss the old folks driving!!

As I walked in, there was a bit of panic when I saw not only was my table not set up, but there wasn't even a table!!  Ooops ... did someone forget me?  I never said a word ... just went upstairs to sign checks and hide.  The peasants would come soon enough.

Yes, they DO dress alike.  The Bingo clothing works the same as all the talisman good luck charms they set up every single week.  It might be nice if they WASHED them occasionally, but I guess that washes away the lucky charm part.  

No kidding ... same shirt, same pants, same nail polish, same jewelry, same hairstyle, same purse, same color dobber, same wig, same shoes ... same EVERYTHING they wore that one time six months ago when they won.

If there was a hamburger sitting in front of them, then there's a hamburger sitting in front of them now, even if they don't eat it.  This is serious business, and ours is not the only one they attend.  There are three more within 30 miles ... and they drive to every one, every single week.  

On this night we weren't too busy ... only 109 folks showed up.  It amazes me that every single week without fail, I collect over $3,000 just in debit card purchases.  I'm sure most of them are EBT cards, which should be used for someone's breakfast and dinner, but we are not allowed to ask.  

Several of those cards were declined on this night.  No kidding, they will say take $2.00 off this card, $5.00 off this one and I'll pay cash for the rest.  The peasants are addicted to gambling.

There was only one dispute on this night.  Maybe it was the purple hair dye?  I'm not talking purple GRAY, I'm talking the brightest most shocking PURPLE you have ever seen.  Someone got a little too close to the lucky metal toy soldier (not kidding) and it fell over.  THE WAR WAS ON!  

The knights separated them and all was well until one came up to buy more cards.  I thought she was dripping blood all over my table!  YIKES!!  Turns out it was her RED dobber that got stepped on during the melee.  She was still using it, even though her hand was completely covered in red dye.  She didn't even notice it.  

It didn't help that we had yet again, the new caller.  The peasants might give him a break or two the first couple times he calls, but on that third night, watch out.  They yelled at him for talking, for being too slow and for CALLING too slow, not to mention ... NO N'S IN THIS GAME.  All of those numbers are free, so if an N number comes up (as in N35), you don't call it.  They are merciless!!

As for me, the night went swimmingly.  The infernal machine was nice to me and I scored two tickets to a fund raiser.  This is one of the bigger things Bingo donates to where we receive an entire table of free tickets for the food and entertainment.  Being a loyal Accountant of the Round Table, I always get to go, in spite of the person involved with this one who said I was not allowed to have tickets.  Are you kidding?  Oh yes, that is the one who has caused all the trouble lately, and those are my tickets.  This one should be fun, yes?

And so the night ended with me leaving WAY before our handicapped friends, happy to be out of the parking lot without any dents in my truck.  I did discover however, that one of the light bulbs I just replaced in the front of the truck has already died.  What the heck?  It was brand new!!

And I still seem to have a propane leak of small proportions in my Van.  My tank now says completely empty, meaning I used up 8 gallons of propane, only using the hot water heater for a total of maybe 2 hours.  Yeah, that doesn't sound good.  I'll see if I can get an appointment to get it looked at again.  

Today is rest up day because tomorrow is our corned beef and cabbage dinner night.  This should be interesting, as we have three new cooks who haven't prepared it before.  I'm taking a candy bar just in case.


  1. Your Bingo night blog is hilarious. I love rhe cartoons.
    Happy Wednesday!

  2. When people in our province have strokes, their Licenses are automatically suspended by law until a doctor says they are safely capable to do so again.
    My Bingo volunteer days were never that crazy. It could be because there was an Off-Duty Officer there to keep the peace every night.
    You should track the hours you put in for the Elks every month, so the next time the complainer opens her mouth, you can shut it with those numbers.
    Stay Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

    1. I'm positive that gentlemen does NOT have a drivers license. I SHOULD track my hours. Good idea!!

  3. I'm back, went over to east coast to see Marcia's brother, did not take my computer. If iRobot is still acting up (not emptying) you might have a sliver of cardboard stuck sideways like I had. Hard to see, but when it tries to empty, it blocks the tube, just to drop out of sight again when it stops trying to empty.

    Bingo, Tornado, Carrots and spoiled onions...yet, I see you have had a good week so far! lol

    1. Clyde is very sensitive I think ... he wants to empty every time there is the littlest bit of fluff in the bin. To be honest, the room was home to many dust bunnies.

  4. My thoughts on the New Bingo Caller : HE is in charge, and he can call them fast or slow. If it were me I would just slow it down and make them wait for the next #.
    Just sayin'

    1. Hahaha Norm .... maybe that's what he is doing!!

  5. You might have brrr in your forecast but we are headed to the upper 90s next week. Not happy. I love reading your bingo blogs. Those people are totally nuts. Like scary nuts. Propane leaks are not good. Hope it's fixed soon.
