Sunday, August 11, 2024

SUCCESS ... Or Maybe NOT

I had a lovely morning sunrise picture for you ... some nice color coming over the horizon due to the cloud cover ... but alas, it has chosen NOT to go flying over the airwaves and arrive at my in-box. 

Sometimes you just have to be patient.  As you well know, that person is not me.  I guess I can be more patient with people than I can with THINGS, which of course includes computers.  However, being the stubborn old gal that I am, I'm tenacious.

After another three hours on the new computer yesterday, I discovered Google is a shark in Nemo clothing.  If you do not accept all their cookies, regardless of what info they collect on you, you cannot OWN your google accounts, causing havoc when it comes to Blogger, which is of course a google product.

While I actually got it to work, now my email seems to have been hacked ... weirdly ... because all the notices that I get from Google are from Dave Burdick.  No kidding ... how did THAT happen?  Even if "I" comment on my blog, an email comes from Dave Burdick.  Who knows what's going on ... and now none of my emails work on the computer OR my phone.  BIG SIGH!!!!!

And so I just snuggled on the couch with Mr. Cooper for awhile, to soothe the savage beast.  Me, not him.

Let's try something different.  Let's get even MORE frustrated by trying to use these new red snappers on my quilting frame.  I imagine you get used to them, but I spent twice as much time on this as I would have if I just pinned it on like normal. 

Not that they are hard to get on, but I simply could not get the bottom edge even CLOSE to even.  There was either way too much fabric showing out the bottom, or none at all, meaning it would not hold.  The fabric really needs to be straight and even when quilting.   I will reserve judgement until I quilt this Halloween fabric and see how it turns out.  That is if I'm not too stressed out about not getting my emails this morning.

At least here is some good news.  The license was due on my truck.  What?  It's $300 cheaper this year?  How did THAT happen?  Am I still in California?  I almost missed the tags taped inside the envelope.  Is this a joke?  Why would you do that?  Thankfully one thing went right ... the tag stuck to the license plate.  It's the little celebrations that count, yes?

And so to keep myself distracted from the screaming in my head, I went to sewing on this quilt.  That's when I discovered I made a mistake on one piece.  Thirty minutes of taking everything apart and putting it back together again and I had ONE example of a square.  Then I found the SECOND mistake.  I'm not fixing it.  Sometimes you just have to let it go, even if little men are stomping on your brain with spiked boots.  NO ONE WILL NOTICE.

I did take a few breaks, taking Mr. Cooper outside to grass in the grass.  The clouds were a nice change of pace and 94 degrees was better than 105.  

I tried to fix the email again ... no luck whatsoever and now my phone won't get mail either.  Maybe it's the AT&T hack thing going on.  I tried to be calm and go about my business.  How did we get so addicted to these things?  

So let's fix dinner ... parmesan chicken and couscous.  I don't know why I picked this.  I don't like their couscous and I don't like roasted broccoli.  Here's the should look like picture.  A nice WHOLE piece of chicken ... burnt broccoli ... and raw couscous.

This was MY version.  That chicken breast above was sliced in half to make TWO pieces.  I mean really, why do you advertise it like the picture, but give me half the amount.  Oh there was lots of broccoli, but I didn't ruin it in the oven .... I nuked it with butter instead.  The couscous ... well it wasn't quite done, so a little crunchy, but it tasted okay thanks to the ton of chicken stock and lemon peel.  

I keep thinking I will quit this delivery stuff again, but gosh darn it's convenient!!  I just have to make better choices, though I will admit, I used to get a BIG piece of chicken or pork, and now I get half that amount.  If you want more, or the "fancy" meals like steak, you have to pay up to $10 MORE for EACH serving.  That's not going to happen ..... so I may have no choice but to stop with the tasty meals.

Back to sewing once again, the hard part of this quilt is done, but not until I took apart another 14 pieces because I sewed it wrong.  You really have to concentrate with this complicated stuff.  Obviously I didn't have enough Pepsi to keep me on my toes.

Today I'll try to finish it up with the inside pieces and the outside borders.  I really like this pattern and the colors, but I have no idea what pattern I might use to quilt it.  Hummingbirds or snowflakes just doesn't seem appropriate!

And so ended another day that went by as fast as lightning.  One last thing ... I called the computer guy last night at 8:00.  Yup he's as crazy as I am ... he works from 9:00 in the morning to 9:00 at night.  He said to bring that old battery-expanded computer in and he would take a look.  On the other hand, I might just open it up and pour in a bottle of bleach!!!


  1. Marcia says WE have to stop meeting like this! Emails from me...that is too funny. Looks like we are due for some cooler weather...about time!

    1. Yup messages from Dave Burdick ... I'll show you today. It's crazy, but somehow your name is now attached to this blog.

  2. Your meal looks delish!
    Happy Sunday!!

    1. It was a very nice day Frances. I hope you are having the same weather ... finally a bit cooler.

  3. I love the cute positions that dogs get in to.

  4. Please don't put Bleach on that Battery unless it's outside and downwind from you. Very Deadly.
    Stay Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  5. I am here and I have read the post not once, not twice but four times and still nothing in the way of comment comes mind, it is going to be one of those days

  6. Mr. Ed👉. You got the reflection back how cute

  7. 🙉 🙈 🙊. 🔫🐒

  8. I like Dave's comment - about the emails! Crazy computer stuff.
    Love little Cooper's position, very familiar. ♥
    Um, I can see the mistake.......are you going to fix it? hahaha, JUST KIDDING! It looks great.

    1. You made me laugh!!! No, I'm not fixing it!! LOL

  9. Nancy, you make me laugh, smile reading your posts. Dee
