Tuesday, October 24, 2023


It looks like a fabulous morning to chop down some trees, yes?  Let's play LUMBERJACK!!   But first, we have that trip to California DMV to register my truck and trailer.  

I was NOT looking forward to this.  It's always such a hassle to get anything done, not to mention costly.  I left early, but it wasn't early enough.  It was foggy in the foothills and traffic was pretty slow.  If you've lived here for any length of time, you know it's nowhere NEAR as foggy as it used to be.  I would have taken more pictures, but as you can see, this road is pretty narrow.  

Why would I drive all the way up to Mariposa?  Because the Merced office is full of cranky, unhelpful people who are rude to the moon and back.  It's well worth the pretty drive.

I arrived with an appointment time.  Come to find out, that is California's newest way to stick it to you.  Just because you have an appointment, does NOT mean you will be seen then.  That only gets you in the door with a number at that time.  You still have to wait for everyone in the room to be served BEFORE you.

I got a not-so-helpful lady who gave me two long forms to fill out.  It asked things like what date in 2005 did I buy my truck.  I only remembered the year because it was on my registration!!  FINALLY I got called to a window with a nice young knowledgeable man.  By the way, there are only TWO people in this office.  I filled out the paperwork wrong of course, but he fixed it for me.  NICE!!  

The truck went through pretty well.  No shocker there ... the fees when registered here in 2017 were $400. Now they are $600 because it's a pickup, making it automatically a commercial vehicle.  That's crazy!

Next up the trailer, which was much more problematic.  It has a lender.  I put down the mailing address for my payment, but the paperwork had a different name and address.  The nice kid filled out another form for me.  The good news is THAT registration fee was $200 cheaper than Arizona.  WOW!!

The bad news (there is always bad news) is I now have to get the truck smogged and BOTH verified by the California Highway Patrol.  They said just call and they would come to my house. Yeah right!!!!  I doubt THAT is going to happen.  And so 90 minutes later (yup it took that long) I was out the door and racing down the hill.

It's TIMBER TIME!!  I have four of these sycamore trees on my property that I and everyone else, dislike immensely.  They grow all wonky, have a million leaves they drop everywhere and suck up water like a sponge.  

Now you see them .....

Now you don't!  

I have to say this Cen Cal Tree Service is the best group of guys I've ever worked with.  They are amazingly fast, never take breaks, and they clean up slick as a whistle.

He climbs the tree with a small chainsaw hanging off his waist.  I need that chainsaw!!  As he drops branches the two guys on the bottom slide them into the noisiest machine on the planet.  

He's all the way to the top now, his climbing boots stuck into the smallest of branches.  

Once all the limbs are off, he starts back down taking off two foot sections.

They take it right down to the ground before beginning the grind.

It's just hard to believe that machine can eat up these big stumps like they are a two inch twig.  Everything goes into the grinder and winds up sawdust in the back of the truck.

Next up ... grind out the stumps.  These guys went above and beyond.  The tree roots are huge and spread out almost on top of the ground for ten or twenty feet.  We thought they might have broken a sprinkler, but dug around it by hand and pulled out every root they could find.  

To top it off, I didn't ask Robert to take out the second tree until they were half done with the first.  He said no problem, and even let me tell HIM what I would pay, because as you know, I'm the cheap accountant type.  I have two more of these horrible trees on the property, but they do add a little bit to the ambience of the house.  He's going to come back and trim them up pretty next month!  

It was a long day .... I'm going to go rest up now!!!  BECAUSE IT'S BINGO TIME!!!!


  1. You had a busy day and took care of a lot of business!
    Very productive !

    1. I didn't schedule that very well. I was pretty tired by the end of the day!

  2. Interesting to see them take down those trees. Sounds like you found a great service to do it. Save their number!

    1. They are on speed dial. I've used them for several years now and they are THE BEST!!

  3. Busy woman! Lots done and the missing tree area looks great!
    Job well done.

    1. My gardeners were pretty happy to see they didn't have to pick up all the leaves!!

  4. You go girl!
    You got lots done!

    1. I was kicking butt ... so today I get to play couch potatoe!

  5. Looks so much better! Dee

    1. I totally agree. Those trees are not pretty. They never really green up because they require so much water

  6. We go to the DMV office in Davis. I've dealt with older employees and young employees. The young employees have been so helpful and a joy to work with. If it wasn't for a young woman I might not have my driver's license anymore. These young people give me hope. And yes...an appointment time only allows you to get a number faster than no appointment.

    1. Isn't that crazy? An appointment used to mean a real appointment with a person at the time selected. Not any more ... that was giving all the smart people preferential treatment. That's being racist. Just ridiculous!!!

  7. The young family that bought the home my parents use to live in on Sandy and Arny's cul-de-sac had some trees trimmed and a couple removed due to upcoming addition he is adding to the house...and YES, that tree grinding machine was obnoxiously LOUD! Arny asked them to trim his cherry tree in the backyard. They finished that job in 30 minutes, and you could not tell they had been there except for the tree looking like it had a crew cut.

    1. I asked these guys about trimming one up. No buzz cuts allowed. He said they will thin it out a bit, trim the top and shape it up, which it needs because it's beginning to touch the house!

  8. Fascinating to watch. It’s nice to hear there are still people who take pride in their work.
    It sounds like some of the DMV folks need lessons in good customer relations, maybe the tree guys could give a few pointers!


    1. Exactly right. Those guys are hard workers and do their job really well. That's hard to find nowadays. Our DMV has been awful since the day it opened.

  9. Yay! Now you are licensed. Is that fee yearly? If you said, sorry, i missed it.
    This guys did a great job, right men for the job!
