Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Never A Dull Moment!

Gosh these cool mornings are lovely.  I've been outside by 4:30 listening to the sound of crickets, one train, barking dogs and yowling cats.  Throw in a peacock or two and it's a symphony!  Music to my ears!

It was Bingo night yesterday, so I tried to catch a Z or two.  It seems to stem the tide of yawns that come crashing in around 8:00 pm.  Mostly I sewed and played tug of war with Cooper, his second favorite game, before wandering on off to Bingo.  

It's hot and I truly need something other than Levis to wear.  I've tried ordering on Amazon, but nothing seems to fit, requiring a $5.00 gas trip to the "return" store.  Even on our entire trip through Canada and Alaska, I never paid any attention to what I paid for fuel.  Now it's "how much will it cost to drive there"?  We are even carpooling to Bingo!!!

Here's my latest find from the fireworks sales booth.  The very nice Committee Chairman came up and asked if he could get us anything.  I said a margarita ... just kidding of course.  In fifteen minutes, he came back with a cup for each of us girls.  

It was delicious ... cooling ... and something like 6% alcohol (I couldn't even taste the alcohol).  WHAT IS THIS?  Cayman Jack he said ... get it at Food For Less.  So on the way home, I stopped in.  After walking around the entire store, I found the one last six pack.  You can't taste anything but cool lime ... perfect for me!!!  Guess I'll be shopping Food For Less more often!

On to Bingo!!  There's never a dull moment here!  A man came out of the bathroom yelling at us to come quick.  This time it was not a peasant, but one of our Knights.  He had apparently passed out.  They brought him outside where he said he just wanted to lay down on the stairs ... slurring his speech.  CALL 911 NOW!!

I'm thinking stroke or low blood sugar.  The kid in the white shirt is a nurse and he called while talking to Kevin.  In no time Kevin woke back up and was talking as the Fire truck arrived, followed by the ambulance, which brought a big rush of peasants through the door.  I'm not supposed to leave my cash box, but I went over and chased them all out.  Why do people want to be two feet away ... give the guy some air!!!

I talked to the four Firemen for some time ... they never knew about Bingo or how to play ... before they left.  I told them to come back anytime ... handsome Firemen are ALWAYS welcome!!!

In a few minutes Kevin seemed almost back to normal, but they took him to the hospital anyway.  That's even scarier!!  Our hospital isn't known for keeping people alive!!!  No kidding ... it's terrible.

With all the excitement over, we went back to Bingo.  One nice lady played the wrong sheet.  I'm not sure how you can mix up one that is 15" square with the one we were playing at only 6", but hey, I've had the same lapse in brain power.  I gave her another sheet for when that game was actually played.  Lucky for me only one piggy bank was broken this night, which resulted in 50 pennies, 4 dimes and 2 nickels to pay for one game.  I hate counting change!!!

I bypassed the normal indigestion by eating a nice treat from one of the ladies I know.  Homemade salsa with home grown tomatoes and the best chips I've ever had in my life.  No kidding ... as soon as I find a bag, I'll post it.  Thin, not greasy, not too much salt ... and they came from Food For Less.  I guess I've found a new store for groceries!!

And so the night ended with a BANG!!  Leftover fireworks were being set off right and left in my neighborhood.  I'll probably never see the kitties in the back yard again!!


  1. Mr Ed. If you got a package from Amazon you could drop it off at any Amazon locker box close to you or Amazon/UPS can pick it up . No need to travel any distance
    Also if you initiate it online its usually a good chance that they’ll say keep it and refund your money anyways They really don’t want the return / expense

    1. The nearest place to return things is 6 miles away. Next time I'll see if they will pick it up.

  2. Hope everything is ok with Kevin, that sounds pretty scary?

    1. It was pretty scary when he passed out the second time.

  3. Happily, very few fireworks were heard Tuesday night! Indy handled them just fine. (So tell me, how many fellow Elks Members at BINGO did you show 'the flock of one of these' to????)

    1. Hahahaha none this time. It's funny how they all got within three feet of him just to stand there and watch.

  4. Well that was way too much excitement. Hope Kevin follows thru to find out why he fainted. We have a Food 4 Less close to us. Sondra has gone there a few times and she liked it. I'll have to venture

    1. It's not exactly my favorite store. Most everything they carry is huge cans of stuff. I have to admit though, they have more vegetables than anyone else and they were cheaper.

  5. Ah Poor Kevin, hopefully it's nothing serious! I bet that Cayman Jack over ice in pretty glass would be yummy! :) Salsa and chips with a margarita sounds delicious!

    1. I can tell you they go together right nicely!!! LOL

  6. Ooh Cayman Jack margaritas, much have to look for them in our liquor store.
    Glad to hear Kevin is OK. Getting a 2nd opinion is never a bad idea.
