Thursday, February 15, 2018

Rain And More Rain!!

It doesn't rain in the desert very often ... hence the desert I suppose ... but when it does, it POURS!!  The entire state has been getting wet since about noon yesterday and it hasn't stopped for a break.  I'm loving it!

There's nothing like the smell of wet mesquite.  That hales from my youngest days in the high desert of California on the original ranch, now buried under water by Lake Isabella.  The clouds here are black and ominous dumping a steady amount of water all night long and it's still going strong!
A nice steady flow just might wash my motorhome enough to be presentable.  On the other hand, I'm keeping a watchful eye on the far side which tends to wash out with excessive amounts of water.  I'm keeping the tractor on standby with a steady supply of peanut butter cookies.

The gardeners showed up and did a GREAT job!  It's part of a school program to teach kids responsibility, that all adults aren't mean like their parents and what it's like to accomplish something.  That's pretty cool in my book.  Unfortunately I was too busy to get photos when it was light outside.  

Although they don't normally take out big plants with big root systems, Jim decided to let his two biggest kids give it a shot doing something they really had to work at.  And work they did, chopping with pick and ax for almost 90 minutes.  Finally, using a come-along, they got it out.  I was pretty happy and so were they!  They accepted generous amounts of praise with shy smiles.  I'll be calling them again, that's for sure.
Then it was jump in the car and pick up Miss Patty for a birthday jaunt to Quilters Market in Tucson. Your discount on that day is half of your birthday.  That's a tidy little sum when purchasing fabric.  Unfortunately, they didn't have anything Patty wanted, so I picked up these fabrics for a song.

As reader Linda Sand said, wasn't I suppose to use up some of my stash before buying any more?  Shhhhhh Linda ... don't tell!!  When you get a discount, it's ALWAYS good to buy!!  After all, some day they may quit making fabric!  Ha!
We got home just in time to turn around and head to son Mark's house where he and wife Shandra (I'm sure I probably spelled that wrong) along with granddaughter Laila, prepared the most fabulous dinner.  

Perfectly cooked tri-tip and LOBSTER (and it was the best tasting lobster EVER) along with twice baked potatoes that I could have eaten three of.  I think I'll try to talk Patty into having more than one birthday a year.  I got home just in time to fall into bed and crash.

SO ... this morning the thrift store truck is supposed to be back to pick up my donation items.  The second that's done, I'm headed to the grocery store to find more of that lobster ... on sale (or at least it was) for $5 each.  The rest of the day I'm spending on the patio watching the rain!!


  1. We asked one of the Papago staff yesterday what the smell was at the Mission when it was raining and she said it was Greasewood. Interesting.
    Love the material you purchased. The colours are so brilliant!
    Lobster, hmm, I have never bought or prepared it but that whole meal sounds delicious. Happy Birthday, Miss Patty!

    1. Isn't it an interesting smell? You are right, it's more from the greasewood. Yes that lobster was yummy and on SALE!!

  2. Sounds like a fun day and sure can't beat a discount like that!
    Nothing like a lobster meal, we bought 2 large tails the other day on sale, in the freezer for a tasty meal soon, gonna be a real treat.

    1. Good for you. I never would have thought about buying lobster, thinking it was too expensive. On sale it's fairly reasonable.

  3. Sounds like you had a fun day celebrating Patty's birthday.
    You don't own the material, it owns you.
    We've just got enough rain to keep the dust down.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

    1. You've got that right about material! It definitely owns me!!

  4. Okay, I have just finished reading this post and I can still smell those Peanut Butter Cookies...:) from your previous post.
    The rain was certainly wonderful but I am also glad to see the sun today.
    Is there really such a thing as to much
    I used to have some note paper that said, "She who dies with the most material wins." Since, we have downsized I am out of the running...:( Good Luck, and many more years of collecting!

    1. We are still under cloud cover with sprinkles this morning. No sun for us I think. I do have quite the stash of material, but I will never WIN. I'm too cheap!! LOL

  5. OK. Zipping my lips now.

    1. You're funny Linda!! You were RIGHT!! However, a 36% discount trumps my accountant brain ... at least THIS time!

    Hi, I recently found out that my ex-girlfriend who used to love me was put under a love spell by an old married man. They considered themselves as bf/gf. It really broke me. I was really worried about her as to what could happen to her. I still loved her. We were in a ldr and I couldn't see her… We still communicated from time to time but she made sure she doesn’t get found out by the man. It got frustrating as how she cannot see past the spell! I really wanted her back and also to be safe first and foremost and be away from that man. I also met Dr. Akim online and he helped me break the blackmagic on her and in 40 hours she called me and begged me to take her back. Akim's email is i will be much appreciated if you contact him for marriage and relationship problems cos i promised to talk about him all over the internet :)
