Thursday, August 15, 2024

The Surgery Went Well

 Oh what a day!!!  It was COOL ... or at least COOLER!  I struggled with the new computer and internet connections for an hour before giving up.  The new one will connect to the Verizon MiFi, but NOT to the iPhone hotspot.  It says not compatible.  Are you kidding?  Frustration groweth!  That's a word, I'm sure of it!!

What better way to start out than to go to the Dentist.  I have a thing about dentists, so I stay far far away as much as possible.  Luckily I have good teeth and a good friend who is (was) a dental technician.  Now retired, she forces me to go, even if I'm kicking and screaming.  It's only a cleaning.  You'll survive!

I was exhausted from a late Bingo night and no sleep, so the second I got back and hit the couch, I was asleep.  I woke up to SOMEOME licking my nose.  Mr. Cooper wanted out.

Since I was up, I decided to commence the surgery I had in mind.  For those that recommended getting a new battery, this thing is twelve years old.  It's toast ... meaning even if I got a new battery, which I'm sure can't be had, everything is so outdated that it won't connect to the internet.  

EVERYTHING requires an internet connection nowadays.  And a good one to boot.  There's so much security required with my computer (which is a good thing), that it will not connect to my banking accounts unless it is completely up to date.    

The big problem is getting the hard drive out, which contains all the important data.  I grabbed my screwdriver (the surgical one) and put on my scrubs.  It was really hard to get those teeny tiny screws out.  I lost two completely, which I later found on the floor when I stepped on them.

The battery was so expanded that the last screw would not come out.  I had to pop the bottom plate off.  So here it is ... an amazing array of tiny dots and connections.  That's the hard drive, top right according to Google ... who by the way, explained to me how to extract it.

I was pretty leery of the battery exploding when the pressure was released, I mean what do I know ..... so I took it outside on a box destined for the dump.  Looking down the side, you can see the black battery is distorted.

Kind of like pulling a tooth, I unscrewed the frame piece, grabbed it with pliers and pulled.  One more connection and it was out.  No fuss, no muss.  By the way, Apple no longer uses Toshiba hard drives since they are not compatible.  Uh huh ...............

More teeny tiny dots ... this is the back side. 

And so .... feeling oh so accomplished .... now I have to take it to the dump.  There is a special place for electronics to go, a spot that I'm sure will cost me an arm and a leg .. like a cemetery for computers.  

When dinner time rolled around, I tried my same surgical skills on dinner.  It didn't go so well.  That is a chicken breast (hardly recognizable) in a watery apricot jam sauce that tasted terrible.  How can Chefs make such good sauces out of practically nothing, while I use primo ingredients that end up having no flavor?  All I can say is the salad was tasty!!

On my list today ..... head down to Lowes and buy the wood required for the doggie ramp.  I'll let you know how that goes.  

In the meantime, I'll be on the phone with Apple Care to find out WHY oh WHY my computer will not recognize my iPhone hotspot.  I'm thinking most of my computer problems are from not having a good internet service.  I guess we shall see!!


  1. Welcome to the walled garden that is Apple. Lots of luck there. My Dell pc and Verizon internet work great together. No setup problems, no compatibility problems, great service.
    But, you can always say that you are an Apple user and feel a little bit superior to the rest of us, even in you are on the computer struggle bus most of the time.

    1. Nope not superior ... just a photographer. Macs are more suited to photoshop. I got hooked on them many years ago. If they would just quit making such crazy innovations in computer land, it might be better!!

  2. Mr. Ed 👉. Not now but … you could’ve picked that battery up off eBay for shot. Money. Most computer repair stores . Replace them all the time . (For 45$ that Toshiba Drive is still available today. ) Now to retrieve data off of your older disk. You don’t need the Internet you need an external hard drive (new) now that you have the internal hard drive out u could send it to this company. they’re actually 30 miles away from me they could recover what’s on the old drive. simple. That hard drive has not changed its configuration in a good 30 years all they do is transfer what is on the internal to a new external Drive (done)
    There are two computer companies in your neighborhood that probably could do that as well.
    now my non🤡professional opinion. do you know that there is / was a point of the before 🪓frustration process where you were better off putting everything in a ⚰️box and taking it to a professional👨🏻‍🎓👨🏻‍💻🥷

    1. But why pay a professional computer guy to do the same thing I did? Again I say, that computer does not have the safety features (nor can it ever) to be allowed to use the banking apps of today. It would not connect and it's too old to be updated. It's like trying to ride a dinosaur on today's highways. No bueno!

  3. I certainly understand your computer frustration!
    I know you will get it figured out.
    Happy Thursday!

    1. And I DID Frances ... I got it figured out. Surprisingly! LOL

  4. Your county might have a free pickup day(s) where you can set the old computer out on the curb. Here in Citrus Heights they do it 3 or 4 times per year...pick up batteries, used oil, large appliances, etc

    1. Ahhhh ... good idea Dave. I think they do that once a year around here.

  5. With all those weird things going on with your new computer, maybe reset to factory settings and start over. I took mine to the Apple store and had them transfer everything free of charge, although some of the old apps don't work any longer on this new one.

    1. That was my plan, and in fact I had an appointment to do that. But the store is very far away, and they wanted me to leave it for several days. And so ... the I Can Do It bug bit me!

  6. I wish we could just toss an old dead computer in the bin after removing the hardrive but no can't do that have to pay money and take the time to drive 40 minutes to dispose of them, so annoying and also why I have 4 dead laptops laying around my house.

    1. My problem too Joanne .... I have to dispose of the battery elsewhere.

  7. I really need to get something done with all the laptops laying around my place. A couple of them were Jim's and I'd love to get the stuff off of them. May have to look into that when I get back. I keep looking at the temps in Apache Junction and ask myself, do I really want to go back yet?

    1. It's still pretty hot down there Sandy. I bet you are enjoying the cool of Montana and Idaho!!! If you buy an external hard drive, like a Lacie, you can transfer everything to it, then use your present computer to browse the contents, keeping only what you want. It's time consuming!!

  8. Hi Nancy;you have to tell your phone you have a new computer,lol.On the phone go to your name,I cloud then scroll down to the list of of recognized devices like your old computer--delete it & add your new one.Apple Support will of course walk you through it if any problem[s].All the best.

  9. Ha!! I just did that! Yup called Apple Support. Thank you!!!
