Sunday, August 25, 2024


 You know how some days you should just stay in bed?  This was that day.  It turned into something I don't ever want to repeat again.

So here I was ... repairing sprinklers yet again.  I dug out the one that wasn't working, pulled the sprinkler and watched water come out of the pipe.  No dirt, no plug.  I took the sprinkler completely apart to be sure there was nothing inside.  I kept having to run back and forth to this spot to turn the water on at the valve.  

After three tries ....... nothing.  I replaced the little top piece and NOTHING yet again.  Good grief ... this is crazy.  After scrounging around in the garage for quite some time, I finally laid my hands on one lone sprinkler replacement.  I installed it and headed for the valves once again.

AT LAST .... it works!!!  One down, two to go!!  After a celebratory drink of Arizona tea, I went back outside to replace the black cover over the valves.  I bought those tubs to keep the sun off the valves so I wouldn't have to replace them twice a year.

Here's that picture again.  Notice how close the bird house is to the valves behind the weird iron Christmas tree.

Oops ... I hit my head on the birdhouse.  I steadied it with one hand as I reached for the cover, and out of the corner of my eye .... I saw it.  Yessiree ... a big nasty wasp.

I ducked and my brain said ....... RUN!!!  I ran like the wind, or at least as fast as I could, almost falling over the concrete mower edge.  TOO LATE!  I could hear him yelling back to his buddies ....... NAILED HER!!

It felt like knives stabbing me in my arm.  After that last incident in Arizona, I knew I was allergic, so I ran straight for the Benadryl.  I grabbed an ice pack out of the fridge and sat down to try and remain calm.  No such luck.  In 30 minutes it looked like this.  The Benadryl isn't working one little bit.

KARMA comes in a big can.  I went back outside and sprayed the heck out of that bird house.  This stuff isn't very strong because even after two big blasts, they kept coming out and flying away, not dying.  I kept spraying.  

Those wasps now have an indoor swimming pool in their little house.  As they flew out, I noticed they were heading to the eave of MY house where once before I found a nest.  I sprayed that until the can was empty.

Back on the couch and an hour later, I was getting concerned.  There was a baseball sized lump on the back of my arm.  It got worse and worse until it was as big as a softball.  Good grief!!  The pain and ache was extraordinarily bad.  Oh BUCK UP Nancy ... it's just a little wasp sting.

It ached so badly I couldn't do anything, so I sat on the couch for the rest of the day.  No kidding ... the redness now surrounds my arm and it's on fire!!  The twinges and feeling of stabbing knives continued for two hours before finally subsiding.

Luckily I had leftover taco material from the last food box, or I would not have eaten at all.  

There would be little to no sleeping all night long, in spite of another Benadryl, topped off with aspirin.  The ache and pain in my elbow is terrible and I can barely bend my arm this morning, it's so swollen.  The itching has only gotten worse, even after a dose of Benadryl cream.  

And so I expect there won't be much going on today other than holding the couch down.  The little birdhouse will be going in the garbage can.  I can't take the chance of getting stung again.  I'm breathing just fine ... so I think I'm ahead of the game.  Here's hoping it doesn't get any worse!!  


  1. Hope your arm is better by the end of the day :(
    All this because of a sprinkler repair. Maybe fake grass is in your future! (Astro Turf) :)

    1. I wish I could put in fake grass. Unfortunately, the size of the yard makes it unaffordable.

  2. OMG that looks terrible and so painful.
    Becareful kiddo!

    1. Surprisingly, its not that painful ... but itches like crazy.

  3. Mr. Ed said nothing worse than a bee sting, but even where is a hornet sting. Whenever you get stung like that very very carefully run your hand lightly over the Sting area and make sure that, the Barb is not still in there sometimes it is, and that seems to make it worse I have a sure fire way of making it better 🫗🫗🫗three shots of tequila

    1. No barbs left that I could feel. I don't even think tequila should help this one! LOL

  4. Hello Nancy-
    I start my day reading about your adventures. (for many years)
    Read your stories to my 104 year old Mom every day. She so enjoyed your enthusiasm for the days.
    Here in the Chicago area we are experiencing Cicada Mites.
    Yes, they are a thing and they sent me to the doctor for help. The Itching is excruciating!
    I can appriiciate your bee sting pain & concern.

    Lawn watering is not my thing. Expensive Lake Michigan water. My grass turns a nice, crunchy tan color and goes to sleep, then revives back to lush emerald green for fall.

    Your van looks so cool! Have owned custom vans my whole life.
    Belonged to a 'Van-Club' in the seventies.
    -Just Truck'in Ltd-
    Our motto was:
    If you ain't a vanner, you ain't s**t!

    Come to Chicago/'burbs for a visit. I'll show you around.
    Architectural boat tour of the city, the Chicago Magic Lounge, Andy's Jazz Club, the fantastic Elks Club World Headquarters etc...
    Best Regards
    -Chicago Robert

    1. Robert ... thank you for the kind words. I think of you often! You told us how to get around when we were in your area on the 4th of July when we were there!! I just might have to try the tan grass. You showed pictures of the Elks Headquarters too ... amazing. If I tell my crew that's where I'm going, maybe they will give me a month's vacation from Bingo!!!

  5. Of course, we would NEVER go to see a doctor over a STING! Nancy Nancy Nancy, so much like me on stuff like that... Back when I was a young or eight years old, my brother stepped on a log while about ten of us, me being the youngest, were hiking in Santa Cruz area...a bee hive was inside. I had over a dozen stings, the guy who grabbed me and ran us down to the camp ground had over 20 brother had ONE! They put some baking soda mixture on my stings and all was well.

    1. That's it ... baking soda! Well it didn't work THIS time! I don't think I would have survived more than ONE sting!

  6. Kathy got stung by Wasps about a Dozen times while pulling weeds one day. Over her objections I brought her to the Emergency Room, where they pulled Six Barbs, then put her on a Benadryl IV. It was Three Hours before they released her.
    Be Safe and have it checked.

    It's about time.

    1. Yikes!! This is only one sting ... I'll live I'm sure, but OUCH!

  7. No, no, no, we don't like hearing something like this that would be bloody painful

  8. If it doesn't ease up by morning, you need something stronger than Benadryl. I would also use up the whole can of spray, just to show them who's boss!!

    1. Ummm yes, the entire can was sprayed inside and out. The only thing I worry about Benadryl is that it puts me to sleep instantly. I might not wake up! LOL

  9. I had read somewhere that you need to place a cut raw onion on the sting site right away and that will take the pain and swelling away. I saw that work one time on another person. For what it's worth. Vern, not in the medical field.

    1. If I had an onion Vern, I would have been all over it!! Since it's that time of year, I think I go buy a few, just in case.

  10. Yikes, I hate wasps! What purpose do they serve in this world? Bees I have no problem, they do not want to sting you as it usually means the end of their life. But wasps sting you just for the fun of it!
