Thursday, August 8, 2024

My New Hay Barn

 Let the celebrating begin!!!  The crew arrived at 6:00 on the dot.  I was so groggy from a late night at Bingo, it took me a couple minutes to remember I had to open the gate.  Lucky for them, it was a lovely 70 degrees.  

The first thirty minutes involved checking the regulations once again and measuring everything.  YAHOO!!  I get to put it where I wanted ... right next to the horse barn.  And so the construction began.

When the sides went up, the questions in my head began.  Hmmmm that looks much taller than we talked about.  

They surrounded the entire thing with heavy string and began to level every section.  The concrete slants towards this side a bit, but they were able to get it perfectly square.  Doesn't that look tall?  I think that looks tall.

Most of the sun and rain comes from this side, so both panels were set here.  I wish I had one of those ladders!  Doesn't it look tall?????

Yup it's pretty tall.  The van is 10 feet and it sure looks like it's got four feet above that.  I think someone may have made a mistake.  Oh well ... far be it from me to question them.  It's done and I'm a happy camper.  I'm pretty sure I can put a retriever load of hay in there, no problem.  I might have to get something to hang over the front a bit, but most of the day it was completely shady.  WOOHOO!!!

I hooked up a 20' 30 amp extension cord and had plenty to spare.  It's weird ... I have no idea WHERE that extension cord came from.  I have a 50 amp cord from the old Class A, but NO idea how this one appeared.  No problem ... it's perfect!!

So here's my first question.  Do I now turn the solar system off?  Or do I leave it on all the time anyway.

Next up .... dash cams.  Anybody have one????


  1. It looks great and it will certainly protect your camper.

    1. That what I needed ... save the roof!!

  2. Mr. Ed 👉Portico It looks nice. It does look a tad high though. But that can be corrected. If you decide. as for solar don’t touch it you will get a minuscule of power even while it’s under the canopy that’ll keep the batteries charged up .. as for the dash cam my suggestion is look on the backside of the mirror. You may have one already built in if so, it’ll be about the size of a dime with a lens check first if it’s not there suggestion would be to go to a local audio installer because you have a LED rear view mirror they can set you up with one that has a dash cam built-in. ( I am not suggesting this one just to give you an idea to show ) also, there’s a lot of talk on Google about the sprinter van 360 cam it even has a phone app .. The unit that I have in my car/truck has a forward and back feature. The only disadvantage on mine is the suction cup style about every three weeks. It falls off and it takes up a dedicated 12v cigarette lighter. With a cord hanging down not the best way.

    1. I'll check on that. I haven't read anything about a camera except the backup one.

  3. With it being that tall, you can now clean solar panels, inspect roof, without pulling it out of its cave.

    1. Access was sort of my plan, but this ... this is REALLY tall! LOL

  4. Looks great! I have a cover similar for my MH and it also is tall enough for me to get on the roof without pulling it out.

    1. Thanks Doug ... I found out I need to check the roof more often. I had bolts coming out on the fifth wheel!!

  5. Yeah it does look good, when my parents had their motorhome dad raised the roof of the carport as well as he length of in order to have the motorhome undercover

    1. This one probably could be a tad bit longer, but I needed to keep access to the corrals.

    2. Joanne, for some reason I cannot comment on your blog any more. I'm trying to figure it out.

  6. Replies
    1. I'm guessing my old fifth wheel would have fit! Hard to believe, but the van is 10' tall.

  7. For dash cam information check Ray at " Love your RV". He has done blogs on several of them. Vern

    1. Thank you Vern ... I will do that!!!

  8. Isn't it amazing how quickly those things go up? When we bought our steel building, they had that thing up and were gone is about 8 hours.

    1. They know their business I guess. I was surprised they were so fast ... and accurate!
