Monday, July 15, 2024

Prison Food??

 What a lovely day just outside of Salt Lake City.  It finally got all the way down to 91 yesterday, but the breezes flowing through my rig right now are in the 70's.  I can handle that.  I'm learning more and more about STUFF, finally finding that the overhead fan actually does have a speed control, unlike my 5th wheel.  Nice and quiet too!

Here's Mr. Cooper's play yard, although his bad sight causes me to keep him on a leash when up top.  If he fell off that wall, he'd be a goner.


So .... here's the most exciting news of the day.  I FIXED IT!!  Can you believe it?  I figured out what was wrong with the door locks AND the bed.  It's crazy, but here it is.  

I got really mad at this thing because nothing seemed to be working.  I went outside and slammed that door like I was slamming a gate on a renegade bull!!  ALL the doors locked.   Wait, WHAT?  Ray had noticed that the side of the door didn't look quite right.  I took a look ... and sure enough, it was closed just a tiny bit MORE.

I opened the door and slammed it as HARD as I could a couple more times.  I think I woke up the entire neighborhood, but it worked again.  So that was the ONLY problem with THAT!  I just wasn't slamming it hard enough to close completely.  How embarrassing!!  In my defense, the door weighs a ton!

Since the doors now locked, I went for the couch/bed.  IT WORKED!!  How weird is that.  The entire rig's performance is based on slamming that door as hard as you possibly can.  I'm going to be doing a little weight lifting to help out with that.  Everything now works perfectly!!  I'm SO relieved, but feel pretty dumb at the same time!!

Here I am actually watching TV too.  I figured out the antenna stuff and found at least SOMETHING to watch.  Unfortunately it isn't my Cowboy TV or rodeos, but I'll live.  I'm still looking into Starlink.

Here's the three Musketeers ... Ray, Cindy and Sandy.  Wonderful folks I'm honored to know.  Sandy writes a blog when she travels, but right now is headed to Idaho to see family.  

This is the main reason for this trip.  Cindy makes amazing quilts and Ray quilts them on his big machine.  This is my big fabulous Wing and a Prayer quilt that I finished last year.  It's so big, it will not fit on my machine.  

Ray graciously offered to help me quilt it.  Actually, I think they thought "I" would quilt it, but I knew his machine was too complicated for me.  Especially when my brain is already on overload because of the new rig.  He showed me some tricks I can use later on mine.   Here we are loading it on the machine.

It's basted on and ready to go.  Time to pick patterns.  There are a million of them.  Thanks to Cindy's quilt sense, we not only picked awesome patterns, but the perfect color of thread.  She makes me want to get sewing and quilting more often!

Though I thought we would just do an edge to edge pattern ... they talked me into fanciness.  This is going to be a masterpiece!!  Maybe I'll even be motivated to do this on MY machine.  It can do about HALF the stuff this one does, or maybe more.  Those $1,000 lessons to find out (in Salt Lake City by the way) are a little pricey.  Maybe one day.

What about the Prison Food you ask?  Well here it is ... and we got the biggest laugh out of it when I teased Cindy ... I'm going to put on the blog that you fed me Prison Food!!  There is a grocery outlet here ... a big one.  They go quite often to pick up food, making sure the pull dates have not expired.  

Big stores that have food to sell to prisons and hospitals, must get rid of the unsold product somewhere.  That means you can buy really big boxes of great stuff for just a few bucks.  Turns out this was a huge box of lemon chicken soup with "Incarceration" on the side of the box.  Prison food.  

WOW!  They eat GOOD in prison.  This stuff was amazing!!!  Not only that, but here's Cindy's tip for conserving water in your rig.  Before you go anywhere, you put food in FREEZER bags and freeze it.  When ready for dinner, don't dump it into a pan ... just fill a pot with water and set the bag in.  It will heat, you will eat ... and you don't have to wash any pans!  Use the cooled down water for washing or flushing the toilet.  No fuss, no mess.  

It was a long day, but my stress level decreased by 2,000 pounds.  What a relief to know my rig is just fine .... it was ME all the time, just not being forceful enough to close the door all the way.  Watch out campground neighbors .... you are going to hear some loud slams!!

At 8:30 Ray and I took cutie pie Penny and Mr. Cooper out for an evening walk.  It was still pretty warm, so we didn't go far.  They watered every lawn we passed by.

I'll be back to quilting today, hopefully sucking up more knowledge about Ray's machine and how to do more fabulous quilting.  I can't wait!!


  1. I'm so glad you got your rig problem fixed. I knew you would figure it out.
    You go girl!

  2. So glad you figured out the door and the quilt is beautiful.
    Enjoy your friends !

  3. I have the same thing with my slider...I go to start the van it says a door is open, and there is a small little light along the side of the picture of the van. I really have to slam that door shut for it to work.

  4. Mr. Ed said now I’m going to tell you a little trick. Think of your van as a big airtight container the next time you walk by your van, ๐Ÿ‘‰ open ANY window all the way down, or open the passenger side door ๐Ÿ‘‰and then close the side door… see if that helps…. it removes the vacuum. (High dollar cars have that issue)
    When you get back home have pleasure way reposition the door closures to a more favorable position a 16th of an inch will make a big difference

    prison food.. sounds better than TV. Dinners.. do they ship ๐Ÿ‘‹

    1. It was amazing food!! Definitely beats out TV dinners. LOL

  5. it should have said, reposition the sliding door, only

    1. I neat idea so your mind is always fresh when he teaches you the new tricks on that machine video it … sometimes memory an a pencil and paper don’t always do what you would like, but having a video with sound instructions of the procedure is always better than, pencil, and paper

    2. I've watched many and taken notes, but so far they haven't helped all that much. They just give you the basics. Then I leave the notepad home. LOL

  6. Wow, that is one gorgeous quilt, what a lot of work! The soup looks good, I thought ppl in jail ate gruel. Just catching up on your blog, congrats on downsizing I guess. (I haven't made it that far back yet. ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ‘)

    1. Probably my all time favorite quilt, which is why I brought it here to finish up. That food? It was yummy ... better than I can cook!

  7. The Dealer could easily adjust that door, so you don't need to slam it.
    Looks like Ray's Longarm has more gizmos than yours does.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

    1. Ray's machine is the best they make. Yeah, I'll make a trip back to the dealer when I get back.

  8. Omg...Penny is adorable. You told me Cindy was a great cook and all this time they have been eating prison food! Lol...sorry Cindy...JK.

    1. The prisoners are lucky ... that was better food than I can make!! Yeah, I gave her a bad time! LOL

  9. Yay! Fixed, you sound so relieved.
    That quilt will be a masterpiece!

    1. Very relieved. I don't even care if the bed doesn't go down, the doors lock, so I'm a happy camper.

  10. It's good to see pictures of Sandie looking so well. I see lots of pictures she takes but few of her. Thanks for including her.
    Linda Sand

    1. First time I've met her. What a great lady!! Hope I run into her again.

  11. So now everything is working and it was a real high-tech fix....

    1. Hahaha yes Judith ... it took all my brainy resources to fix it!

  12. Replies
    1. Me too Bill. It's very frustrating to have something not work and not have a clue why. I guess it takes time for things to settle in when bouncing down the road.
