Saturday, July 27, 2024

I See Chickens

Well HALLELUJAH!!!!!  The Weather Gods have finally chosen to surround us in COOL.  It's a lovely 64 degrees this morning.  I'm opening all my doors and windows with gusto!!!  Gosh does that feel good!!

It was also quite nice that my AC filters showed up.  Amazon told me there was a problem with my order of three days ago.  I immediately went back online and reordered the exact same thing.  They were delivered yesterday.  Makes you wonder.

So up on the very high in the sky ladder I went, hanging on like a spider on the wall.  Speaking of which, I should have taken a duster up with me to clear out the local population.  At any rate, I now have cool CLEANER air.  The other two have lower ceilings, so it's not so much of a deal to change them out.

Don't you just love it when you get packages?  This one came all the way from Texas and was three days early.  It is a big roll of batting for the quilts I make.  By the way, it's always good to shop prices.  This is the exact same thing Amazon sells from the exact same seller ... but if you order it direct, you get a better price than Amazon gives you.   It always pays to shop around.

Here's my next quilt ... here chicky chicky chicky!!  I LOVE IT!!  Just kidding, I'm not making this one, but I think it's hilarious and would love to have it on a guest bed.  Maybe I can find the pattern!  

I completely gave up on outside endeavors.  It's just too stinking hot to do anything outdoors.  Even the local chickens aren't crowing in the mornings any more.  Instead, I locked myself in the sewing room until this was finished.  It's BIG, which is why it's on the floor.  Boy do I love this pattern!!  To make it even better, it's all made with leftover fabric.  I'm trying to hack my way through some of the stacks without buying more.

So what did I do?  I bought MORE.  This will be a cute cowboy quilt, straight from Utah.  You can't find anything like this around here.  The main reason I got this one is to practice my quilting skills in each square like Ray showed me.  And of course because it's COWBOY.

In the meantime, I've been looking for places to take the van.  The coast would be the best place since it's COOL over there.  Sadly, the only reservation I could find was $160.00 a night for full hookups.  YIKES!!  I thought maybe 50 or 60, but that is crazy.  Guess I won't be staying THERE!!!  I know prices of everything have gone up with inflation (which our current government is doing nothing about), but just WOW!!

So instead I will stay in my own little abode with Mr. Cooper and Jonathan, who both are just SO thankful to be home.  Jonathan loves his BIG house and Cooper loves NOT being on a leash the entire time.  Yes, I could have taken the leash off in Utah, but there is a 20' tall rock wall.  I was afraid with his bad eyesight that he would just walk right over the edge.  Yeah, I'm a smothering dog mom!!

When dinner rolled around, I was more than ready.  Watching the Cheyenne Rodeo all day makes a cowgirl hungry.  This was actually left over from the last Hello Fresh order.  

The red cabbage did not survive, so I snuck into Jon's stash of cole slaw.  There's a lot of quite salty pork underneath all that green, but otherwise quite tasty.  Not tasty enough to make it again however.  This recipe went in the trash.

It's another day in the armpit of California ... though I guess it's MY little piece of armpit.  I'll be outside this morning laying on the nice COLD concrete, soaking up all the cool I possibly can before watching the finals of the Cheyenne Rodeo.  

Cluck cluck ... maybe I'll look for that chicken pattern!!!


  1. My sister stayed at a campground near us for $140 per week with full 50 amp hookups. Come see us!

    1. I'm thinking I may just have to do that Jan!!!

  2. Mr. Ed 👀🤡 WOW that chicken pattern. for 💩 and giggles. That’ll wake you up in the morning ….. I’d buy that cover

    1. So that means there are TWO of us who are a little weird! LOL

  3. That chicken pattern is adorable!
    I love all of your quilts you post on your blog.
    The star pattern with the brown tones is beautiful.
    You are so talented.
    Happy Saturday!

    1. Thank you Frances! I think the chickens are too cute.

  4. I actually think the chicken quilt is priceless! If you had multiple rooms, it's perfect. I should have been on the ball early and asked about a book/library pattern for a quilt. My daughter is a book fanatic and it would have made a great gift for their wedding. Duh, my brain is sometimes months behind it seems.
    That is a terrible price for an overnight! Holy ..... chicken!!!

    1. My guest bedroom would get the chickens!! It's not too late for the book, is it?

  5. That was quite the Chicken Pattern, especially since it had matching pillowcases.
    Be Safe and Enjoy the cool.

    It's about time.

  6. Santa Maria Elks takes reservations. We also stay at Atascadero, but it is first come, first park.

    1. I may just have to head to Santa Maria. I hear they make GREAT steaks!!

  7. Very nice quilt, you should be selling those to pay for the A/C.

    1. Ooooooh good idea Norm. I do sell a few, but not enough to cover the air conditioning!!

  8. Lovely quilt top Nancy and yes, it is a good feeling to use up fabrics from your stash. My stash is totally out of control, my one vice in life.

    1. Well ... truth be known ... I have an entire room full of fabric, so there's lots more to be done!

  9. I like that quilt with the birds, s pretty
    I am so cold this morning I cannot warm up and I am shivering I do not like this feelings.

    1. Oh my gosh Joanne ... can you wrap up in blankets?

    2. It turned out the reason I was shivering so much was my BGL was low like 2.9 low not good once that came up I wasn't as cold

  10. Loved today's weather! Have you tried south west Oregon???

    1. You certainly arrived on the right day Dave! Yup I love southern Oregon ... headed there in a month or two, depending on my schedule.
