Friday, July 19, 2024


 Good Morning UTAH!!  Still hot here, though a nice 73 this morning.  It's perfect for Mr. Cooper and I to take a quick walk in the back yard before heading down to the quilting room.  It's fun to hear the squawk squawk of the geese flying overhead.  They fly just above the rooftops.

And so it was time to finish the last few borders of the quilt.  I've learned a lot from Ray.  He's been doing this a long time and knows all the tricks.  This is the very last three inches after five full days of quilting.  The hardest part was picking out the patterns.

We took a quick break so Ray could go in the back yard and pick some apricots for his neighbor.  Cindy's tree is completely covered with them.  Those that get too ripe in the heat, just fall to the ground.  There are so many that morning and night they pick them up and deposit the gooey things in the trash can.  Yes I helped ... if you've ever had to pull a calf on the ranch, you aren't squeamish about gooey things!!

That's when I noticed this beauty.  No idea what it is, but it's gorgeous!

Back inside there was more work moving squares around on the computer screen, making everything fit perfectly.  I have always done edge to edge quilting, meaning it starts at one side and does a pattern all the way across.  

THIS is doing every square and border with a different pattern, something I have not tried.  I will have to make a couple of quick little quilts to try out my new skills.

Another break for lunch had me on the floor again while Mr. Cooper attacks the ball.  He puts it down, pulls the blanket over it and tries to dig it out again.  Silly boy ....... it's his favorite game now that he's getting a little grey around the edges.

AND TA DA!!!!!  IT IS FINISHED AT LAST!!  I can't believe it took so long ... at least eight hours every day for 5 days.  You can't see the stitching in pictures very well ... which is the idea.  You don't want to take away from the quilt itself.

Ray said he would sew the binding on, but I left it home.  I figured I didn't need something else I could lose like I've lost my keys here three times.  I have a big table, so will be able to finish it up.  I imagine it will take me a WEEK to finish the binding with hand sewing.

Whew ... what a relief to be done!!  Dinner was a celebration.  As you can tell, I was starving and scarfed it down before any pictures could be taken.  Salmon, home grown green beans and zucchini ... and wait for it .........

Fresh baked croissants!!  I think I've gained five pounds!!

And so ended a wonderful day!!  Now to rest up.  But wait .... I think we are doing our own version of quilt store shop hop today!!  The box I brought the quilt in?  It's  E  M  P  T  Y  !!


  1. Cooper is such a hoot. The quilt is beautiful and quite large.Doris from PA

    1. The quilt is a king sized one. It will probably hit the floor on my bed! LOL.

  2. Love the quilt colors and it's huge .

    1. It's king sized ... wish it was a little smaller, but I had to have that pattern.

  3. Your quilt is a masterpiece!

    1. Thank you Frances. I think it's my all time favorite.

  4. You made a beautiful quilt and now that is a labor of Love.

  5. Beautiful Quilt! The way Ray had you sew it, leaves little chance of it unravelling all over the place.
    If you have a Hitch Receiver on your RV, there are Sealed Storage Units that would help give you more storage space.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

    1. Thank you Rick. Yes, they made a storage box that I think I may get in Phoenix.

  6. That is a pretty flower and the quilt is amazing, I also want to curl up and sleep

    1. I'm exhausted from the heat I think. Today should be a do-nothing day.

  7. So how many miles of thread do figure there is in that quilt?

    1. Oh gosh ... I have no idea. A LOT, about half a spool. I'll have to see how many yards that is.

  8. Great job! That is one beautiful and huge quilt! Nice to have friends like Ray to learn from.

    1. THAT is the truth ... good friends are a gift.

  9. It turned out beautiful. I am sooooʻ happy I had a bit of that masterpiece and think of you every time I look at ours.

    1. Thank you Barbara. I love that you have a piece of it along with that amazing portrait. Hoping to come visit when I get home ... and it's a tad cooler!!

  10. Your quilt is gorgeous. You've had a very productive week. But my back hurts just reading about all that quilting and freezing.

    1. Thank you so much Sandie. It's been a whirlwind for sure. I'm having trouble keeping up with Cindy!!
