Thursday, May 23, 2024

Full Moon Strikes Again

 It's flower moon time.  I'm betting you can guess why it's called that.  It's the time of flowering things, springtime in the Rockies so to speak, when everything is in bloom.  That also accounts for all the sneezing going on around here.  It's also known as the planting moon.  Yes, as we all know, it's time to plant those veggies in your garden.  

Patty Chance and I used to do that every spring.  We planted purple potatoes, eggplant, loads of tomatoes (which were the best EVER) and crazy things like peanuts and watermelons.  I have no idea where we got all that energy while working full time.

The full moon also affects my brain.  I was SURE the backyard mowing curb guys were going to show up yesterday morning.  They didn't.  At least I got the Wednesday part right, but it's NEXT Wednesday.  That left things wide open for Harbor Freight and Home Depot.  

My mistake was sitting down on the couch.  I promptly fell asleep.  It seems Bingo and the full moon took their toll.  Back at it, the next big problem raised its ugly head.  My gate opener decided to go on strike.  It happened twice before and I was able to fix it.  This time, not so much.

I hit the phone lines looking for a repairman.  There is only one, about 45 miles away.  They charge $325 to drive to your house and $100 an hour to fix it.  That's a minimum of $425!!!!!!!  YIKES!!!  It's a Powermaster, with a zillion wires and connections in the box.  Maybe I should just get an entire new control box.  I called another outfit.

So here's the thing ... I can't replace it with a reasonably priced one because those only slide sideways.  There's no room for that here.  And so the call was made for another guy to come out and give me an estimate that I'm sure will be WAY above my pay grade.  

His name was Alex ... a salesman extraordinaire.  No kidding ... that kid could talk you into anything.  Of course it's not going to work on me unless the price is right.  I have my doubts.  He will let me know next week.

SO ... I went back outside in the 89 degree heat and sat there trying to figure out the problem.  It took about 30 minutes, but I was finally able to get it to reset and open.  I don't know ... it's 20 years old, but Alex said these commercial boxes should last much longer than that.  I guess I'll wait and see what the price is.

The only alternative I can think of is drilling a big hole through the rock pillar (or the wall) in order to run a chain through and just use a padlock.  What to do ... what to do!!

THEN .... it was time to take my little buddy to the Vet for a checkup.  He needs some meds for arthritis (which isn't bad) and heart worm medicine.  Poor guy is full of lumps and bumps like his Mom, and chewing on one foot has become a pastime.  

Here's a new one for the books ... the Vet said to put hair spray on his foot.  It tastes bad and they won't chew. Otherwise, he's in tip top shape for an old man his age.  Thank the Good Lord for good Vets.  This one is a keeper!!

I'm laughing at the moment because Cooper can't figure out why one foot tastes just fine and the other tastes TERRIBLE!!  He's such a funny kid.  

Today I'm DETERMINED to get to Home Depot and pick up a Ryobi hedge trimmer.  It's time for me to quit being lazy and do some of the yard work myself.  Maybe if I work a little harder, I can eat more CAKE!!!!!


  1. How do you escape if the gate won't open? I'd have to park a car outside the gate! AWW Copper looks so cute (and healthy) !!

    1. Nancy gets out her tools and dismantles the arm completely. Lucky for me, the garage entrance is OUTSIDE the gate!

  2. Great news the vet said Cooper is in good shape for being an old man.
    Have a good weekend !

    1. Yup ... that made Mom very happy!! I'm hoping for at least another year with him!!

  3. Time for Indy to get another Rabies shot now that I think about it. Have to remember the foot thing...Skruffy had a problem now and then, but Indy hasn't so far. AMAZING that a gate opener like that would cost so much to fix...just shows that when there are only a few repair people that know how to fix them, they can charge an arm, leg and other parts of your body too.

    1. That's exactly it Dave ... no one in a hundred miles to repair it.

  4. Becareful don't over do it kiddo. Your new gardener will help you get that yard looking good soon.

    1. He's doing a great job. The biggest problem right now is not having a bin big enough to hold all the trimmings!! He's a very hard worker ... difficult to find nowadays.

  5. It is very rare for me to fall asleep on the lounge, Tim does it daily. Good to hear Cooper is in good shape for an old fella

    1. I never used to do that. For me, it feels too much like I'm wasting time! LOL

  6. Good news about Cooper, that will keep him around on Bonus Time.
    Don't overdo it in the heat but slowly doing some of your own landscaping will save you a bundle.
    As for the gate, look On-Line if you cand get a working spare and simply switch it out.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  7. Rick just took the words out of my mouth
    Somewhere on the outside of that gate control box should be a make and model number take a picture of it and Google it online. You can troubleshoot (why does my gate opener, not work )The box that you have is very simple. It’s only a one-way swing gate with an adjustable rod, it can be opened with a 9/16 wrench . it may be old, but it’s not outdated

    1. Mr. Ed said What you have appears to be a … PowerMaster Model RSW Swing Gate Operator… (you can Google that) If it is parts are available because it’s Still sold, and in use today

    2. That's correct ... but if you saw all the wiring and connections inside (most of which you can't reach), you would be shocked. I've no idea why it works sometimes and not other times.
