Wednesday, April 10, 2024

What Time Is It?

It's BINGO TIME in central California as the landscape heats up a bit.  It's now 55 degrees and a little late in the morning.  It seems these late nights are catching up with me a bit.  I didn't wake up until 5:00 am.    I can't believe even Cooper slept in!!  Jonathan?  Oh he's as quiet as a mouse until about 9:00.  He sleeps in every day.  I'm jealous!

Right out of the box, I was met at the door with the wonderful smells of the country.  There's a dairy farm about 5 miles away.  On perfect mornings when the weather is warm and the winds are drifting the right direction, I get the wonderful odor of cow manure.  I'm being politically correct here.  You know I'm talking about cow $hit ... liquid and smelly as it evaporates nicely into the surrounding agricultural land.  

Mix in with that a little garlic and you have the flavors of living in the country.  It's like home to me, but others surely wouldn't agree.  

When I finally woke up for real ... a little libation was in order.  Here's a look at my latest and greatest gadget.  Remember that blue funny looking plastic thing?  Here's the result.  Two big round balls of ice.  I can say without a doubt ... do NOT drop them into your glass.  It will break.  

Not that this is an expensive one ... it came from a wine tasting long long ago ... but break them it will if you don't set them in nicely.

The experiment was to see just how long they would last.  Here we are 90 minutes later and we still have ice after dousing it with 12 ounces of Pepsi.  Not bad ... not bad at all.  Next time I'll use just one, but it appears this will work quite nicely in the rig and take up very little space in the freezer.  As you know, freezer space is always at a premium in an RV.

I don't know what I did all day, but I was VERY busy until I got a call for my signature on some documents at the Lodge.  Little did I know just how much a 5th year trustee has to do ... and of course they don't TELL you because you would disappear into the night.

I was there taking care of business by 2:30.  Then it was on to checking in with the Chef about Mother's Day Breakfast.  It's only 30 days away, and there are lead times for ordering stuff.  I might have been able to have a sweet glass of wine in the turret of the castle, but alas ... there's no rest for the wicked.  I had to go straight to work.  Thankfully my Fairy Godmother should be back next week.

Let the games begin!!   We have one gentlemen who is severely handicapped from several strokes.  He usually waits in line for his cards, but cannot stand for any length of time.  My Girl Friday picked his cards out first (not knowing the implications) and we rang them up.  Off he went.

Well wouldn't you know, that meant he was FIRST in line.  I don't get it.  What difference does it make if you are first or last.  The second one ... who insists she is ALWAYS first in line no matter WHAT ... came up to the register complaining loudly.  He's TENTH in line ... and everyone is really MAD that you let him go first!!!  

I explain for the umpteenth time that whoever is in line when I open, is FIRST.  That's all there is to it.  So you know me, I asked everyone in line if they were okay with him going first.  OF COURSE they said ... no problem.  He's severely handicapped and can barely walk.  If looks could kill, I'd be a dead duck ten times over!!  The only one mad was her.

We cruised right along until someone in THIS photo cut to the front of the line.  She had already purchased her cards, but now came back for a dobber.  I tried to explain to her she had to wait because I was ringing up another customer, but she was having none of it.  Once the register was free, I took her money and gave her the dobber.

In 30 minutes, the pitchfork came out.  She came back to say I was mean to her.  I explained she had cut in front of several others and I was ringing up another customer.  No matter how I explained it, she was still so mad at me, I finally just walked away.  There's no use arguing.  I felt even MORE knives stabbing me in my back.  

Overall most ALL of the players are very nice people.  I don't know what gets into them when it comes to Bingo.   I guess it's just a sign of the times, or maybe old folks are a real grumpy group.  

Today will be catch up day once again, with lunch OUT.  Maybe after that, I'll be able to hang out on the patio in the sun for awhile.  Nothing puts me to sleep faster than the warm sun.


  1. Those Bingo players sound like a handful.
    I sure remember the dairy days of manure!
    Have a good Wednesday.

    1. I bet you do Frances! Brings back memories! LOL

  2. Where DO these people come from?? I think i would walk away many more times than you did.
    Fun and games, true, but games are supposed to be fun!

    1. I have to say that 2 or 3 out of 125 isn't bad odds. Mostly they are all very nice.

  3. lol. Aw dealing with the public has its moments! You know pointing out that she is not last in line probably wouldn’t help but it would give her food for thought. I was thinking how fortunate that Bingo is an evening event, imagine how mean you would be if it were early morning bingo! Lol.


    1. Morning? No thank you!! I have to admit, it is trying at times.

  4. I LOVE Sonic Drive-in drinks because the Ice is small balls and it lasts forever. Hard to find a Sonic around here or in Sacramento without driving for miles and miles...but in Pine Bluff there were churches on every corner and Sonics within a stone's throw. (Well, not really...but you did not have to drive more than a mile or two most of the I have to drive nearly 10 miles!)

    1. Hey, we have a Sonic here. I've never tried their drinks, so maybe it's time!

  5. the internet allows people to do awful things anonymously and they just get used to being bitches and it bleeds over into real life. Some of them probably don't know the difference anyway, and the rest are just total wastes of space. To Dave B: With the new $20.00 wage for fast food causing a lot of fast foods to close, it might take a lot longer in the future.

    1. It's crazy right now the the burgers aren't that expensive. The drinks ... they run $4-6.00!!!

    2. KennyD: In the South and mid-South the minimum wage is still in the neighborhood of $8-$11 per hour, and that area is where Sonic is very accessible. For instance, in Oklahoma where Sonic started, minimum wage is only $7.25 an hour...provides high school kids a good opportunity to learn how to work.

  6. Did you ever think about keeping a can of bear spray handy at bingo.

    1. Hahaha ... that's an idea!!!! Nah, it's always only one or two, so not too bad.

  7. I think we must be related, I for one love the smell of a barn. Horse barn over cow barn, but both bring me back to a happy place earlier in life.

    1. I guess you have to be raised there to appreciate the smells. That is exactly the way I am.
