Tuesday, April 30, 2024


Mother Nature is at it again.  Wind, wind and more wind graced our presence yesterday, making it impossible to finish spraying the weeds in my corrals.  Apparently it also kept the landscape guy away, the one who was to replace the dead grass.  

And then I saw it.  Lights flashing at 5:00 am like there was a raid going on in the subdivision next door.  Beep beep beep told me the sad story.  They were pouring concrete on the empty lot directly behind me.  I will now be surrounded by houses.  I'm hoping it won't be two story, or I will have to get drapes and cover my big wall of windows that look directly at it.  For someone who was raised on a ranch a mile away from anyone, this is pretty traumatic.  We've already got TWO bad apples in the vicinity, and now the possibility of THREE.  

I'm not sure who could afford to build a house right now, since these are going for around $700,000.  This is part one .......

This is the rest of it with an additional 20' to the right, not even in the picture.  Compared to my house, this must be around 4,000 square feet.  It stretches from one property line to the other on a one acre lot.  How sad.  I love my house, I just hate the neighbors, and now I'm gun shy when it comes to looking ANYWHERE else.

Which by the way I have been doing every day.  Prescott $750,000, Cottonwood $600,000, Buckeye $600,000, Yuma ... cheaper, but who wants to live in Yuma!  Tucson $650,000.  Now is definitely not the time to be buying houses.

These cheered me up however.  Too bad they aren't in my yard, or in ANY yard around here!  Aren't they pretty?

By 9:00 I was out running the neighborhood for a little exercise.  Nancy has been too sedentary.  Being glued to the couch is not in my nature.  I mostly ran 2.5 miles, feeling pretty good the entire time, surprised that I can still do it.  It takes a mile to get your lungs working, but after that it isn't too bad.  I'm looking forward to being stiff as a board tomorrow morning!

Groceries were on the schedule also.  I'm just so shocked at the prices in the stores.  Who can afford to eat?  Each of those cans were $2.00-2.29.  That's 5 cans for $10.00.  Geeze you can't even afford to eat canned beans any more.  I only shopped sale items and did not get ANY meat.  Even the salads were $5.00 each.  There is $80 sitting there.  I guess I'm going back to the old ranch menu ... dried beans and potatoes.

SO ... let's make this day even better by trying to burn the house down.  Yes, it wasn't my best day.  Next up on the hello fresh menu (which price wise is about equal to hitting the grocery store) is crispy chicken and potatoes.  So what's that other stuff on the plate?  Fried corn.  I know ... who does that?  And then there was a package of cheddar cheese.  What the heck is that for?

My advice ... do NOT buy this one.  The corn is roasted in a frying pan, making it tough.  Two potatoes were rotten, so I called and got a $9.00 credit.  That was nice.  The chicken was an easy fry.  It was the gravy that killed it.  GARLIC gravy.  Anyone heard of that before?  That's because it's terrible.

So there I am, stirring the gravy, when some splashed on to the stove.  I grabbed a paper towel and began to wipe it up.  OOPS ... I got a little close to the flame and it caught fire.  FIRE!!!!!!!  Of course I blew on it to put it out, right?  It exploded in my hand.  Instead of dropping it in the gravy, which might have made it taste better, or on the fireproof stove, I dropped it on the floor and STOMPED on it!!!  

NOOOOO .... that broke it into TWO flaming pieces flying across the wood floor.  Good grief.  I picked up the two chunks still on fire and ran to the sink.  SAFE!!  No fire alarms were harmed in this incident and the floor survived without a scratch.  My fingers however, got a little scorched.  

I took a deep breath and went back to the gravy, whereupon I finally discovered where the cheddar cheese went.  On the GRAVY.  Really?  That's a new one on me.  I ate it ... most of it anyway, but definitely won't be ordering this again.  

That's when I noticed Jonathan was out of bird biscuits.  That's what two of the above cans were for.  Sweet potatoes for his biscuits.  Birds need orange things, which of course they don't exactly care for because it's good for them, so I sneak it into his food.  I'm sure that's why he has lived so long.  There was no fire involved here.

And so ended a long day of disappointment, smiles and screams ... the norm in my household.


  1. Pretty soon we all will be eating Ramen Noodles, which go for about 50 cents each here in Florida. When I was younger, I ate a bunch of Ramen. I use to be in Diapers once too, and if I live long enough, I am sure I will be in them again...although I would rather drive off a high cliff.

    1. It's pretty crazy, but not surprising. If it doesn't change soon, we will ALL be eating Ramen Noodles!

  2. Those flowers are beautiful.
    The price of food is crazy these days. Every trip to the grocery store keeps going up in price.
    Enjoy your day:)

    1. So very true. Walmart I'm heading your direction.

  3. Nancy you had a busy day and grocery prices are ridiculous
    and every week or two when I go to the store the prices get higher. Last fall when there would be sales on meat I started canning again.
    Grow some veggies this summer in an area that does not get sprayed in your yard. Grow them in pots !

    1. A very good idea. It's awful to pay $7 for tomatoes that a year ago cost $3. The last four years have been a disaster!!

  4. I can hear your new neighbors now; "Did you see that lady taking pictures over the fence again?" "All I see is the top of her head and the camera, but she's definitely taking pictures."

    1. Hahahaha!! No ... you take them through the knotholes!! And it will probably be them taking pictures from their second story window of ME laying out getting some sun! Won't they be surprised!!!

  5. Don't like things the way they are now folks? Just keep voting for Democrats and it will change for the worst.
    What is one of the definitions of insanity? Keep doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting it to change for the better. Keep voting for Democrats. That might be a good new definition for insanity.
    By the way, the only way to keep a vacant lot vacant, is to buy it and not build anything on it.

    I will understand if you delete this reply, but honestly, it is the absolute truth.

    1. I agree Kenny. This country has never been in this bad of shape since I've been around. I just keep praying every single day!!

  6. Mr. Ed said there are plenty Regardless, if you have a lot of money or very little money, In a google search when you first start off .
    Set your $$$ limits…. Like… 👉homes for sale Vail AZ, under ? 500,000👈
    Also, if you go into a realtor Website or Zillow, you can set your dollar amount there as well .
    Just keep in mind that one realtor might not have anything where another may have a lot just jump through the realtor website
    . also, you can check the realtor that sold your Az house if you’re comfortable with her
    just be careful. Research The area and do a Google map search also Make sure you understand 55 community with or without a HOA
    SOME CAN BE A HORROR STORY 55 communities an HOA are not for everybody. Don’t forget to sit down with a real estate sales or buy certified tax advisor

    1. Ps if you don’t mind the heat, And you don’t mind a high-rise I can get you an 2br 2ba Ocean front apartment , in Pattaya, Thailand, for less than 675 pr mo,👍

    2. I've done those searches most every single day. Anything under $500,000 is pretty much a mobile home in a park or a horse barn ... I'll take the barn.

  7. Surprised and sorry your fried corn didn't turn out well. I make it a lot, usually on the Blackstone grill but occasionally in a skillet. I fry several slices of bacon diced, some diced onion and then add a can of drained sweet corn...saute a bit and it's ready. Add a steak (if your bank account will allow), a lettuce salad with Ken's Sweet Vidalia Onion dressing and you're good to go!

    1. Wow ... thank you for the recipe! I love corn, and I will definitely try it. I'm sure bacon and onions will make the difference!!! And oh do I LOVE that salad dressing!!!

  8. I am not a fan of corn, I do eat it though but never fried, such pretty flowers

    1. I love corn ... especially on the cob, but this was my first time frying it. I didn't do so well!!

  9. The flowers were definitely the hilight of your day! Grocery prices have gone up in our world too but we gotta eat. Wiser choices, I guess. LOL

    1. You are right Patsy. Problem is, all the cheap stuff is carbs ... pasta and beans. I've seen hamburger as high as $8.00 a pound!!! I'm starting a garden I guess.

  10. That concrete pad of your new neighbors looks long, is it maybe a driveway or multiple garages?

    1. It's WAY long. No driveway, but I suspect at least a two car garage. It's HUGE!!
