Thursday, February 29, 2024

My Luck Runneth Over

 I awoke this morning to roosters crowing, dogs barking, tires squealing, sirens wailing and some other noises I couldn't identify.  Oh yes, I live in the QUIET countryside.  Can you say SNEEZE TEN TIMES?  It's going to be a bumper almond crop year when the trees look like this.  All this rain has helped tremendously, but that means a very low price for the product.  

I tried to log on this morning, only to find my computer telling me my hotspot could not be located.  Ok, I'll try the Verizons MiFi.  It said my SIM card was locked.  WHAT?  The next message said it would burst into flames and die if I put in the wrong SIM card ID number.  Thankfully AT&T finally decided my phone hotspot would work just fine.  I guess there's a trip to Verizon in my future.

As much as I like to lounge around the morning after Bingo, I was off in minutes to Home Depot.  Jonathan needs some sticks to chew on.

And of course the resident plumber needs yet another set of guts for the guest bathroom since the cheap plastic stuff breaks at the drop of a hat while trying to make adjustments.

I hit up Chase Bank to cancel a bank account I no longer use ... which was a breeze to do ... before heading to Harbor Freight.  I've used rope lights under my RV's in Arizona since forever to keep the rats away.  You know the saying, while the cat's away the rats will play.

Sadly, they don't have the same kind.  My old ones were simple, easy to throw out and flashed.  I don't know what these are going to do, but they were my only choice.  Patsy will recognize my new bread slicing gizzy underneath the box.

Another present came in the mail.  Not my choice of brand, but paying $350 for a tiny handheld Cannon camera was not in the books.  Driving down the road trying to use my phone for pictures is a really bad idea.  This works one handed ... and hopefully will keep me from crashing into something.

All that good luck with fun purchases went right out the window the minute I got home.  This was on my TV screen, and then it said refreshing.  Stand by - refreshing.  It did that for 30 minutes.  I turned it off, turned it on and messed with it for an hour before I screamed.  My bad luck began to runneth over.  

I called Dish, where upon we went through 30 minutes of testing and checking, to no avail.  It all worked fine, but my TV screen was black.  They finally said they would send a technician out in a few hours.  Okay ... that's good service I guess.

I sat on the couch staring at it ... getting mad as a wet hen while missing my favorite rodeo.  Surely I can fix this.  I finally unplugged everything from the fancy dancy surge protector, turned it off and on, then plugged everything back in.  It worked ... sort of.  At least I had TV, even if none of the other features worked.

The nice young kid arrived and I explained the problem.  I think he knew less than I did because he kept calling his boss for help.  Eventually he gave me an entire new box.  We laughed over that one because we both know Dish lies to you.   Let's face it ... none of these are NEW boxes.  They have all been refurbished, as proven by all the scratches on the top when it came out of the "new" box.

Thirty minutes later, between the two of us, we got it working like it should.  I did miss the rodeo I wanted to watch, but YAY I have TV again and several of the features that didn't work at all before, now work.

The afternoon and evening didn't get any better, but I'll relate that story tomorrow.   Right now I need at least THREE cups of coffee to get my brain going.  

The good news is Bingo is having their volunteer appreciation dinner.  For the first time in about five years, the King said he would wait to have the castle celebration until I returned from Arizona.  WOOHOO!!  How lucky am I!  

Until then, I'll be on the couch with my coffee .........


  1. I no longer own a TV. I gave them both to friends. However, I am on my 3rd Kindle. I don't watch sports, I don't watch sitcoms, no kids around. I did enjoy the Discovery Channel and the History Channel and the old westerns but after about 10 minutes I could recite the dialog. Dish assured me the TV would not go out when it rained. That was a lie. So out the door they went. I am too far from Dallas and Houston and Shreveport to get over the air free stations, even with an antenna.


    1. I'm surprised they don't have better service there Rex. I have to admit in Tucson the dark rain clouds obscured the signal quite often. Not so here thank goodness.

  2. Everything I go Home Depot it's a three hundred dollar bill!
    Have a good day!

  3. Replies
    1. It's funny because I've never had any problems before now. We'll see how it goes.

  4. That's weird, our TV's have been acting up recently as well. We turn it on and the circle just spins. Eventually it turns on, but 4 times longer than usual. Good luck at Verizon, I do not envy you there!

  5. I was with Verizon for years.....then had a question so went into their store......NOPE.....we only sell phones. Now with T-Mobile and the guys there are very helpful!! Have cable for tv and far no problems!
    I have a red camera like your blue one! Use my phone now for all pics. Enjoy your dinner!

    1. The phones nowadays take much better pictures, but mine is so hard to handle one handed when driving.
      The only good thing about Verizon is when my AT&T phone doesn't work, the Verizon hotspot does ... usually.

  6. That can be stressful with no TV working especially when you had it just restored. Life seems to get more complicated as time goes on, doesn't it.

    1. It certainly does seem more stressful. The more they upgrade electronics, the more trouble we have. Hackers seem to get their kicks with that also!

  7. Nancy, I have a Nikon Cool Pix I have not used in years. Not sure how old it is or if it still works. If you are interested, I would be glad to donate it to you. Will try to find paperwork and send picture of it to you if you are interested. Brenda Hart

    1. My trusty Amazon account says I bought it in 2013.

    2. Gosh Brenda ... what a wonderful offer!! It's easier for me to take a picture or two while driving, than to try and find a spot to pull over with a big fifth wheel attached. If you think it can be operated one handed, I'll try it.

  8. All the service providers try to say the Customer is not using the equipment properly. Glad you got it fixed.
    Be Safe and Enjoy the party.

    It's about time.

    1. Exactly!!!!! This time he said the box was bad, which surprised me. They usually don't admit that!

  9. I love that little camera, as I need one now! Hope you're loving it!

    1. It's really easy to use, so I'm hoping it works for me.

  10. I do recognize that bread slicer thing!! Yay! And what a pretty little camera.

    1. I discovered you need a really long knife! LOL

  11. Cute camera.
    I am catching up and now I am really glad we do not have to deal with any type of TV service I enjoyed the part were you put everything in the truck then took the Jeep.
    I have a set of sheets for traveling, just in case, the ones at the motel look iffy. Anyway, the top and bottom sheet are connected at the bottom you hook in the four corners and then just pull up the top sheet I wonder if that would make doing you RV bed any easier. As always enjoyed you Bingo Blog.

    1. That is very interesting about the sheets. I'm going to think on that for a bit. It sounds like it would be easier to use. Maybe I could make one!

  12. Interesting .. I'll check them out!! You know when you're driving and you see great clouds? It would be nice to snap a quick picture. My old tiny canon worked great for that.
