Friday, November 3, 2023

Highway Heaven

 I am so SO pleased to report that my back has decided to join the party.  All this time they told me it was weak back muscles causing Nancy to be a grumpy old lady.  Turns out they were wrong.  I just couldn't figure out why I used to lift the hitch out of my truck with no problem ... and all of a sudden I'm "weak".  There's still a bit of a twinge ... but I'm SO much better.

On with the latest trip down the internet highway to heaven ... the hot spot.  That's how this video is coming to you.  Oh BOY!!  I can now upload TEN foxy videos for your viewing pleasure.  Just kidding.  That would be torture.

So after playing with the phone for some time, not knowing what to turn on or off, I finally got it to hook up to my computer.  That's when panic set in.  In order to get it to work, you have to click the "Let Others Join Network" button.  I hesitated at that ... does that mean ANYONE can join ... or does that mean ME.

It took a bit to find it, but my computer finally recognized there was another road out there.  I typed in the password.  It chewed on it a bit and spit it back out.  I'm persistent.  So was my computer.  I tried it three more times before it finally said OK.  Woohoo!  I'm in business.  

At that instant, something flashed across my screen that said TRUST something.  Uh oh ... It disappeared as fast as it appeared.  What was that??  Did I just let someone in to my hotspot?  I worried about it until I found an email with the same title.  Nope ... I'm safe ... I think.

And so it works ... this video that usually takes ten minutes to upload, took just a few seconds.  

And then it crashed.  No video ... no hotspot ... no signal ... no nothing.  I guess I'll have to figure out the how's and why's.  It is definitely not as convenient as the JetPack, but MUCH faster.  

As for a new JetPack ... I put on my best blond wig persona and went to the Verizon store.  Those young kids think we old folk don't know anything.  I read him like a book, being sure to ask the dumb questions along with the ones that would give me what I wanted.  By the way, I learned this secret technique when I was in college at the ripe old age of 50.  It works most every time, especially with salesmen. 

I can get a new JetPack for $130 with an unlimited amount of data (no mention of dialing you down) for $100 a month.  I pay $90 now, but I think it's like using a phone booth versus my new phone.  Having the latest technology means a lot.  I have a Model T Ford currently.  
If I want even FASTER speed, I can spend $349 on the 4G 5G unit that (according to Mr. Smooth Guy) is the bees knees.  He can set me right up, but I'll have to go "steal" the actual jetpack from another store because he doesn't have any.

Sounds good to me ... but I'll have to go ask my husband for permission first.  He gave me THE LOOK as I walked out the door.  Mission accomplished.  I now have more info with which to make a decision.  I know, I know, but a single gal has to do what she has to do because they never tell you the truth.  Am I right?

I tried my hardest to do nothing the rest of the day, fearful my back would go out again, but alas, it lasted through an entire Elks Lodge dinner and meeting.  You can't go wrong with New York Steak and a huge baked potato.  It was Veterans night.  

Last year we had about 100 people.  This year we were inundated with 130 Elks Members, meaning they ran out of baked potatoes.  This is a member only night and we've never been so popular.  I got to play Vanna White as I helped hand out the prizes from the raffle.  Too bad I didn't look this good doing it.

Rarely do I buy raffle tickets, since my luck isn't up there with the Texas Rangers who just won the World Series, beating the Arizona Diamondbacks.  At any rate, on this night, since it's for the Veterans, I picked up an armload of tickets.  Can you believe I actually WON something?  A waterproof speaker you can hook up to your phone via blue tooth and toss in your swimming pool.  Just what I need ... I'll have music all day. 

Except ... I don't have a swimming pool, nor do I have ANY music on my phone.  Someone said to hang it up in my shower.  Okay then .....

Belief it or not, I won yet ANOTHER prize!  How surprising!  It was six bottles of the hottest hot sauce in the west.  Unfortunately I can't do hot sauce .... so I donated it to one of our veterans sitting at the table.  Better his belly burn than mine.

By the way ... in case you are in this part of the country ... we are having a Veterans parade and dinner on November 11.  Every Veteran and one guest get an amazing Elks Lodge dinner for free.  We are expecting a big crowd!!  

I was extra lucky to find that the Lodge Meeting was going to be a short one.  The big mucky mucks were out of town, meaning when the cats away, the mice will play.  It was short and sweet and I was out the door.  Here's to another productive day on the couch before I'm off and running!


  1. Nancy!
    You are better looking than Vania White!
    Thank you for all you and your fellow Elks do for the Veterans!

    1. Oh Frances ... you are funny! But thank you. Our Elks Lodge is all about the Veterans!!

  2. Did you ever watch Breaking Bad? Your dumb blonde comment reminded me of a scene where Skyler was a bookkeeper and was being audited by the IRS and she put on the dumb blonde act. Worked like a charm!

    So, if it isn't your weak back that is making you are grumpy old lady, what is it?

    1. I like Skyler!! I think it's mostly having to deal with people nowadays. It's hard to be nice around disrespectful rude people. Maybe I should try the blond trick on them! LOL

  3. I have a rule that I never enter a contest for a prize I don't want to win. That confuses a lot of people. Our apartment complex just had a contest where you were entered according to the date you returned a survey. I refused to return mine until the deadline for the first two prizes passed. My favorite organization just laid all the door prizes out on a table and you got to pick your prize when your number was called.
    Linda Sand

    1. The prizes for these raffles are pulled off a table first ... then the number called. There is always one or two big prizes left for the last two winners. Some people spend $100 on tickets and win most everything. I don't usually buy ANY tickets because my luck isn't the best!

  4. Is the NEW Jetpack going to provide 5G, or just another 4G device? If 5G, that should work for what you need. The real expensive one is probably the one which will provide you the 5G. So far, we just use a 4G device...older but better than the one you have. (Better because it allows for an antenna to be attached.) We prepay $65 for unlimited, but with throttling if cell tower is real busy. We rarely hit a huge throttle effect, but it does happen now and then...that plan is not available anymore.

    1. They said the new expensive one is 5G "capable" but basically only uses 4G. Not worth the money. My phone works okay, but it's always been good to have both AT&T and Verizon to cover everywhere you go. Verizon has always worked better on the road than AT&T.

  5. Glad your back is back and your meeting went quickly. Good luck with your wifi decision.

    1. There's always decisions to be made. I thought when we got old, we didn't have to deal with stuff like that any more! LOL

  6. I had the same thought as Jim…. If not your back……


    1. It's just so irritating to have to deal with people nowadays. It gets to me every time. Maybe I should be blond ALL the time!

  7. Perhaps you might consider Starlink which will give you all the internet you can handle plus like Patsy & Bill - a Firestick & voila -tv! Glad your back is better,you’re on a roll,lol.All the best.

    1. I've thought of that. Actually I've just been waiting to talk to them and see how they like it.

  8. That's the problem. I can NOT get internet service at my house for under $100 a month. And yes I DO have the iPod ... I just never thought you could hook it up to a speaker!!

  9. Love what you and the Elks are doing for the veterans! :)

    1. Thank you Shirley. It's one of the main projects we work on every month.
