Wednesday, September 20, 2023

That Did NOT Go So Well

 There is always good news and bad news.  Sometimes mine seems to be more bad than good, but I just try to laugh it off.  I mean really, most times you don't have any other choice.  


I felt pretty good as I drove 3 miles to Pain and Torture Town.  I wonder what dungeon-type medieval thing they will do to me this time!  They heated up my back like an oven, and the Doc entered.  I braced for the inevitable painful CRACK!  Did I mention she specializes in sports injuries?  

She felt my back and said ... WOW ... your bones are all still in place.  Really?  No cracking?  No torture? It's still hurts RIGHT THERE.  That's just soreness from the rib tearing your flesh.  Oh ..... OKAY!!!

I was pretty shocked by what she said next.  IT'S TIME FOR EXERCISES!  Wait, what?  Are you kidding me?  Yessirree .... I now have a list of back exercises to do four times a day for the next couple weeks.  Oh boy ... this should be fun!!  Somehow she has convinced me to do my OWN torture.  Actually, I tried a couple and they didn't hurt at all.  I guess I'm on the mend.  Except it didn't last long.


Oh yeah, since I was feeling okay, and everyone else was out of town, I drove down for the next session of torture.  

My Fairy Godmother Jackie not only had everything set up, but she got the heavy cash box out and counted the change.  I tried two different chairs, sat as close to the infernal machine as I could and away we went.  In less than an hour my back was killing me once again, even though I refused to turn around and get those wonderful colored dobbers for the players.  NO TWISTING.

That's when the next problem arrived.  She said we didn't give her all the cards.  She's a nice lady, and I figured someone just stole them off her table.  She was quickly followed by the biggest problem child we've ever had.  There was no way I could give her anything when HE was standing there.  She went away quite mad.

Here's what happened.  She uses a walker with a lift up seat.  When she buys her cards, she puts them under the seat, right in front of the much needed large cooling fan on the floor in front of our table.  Fifteen minutes later, I looked down to see four cards on the floor.  Where did THESE come from?  No one knew, so we threw them away.  

Suddenly it dawned on us ... those were HER cards.  I seriously don't think she believed us, but by that time I really didn't care.  I was in SO much pain.  

I called the King over and told him I just couldn't do it any more.  We shanghaied a gal from the other room and I did a quick teaching session before getting the heck out of Dodge.  Well that didn't go so well!!

What did I say yesterday about burning your bras?  I'm not kidding, when I got home and changed clothes, there was INSTANT relief.  I laughed out loud!!!  All that pain and suffering over NOTHING ... just too much pressure for that rib!  This morning my back is just fine, though still a little sore!  No I'm not telling them!!!


My counter offer was quickly accepted.  Darn ... I should have made it more than I did.  I now have 10 days of inspections, then 7 days for an appraisal.  Of course more money went floating out the door because I had to hire an engineer to inspect the house for tie downs, which it does not have.  I still don't think they can be required, but it looks like one way or another, I have no choice.  

I'm hoping it all goes better than Bingo, but I'm sure it will include MUCH more torture before it's a done deal.  Maybe ... just maybe ... it will close by October 19 as it says on the papers.


Company is coming.  BOO!!  I have to try and clean up the house.  YAY!!!  I'm going to put her to work moving boxes to the garage and organizing stuff!!

It was a good day after all!!


  1. Go easy when your company comes and no lifting boxes.
    Sounds like you are on a very slow mend now. Keep up the exercises and continue with your good attitude. Great news on the other house getting an offer.
    Have a great day !

    1. My exact thoughts Sue. Slow mend, but at least it's feeling better.

  2. So happy you are getting your house sold!
    Glad your back is getting better...don't over do!

    1. That's a tall order Frances ... especially when practically everything is over do! LOL

  3. Sounds like you are doing pretty good with the sore ribs. Did anyone tell you, ribs take a long time to heal? :o)
    Good to hear you are doing pretty good now with the rib thing. Off to explore.

    1. You know ... I never heard that about ribs until 2 weeks ago! Have a great trip!!

  4. Happy to hear you are under contract! Now, just a few more huddles and you will have one more stresser behind you!

    1. I can't wait ... then I can get back to exploring!

  5. Let's hope there are not too many FHA hoops to go through. There is a alternative meaning to FHA you know...but I won't go there.

    1. Positive thinking ... there aren't going to be ANY problems and it will close on time. Maybe .......

  6. Good news on the house sale. Don't forget to do your exercises, they really help you heal.

    1. Ah yes ... you just went through much the same thing. I'll do it Bill ... I can't believe how fast you healed up!!

  7. I hate bras. A lot. I often wear men's two pocket shirts. No bra. Life is good. Of course I am not a fashion plate. I always tell my friends who are that I will walk 10 feet behind them so they don't have to claim me. What's the point in being retired and not having to go to a job if you are uncomfortable. I do hope your back gets better. Be patient. (Ha. I know.)

    1. Hahaha Judith ... you made me laugh!!! I think you are entirely right!!

  8. P.S. I do think some stylish clothes for women could be designed that would take care of the problem....some sort of plackets, etc. But no one seems to do that.

    1. I wear an outer shirt/sweater/jacket and call it my exobra. Can't be showing off cold nipples. LOL

    2. Hahahahahahaha ... I've discovered many of my friends do the same thing!

    3. What about girdles? I remember one Sunday in 1957 when I went to church with mother an daddy. Soon as we got out the door, daddy said lets go out to eat and mother said TAKE ME HOME THIS GIRDLE IS KILLING ME I guess men don't have a clue. Sam in the Ozarks

    4. Oh I remember them well!! Even in high school, all the girls wore girdles!! A thing of the past!!

  9. Glad the house is being sold. Hope all goes well. Dolly and I plan to stay put till the end and let the kids worry about the house.😀

  10. I'm so pleased that you are healing. Just stay away from those tortures!! Bra, i mean!
    Good news about the house, we hope!
