Saturday, August 26, 2023

The Dead Body

Now I understand why Jan and Bill didn't have all their furniture moved back East.  Honestly, you can buy furniture easier and MUCH cheaper when you get there.  If I get another house, I'll be camping out on the living room floor in my tent and air mattress.  No furniture required.

I finally got an early morning break to sit on the patio and enjoy the view, but it didn't last long. 

I'm trying to be organized ... almost all the furniture to be moved is right here.  There's four pieces in the other room, but I think they will require more muscle.

Today my longarm repairman will show up and help me dismantle the frame.  The machine itself ... it's a piece of cake.  The frame is another matter.

I got NO night's sleep in my bed last night, which will be dismantled today.    That should be fun since I've no idea how to do that!!  It's an adventure!  I'll probably sleep on the couch since it's still pretty hot outside in the rig.

I do have to say however, the dead bodies that keep popping up are a mystery.  There were two of these ..... red velvet ants.  About half an inch long, they have a nasty bite.  They are actually a type of wasp and are known to be called cow killers.  Lucky for me they were found DEAD on the bedroom floor.

One of the last things to pack up will be the TV and that Indian head sculpture on the credenza.  There's very few of those around any more because they are made of a type of concrete.  VERY heavy.  My plan was to wrap it in that comforter for the trip to California.

Does this look like a wrapped up dead body to you?   That was the first thing I thought when I was done with the job.  Hopefully no one looks in the back of the truck!!  

The other dead bodies found around the house included two scorpions, several unrecognizable spiders, a couple of moths and two very much alive daddy longlegs.  Seems they have been having a feast of moths by the back door.  As I said, I need to vacuum a little more often.

My realtor called last night to say she, her son in law and her husband would all be here to help us load the truck.  How nice is that!!!  She also asked if another realtor could show the house today.  Most certainly, but I will have to be in the house because we are taking the longarm apart.  Things are looking up!!!


  1. Do Cooper and Jonathan seem concerned about all the activity?

    1. Cooper is pretty nervous, he doesn't want to get more than 4 feet from me, but Jonathan could care less.

  2. Perhaps just the torso. Good luck with your showing!

  3. You must be exhausted!
    Praying for you to have a safe trip to California.

    1. I'm getting there Frances. Thank you for the prayers and good thoughts.

  4. Your realtor is amazing. Glad you were able to enjoy the view one last time.

    1. AND the big storm that came in last night. Pictures later.

  5. Will certainly miss your view. Lots of furniture going into California house. Safe travels to you.

    1. Not too much ... I'm leaving about 1/3 of it here. I have one whole room there with no furniture, so it should work out. Hopefully!

  6. Sure have done a lot of work in a very short amount of time!

    You need to call a bunch of your Elk's Club friends to help unload when you get to Atwater. If you get enough of them there, all you would have to do is say, "Put that here. Put that there."

    1. That's my plan ... but sadly, the most helpful guys are all off on vacation somewhere! LOL

  7. Lots accomplished, all the best for the drive.

    1. Thank you Bill ... I need all the good thoughts I can get!
