Monday, August 21, 2023

Good News ... Bad News

It's never easy to make changes in life.  How's that for an opener!  I'm not really good at that stuff ... I just like to keep meandering along the same old same old.  I hate change.  But sometimes you aren't given much of a choice.  

The good news is I'm selling my Arizona house.  The bad news is I'm selling my Arizona house.  My accountant told me in no uncertain terms last year that this wasn't working out so well money wise, and I needed to get out of Dodge.  After having to have a new roof put on, I decided he was probably right.

That brought about a frenzy of OMG ... what am I going to do with all this stuff?  How am I going to get it to California.  Calling a Realtor was the easy part!

These are three of my photos she is using in the listing.  It's amazing that Mother Nature can put on so many different dresses in one season.  

All of these views are from my back yard.  Who would have thought the desert could be so pretty.

This one ... I can't believe I took this picture.  This is just the way it looked.  It's amazing.

Anyway ... so now there is the frenzy of calling the movers (who never return your call), calling the septic guys to pump the tank, calling the garage door guys to adjust the door ... lots of little fixit items, which of course means throwing more green stuff in the air and seeing where it lands.

There is some good news ... prices are higher than they have ever been, so I should end up with a nice chunk of cash.  I certainly won't LOSE any money.

I've been packing like crazy, throwing out SO MUCH junk.  What can I say ... I'm a depression baby who picked up on the "save everything" craze.  I pawned .... I mean donated .... lots of stuff off on Mr. Chance. A new wheelbarrow, shovels, flower pots ... that kind of stuff.  My fifth wheel is going to look like the Beverly Hillbillies.  I can't take the chance the movers will damage or lose my quilting stuff.

So I spent the day quilting my last quilt.  Luckily I talked the repairman into helping me disassemble it and load it in my truck at the end of the month.  This was my last hurrah!!  I'm hoping I can reassemble it myself because the California shop wants $800 to put it together.  I'm just shaking my head!

No worries ... I'LL BE BACK!  After all, I have a fifth wheel that can live at the fairgrounds any time I want.  In fact, I'll be back in January and February for sure.

Mr. Cooper has been pretty upset ... he knows something is going on.  What's that he's playing with?  Yup it's a skunk.  I admit, as a kid I collected every dead, beat up stuffed animal I could find.  My entire bed was covered in critters.  Either that weird habit never left me, or I never grew up.  The difference was instead of cute little things, I collected the weird.  Skunks, bears, anteaters, owls ... see I told you weird!!

The problem was that this was NOT a toy.  I couldn't convince him, so I gave in.  As soon as he went in the other room, it disappeared.  It will be donated along with a few more.

I'm pretty sad about leaving the beautiful view and the amazing sunsets, not to mention the critters, and MOST of all my friends Patty and Dan, but there are plans in the works.  In a year or so I'll be back looking for a stick house, assuming of course that I live that long.  And of course I'll be back with my mobile house on wheels.

In the meantime, I've got my work cut out for me.  More sorting and packing.  This should be fun, yes?? 

P.S.    I admit I won't be missing the scorpions OR the snakes!!


  1. That is big news! I hope everything goes smoothly and quickly. I could not imagine coordinating and moving everything. The good news is that it should provide you with some good material for your upcoming blogs!

  2. That's great that the repairman will help you with the quilting machine. The rv park at the fairgrounds is a nice one and a good location. I know decisions like this are difficult. Congratulations!

  3. That is big news kiddo.
    Wish I lived closer I would help you move.
    Best of luck with your move.

    1. Frances ... you are a sweetheart for offering. Thank you.

  4. Hard to believe you are choosing CA over AZ. Did you bonk your head or something?

    1. Hahaha possibly!! Actually there are several really good reasons that I will explain at a later date!!

  5. Mr. Ed wants to know what’s the difference between this stick house$$$ and your stick house$$$
    Note it was a given , if you kept it or sold it you would’ve probably had to put a new roof or deduct cost of one when you sell anyways so ??
    Now, does that mean I gotta come up with a new Western name for a Single hacienda … as Paul Harvey used to say.. standby for more
    I really think you finally got the 55,000,000,000,000$ from your great grandfathers uncle second cousins brothers best friend from Nicaragua👍👍👍 You go, girl

    1. That's IT!!! How did you know!!!! I will have to explain at a later date!!

  6. WOW! Surprise, surprise, surprise! Hope the roadways are all fixed up again ... Highway 58 is closed over Tehachapi, but they think it will open by midnight tonight. 395 is closed in many sections for up to 5 days. The desert just couldn't handle all that water.

    1. Yup ... BIG surprise! I saw that 59 was closed. I hope it is all open by next week when I leave.

  7. That is huge news! Congrats on making the choice that works best for you. Re: the repairman and the machine, take pics of each step with your phone so you can do them in the reverse order when you get back to CA. Don't be afraid to get close and personal with the phone during the process, it will be very helpful when it comes to reassembling it. Good luck!!!


    1. Great idea Deb ... I will definitely take lots of pictures!!

  8. I'd be looking for a second opinion and with the problems happening in California right now.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

    1. Yeah it's a big mess there, but for the time being, it's what I have to do.

  9. I know Arizona is great but maybe another locale?
    Too many critters and bad ones.....thankfully Cooper
    never got tangled with one. You have lots of options
    for return visits or purchases.
    Good thoughts for the sale and traveling.
    Big critters gonna miss that watering hole!
    Linda a.

    1. Thank you Linda. The water hole should live on. It's set on the drip irrigation timer.

  10. Seems to me,eventually having another “sticks & bricks” is just acquiring/exchanging for another headache .You have a pretty current 5th wheel so living at the fairgrounds is easy- if the RV isn’t comfortable enough for longer periods then a trade-up can be in the cards ( doesn’t have a huge cash layout).Either way,a check list & step by step then perhaps not too stressful.All the best.

    1. Exactly correct!!! If I buy another one here, I'll sell the one in California. Time will tell.

  11. I will not only miss the sunsets, but the critters!! Well, not the scorpions ... but you know what I mean. I checked the highway yesterday and it's still closed. Nice to know it will be open soon. Good friends are everything!

  12. Wow, Nancy!! I'm sorry I'm slow seeing this news. Congratulations! I'm proud of you for making a very tough decision. 😍
