Friday, July 28, 2023

Number One Food Group!

The oven is still alive and kicking, in spite of the weather guessers.  It was 106 at 5:00 .... feels like 99.  Just kidding ... it feels like 106!    It makes me wonder just how the critters can stand it.  I'm sure they are all hunkered down in the shade somewhere, hopefully near water.  

Morning was its fabulous self.  One thing the monsoons bring besides rain are amazing sunrises and sunsets.  When I look out and see what looks like a pink floodlight in the morning, this is why.

And then it turned into this.  You just can't make this stuff up. This is right out of the camera with no added color or blurring.  This is exactly what the morning sky looked like.  It's just breathtaking to see it in person.  It's also very fleeting and only lasts but a few minutes.

The water trough has been busy in the middle of the night.  I never knew deer traveled so much in the dark.  I guess the better to run from the predator coyotes when you're already standing up.  Five showed up this time for a cool drink.  I think that's a record.

The kids seemed nervous, but Mom stayed to drink for a while longer.  Something was making them uneasy, but I never did see what it was.  Maybe Mr. Toad was rustling the bushes.

I had to make another trip for paint ... this time a different color.  I'm not going to paint the whole garage.  It's too hot, not to mention the rain that comes every evening.  I've given that up until next time, but I DO need to finish up that patio post.  

Home Depot became a problem.  Their debit/credit machines are faulty.  You have to push down on your card for it to read, and without letting go, type in your pin.  I let go.  The "helper" girl decided to slide the card and bypass the PIN number.  Instant fraud alert.  Too bad I didn't get the text until three tries later at three different stores, all of which denied my purchase.  Just my luck.

It took three phone calls to get it straightened out because the first two had people who couldn't really speak English.  You know the one ... Ha I can hel u Mz Kizz-act?  I tried not to be disrespectful, but he didn't understand me any more than I did him.  I just couldn't make myself say my password and social security number to someone who sounded just like the scammers who call me every day.   I hung up and  called my bank instead and they cleared it up ... because she could speak ENGLISH much more clearly!!

It was noon by the time I got near home.  I could smell it on the breeze.  PIZZA!!  This is my number one food group, right behind ice cream.  I like pizza so much I'll even eat any old frozen variety.  But THIS ... this is my all time favorite.  Arizona Pizza Company knows how to put them together.

Yes it's BIG!!  I've got six pieces left for my next six meals!!  

Although I stuck my head out the door several times just to see if I was mistaken about the heat, I stayed inside the rest of the evening sewing.  Gosh ... so many tiny pieces.  I stood back to admire the design and took this picture.  

That's when I realized there was a big mistake.  Can you find it?  RATS!!  I spent the next 30 minutes taking it all apart and putting it back together correctly.  Look at the right side center piece.  The triangle is going the wrong direction.  It seems no matter how careful you try to be, laying out every piece before sewing, mistakes can still be made.  

Then the sunset comes about, along with several threats of severe storm warnings.  Luckily they went around us this time, but I videoed some of the lightning.  I'll post it tomorrow.  Another warning came out early this morning ... excessive heat warning.  I'm guessing we get about 5 major warnings every day.  At least so far the word TORNADO has not been heard.

Thus ended another day in the oven as I sat watching a pair of lovebird doves sipping water from my little fountain.  It doesn't get much better.

Today we're off to the quilt store in Green Valley.  I should probably leave my credit card home!!!


  1. When I first read your title, I thought ice cream. I was not far off! I had an interaction with a "help center" this week as well, it went much like yours.

    1. My two food groups run neck and neck. As for the "help", I even asked to speak to someone that I could understand better ... and he didn't understand. LOL

  2. Love the sunrise and sunset photos you post.
    The videos of deer are amazing.
    Keep on posting your blog.
    Think pizza will be on the menu today!

    1. A good pizza is worth every penny! The sky is pretty much always glorious in Arizona.

  3. Great videos! Pizza is a balanced diet then add ice cream (calcium) for dessert ! Sunrise/Sunsets are the best !!

    1. That's perfect ... my new go to saying ... pizza is a balanced diet! Hahahaha

  4. When there is a question/problem with my main card I get a text and email, it asks if 'was this you' and when I reply "y" it is all good. Hasn't always been like that, only the last few years. Once was at a Walgreens, of all places, the person runs the card, looks confused, I get a text, I reply with my "Y", all the sudden his confused look is a shrug of the shoulder and gives me my meds and receipt. He did not even know I had interacted. Never knew why they (card company) was worried about a $45 Walgreens purchase in my hometown too...

    1. I guess it's good they check on the card. I got the text message two hours later ... a little too late.

  5. Awesome videos of the deer. Something really caught their attention. Darn I want pizza!

    1. Haha Elva ... I'm sorry, but "pizza IS a balanced diet"!

  6. Right side -- upper triangle is NOT pointing to the side correctly.

    1. You GOT IT!! It was pretty hard to see. All fixed now.
