Thursday, May 25, 2023

Where's The Tequila!!

 It's probably a good thing I never had children.  I would not have survived the first cold or flu incident.  I'm pretty sure I get more worked up than Mr. Cooper.  Lucky for me this doesn't happen very often.  

So here we are at the FIRST Vets office, where I got some antibiotics for the ugly infection on his hip.  No pictures, as it would ruin your breakfast.  I didn't see it at all until I gave him a haircut.

Nice waiting room, yes?  This is where I used to take all my horses for teeth floating and hoof care.  Apparently that owner sold out completely and moved to Florida.  Smart guy.  That means the Vets here are all fairly new.  Because Cooper was so agitated and literally would not sit still, she gave me an anxiety pill for him.  I was tempted to take it myself, since I was a wreck.

There's nothing worse than looking at this little face knowing he's in so much pain and discomfort.  The spot is about 2 inches around and probably VERY itchy.

Yesterday morning, it was worse than ever ... REALLY bad!!  Poor baby jumped around on the couch every two seconds.  Mom went into panic mode again and frantically called every Vet in town.  Luckily I got ahold of my usual place and they let me go right in.

I don't know where they got THIS new Lady Vet, but she is hilarious ... a kick in the pants!!  She checked him out and said it wasn't really as bad as it looked.  Keep the collar on him so he won't bite at it ... and as you can tell, I follow directions really well ... and get a baby onesie from Walmart. 

WHAT?  I laughed while she described putting in on backwards so his tail could stick out and he couldn't chew the spot.  Okay ... but what about the fact that he cannot sit still for two seconds.  Literally.  Is there something we can put on it to lessen the itching?

She said she would give me some cortisone cream and a tranquilizer.  Is that for me or the dog?  The dog she said.  Have you got a tranquilizer for ME??  That's what Tequila is for she said!!  I'm going to the store today.

After getting some pill pockets along with another bill .. this time half as much ... we went home where I geared up for the stuff-the-pill-down-the-throat fight.  Not being food motivated, there is nothing you can give him to take pills with.

To my amazement, he ate that pill pocket like a champ while I smeared a good dose of cortisone cream on the spot.  He went to sleep in a few minutes and slept for about four hours.  YAY!!  When he woke up, he even played with the ball for a few minutes.  SUCCESS!!

Today it looks much better, though he still jumps every couple of minutes like he got stuck with a pin.  Maybe a little more tranq so he will sleep through the worst of it today.  

As for me, I think I need some groceries at the store.  You know, the BIG store with the BIG liquor aisle.  Maybe a bottle or five of wine!!


  1. So glad Cooper is feeling better.
    Yes...get a big bottle of wine!
    Happy belated birthday!!! Where did the time go?

    1. I don't know Frances ... I never thought I would make it past 60! LOL

  2. Try some Benadryl that’ll help

    1. For me or Cooper??? I did try Benadryl once, but couldn't get him to swallow it. Apparently it's pretty bitter tasting.

  3. Good to hear he's doing better and gave him a tranquilizer. You both need to rest. Did you buy a onesie?

    1. I came up with another solution, but it didn't work. Hoping I can get to the store today.

  4. When Indy got fixed, we bought a doggie recovery suit for after surgery...those 'cones' should be outlawed for little dogs! Glad Cooper is doing better.

    1. I've never heard of that! Would probably be handy to keep around just in case.

  5. I was going to suggest benadryl as well. Should stop the itching and make him sleepy.

    1. How much do you give them? I only have 25 mg and it's a capsule. I never could get him to swallow it.

  6. Poor Cooper, if he can't scratch where it itches, that must drive him nuts. Hopefully the meds will help.

  7. That poor little guy! I can imagine how he feels, i can take Benadryl to stop my itching.
    Why wouldn't the vet suggest something so simple and cheap! Duh.

    1. I have no idea ... maybe I can slip one in these pill pockets.

  8. So, so sorry for Cooper and mom!!
    There is no rest for anyone when our babies or pets
    are sick.....well, they are our babies🥰
    I’ve heard some animal’s systems can’t tolerate
    Benadryl.... never know.
    Trust the hardest part is over and rest will come.
    Linda a.

    1. It just makes me feel AWFUL that he is so uncomfortable.

  9. Thank God for vets! I'm glad that Cooper is on the mend. Such a sweet little guy. Take care Nancy.
