Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Who's Sneaking Around??

It was a busy night at Lost Horse Ranch.  I couldn't wait until daylight to see who or what had caused my alarm to go off.  I'm pretty sure I caught the culprit a little further down.  Boy was I surprised!!

This is part of the coyote family who stops by almost every night now.  It appears that Mom rules the roost, since she always get to drink first.    There is an order of things, and they stick to it. 

This sweet baby snuck up to the side of the water and drank her fill for quite some time.   At last she wandered on off up the hill.  I almost always see her going the same direction, so I assume she comes back a different route.

This was very interesting to watch.  As I said, there is an order, and you must wait your turn.  He was very patient and waited until Mom was finished drinking.  I think he got "the look".

Then THIS guy popped into the picture.  WHAT??  There's a dog running loose in the desert?  I'm pretty sure if he weren't such a big dog, he wouldn't be around long.  This is just too weird.  I haven't seen him in my neighborhood of barky dogs, so I'm guessing he's lost.

I also think he's the one that went down the driveway and set off my alarm.  He didn't stop to drink and instead of going up the coyote trail, he went right up the steps to my garage.  I'm hoping he's found by now.

The day went rather slow since I was waiting for the quilting machine phone call.  It's finally being delivered this morning.  In the meantime I trimmed those bushes, sewed a little, took Cooper for a walk, made a pot of pork loin soup with leftovers and fixed the insulation falling out of my garage door.    

I called the plumber, but he won't be here until Thursday.  It' a good thing I already got my laundry done.  I'm hoping it's a simple fix.  You never know about these modular houses ... it could be something little or it could be something huge.  Fingers crossed for little.

I'm off to gather the game camera again and see who showed up this time!!  It's always a surprise!


  1. That's a good size dog, but that family of Coyotes will take him down if he isn't careful.

    1. Right? No idea where he came from, but I hope he got back home.

  2. Cool videos!! Who would let such a beautiful dog wander? What am i saying? Sooooo many out here think it's okay, not caring what can happen.
    I hope he's made it home.

    1. People just don't understand about coyotes I guess.

  3. Replies
    1. When there's no rain, they seem to know where the water is and they always drink their fill.

  4. Big German Shepard and well taken care of. Hope got home okay. Those coyotes are interesting to watch. Glad your your machine is finally arriving and I hope plumber bill is low 😀
