Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Corn Moon Rising!

Ever had one of those days when you WANT to go out ... you get all jazzed up, actually put on clean clothes even though you're not going to see a sole all day, lay on a little makeup in case you meet Prince Charming ... and then just sit there all day long?

That was yesterday.  All my good intentions seemed to go right out the window.  Maybe it was the full moon, or maybe it was this young coyote that stopped by for a quick drink.  I seem to have spent too much time looking out the window waiting for the next critter.

 Although all my other visitors have been light in color, this kid is darker by far.  He was a little skittish, although he has no enemies.  Maybe that's from being young and trying not to get eaten by Mom Bobcat.

 He wandered off a short distance, then came back again for a long 3-4 minute drink.  What a beauty, but what a distraction from my intended path.

So ... I checked the game camera and found absolutely nothing.  That didn't help my mood one bit.  A good shopping trip might have helped, but basically everything around here is closed.  By the way, the CDC has announced it's huge numbers have been reduced for actual virus deaths and now California has hired a firm to COUNT theirs since they have no clue what the true numbers might be.  Meaning we may have been going through all this shut down stuff for nothing?
Unless you are Nancy Pelosi who got caught having her hair done yesterday INDOORS at a hair salon while no one else in California is allowed to even have their hair cut OUTSIDE.  You can just imagine how THAT went over.  Do as I say, but I'm rich and can do anything I want.

Maybe it was the full moon.  It gets blamed for everything!  This time it's called the CORN MOON since it's time to harvest all that corn you planted a few months ago.  I almost discovered too late that my watch was wrong in telling me moonrise was at 7:48.

It showed up at 6-something, so I rushed out in the nick of time.  These could be a little sharper because using a new ballhead to affix the camera to the tripod caused some difficulty.  There are three knobs and I kept twisting the wrong one.  

At long last I began clicking away.  She was definitely a beauty and sort of corn colored.  This moon is not to be confused with the HARVEST moon next month.  The corn moon only rises once every three years and is also known as the Fruit Moon and the Barley Moon.  Who knew??

I spent most of the day sewing the last quilt.  Time is running short before I wander off East and I'm wrapping things up in anticipation of all the stress of a new highway adventure.  It's time to start making list after list, check all my maps and start packing!!  Wouldn't you know, just when it has begun to cool off.



  1. I've never heard of a Corn Moon. How interesting. The corn season here in north Alabama is about over. What is left in the fields are dried corn and stalks to be used for animal feed. I miss the sweet Silver Queen corn so popular in my home territory.... southern New Jersey.

    1. It's a new one on me too Phyllis! Most of the corn grown around here is for what we call green chop which is fed to dairy cattle. I do love a nice sweet piece of corn!!

  2. Sure don't see the CDC numbers on the news...quietly they updated that they are nothing but a bunch of liars! uhhh...It's hard to get motivated to go out when all you see is peoples eyes. Shopping is no more fun! I still like going for drives though :) Lucky you getting out on a new adventure!

    1. Well to be honest, my adventure didn't get me very far! LOL

  3. We are headed out in a few weeks ourselves, looks like our trip home to Florida will take us through northern Wyoming, South Dakota, North Dakota, etc.

    1. I do love that route Dave. The wind in Wyoming, not so much, but the Dakota's have lots of really cool history.

  4. What a beauty that young coyote is! It's like he knows you are watching him. :)
    Beautiful shots of the moon. I'm no good at moon pictures and ours wasn't yellow last night anyway. Just full in all its bright white glory.

    1. They have such good hearing, they can all hear the vibration of the camera when it turns on. That's what they are looking at.
