Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Just Hanging With The Deer ..... Beep

It was a rather beautiful sunrise yesterday as it finally cooled off to a lovely 98 degrees.  Believe it or not, it's actually 76 outside as I type.  The doors are open and my fans a'rolling.
Miss Jessie however, is still fast asleep on the couch.  She is such a sweet girl, not at all your typical Jack Russell.  She's fifteen going on three the way she jumps for treats!
My first look every morning is to the dove nest.  Yesterday I spied with my little eye THREE eyes!  There are TWO babies along with mom instead of just one.  During the day, Mom goes out for longer and longer breaks while the kids test the limits of the nest building by perching on the very edge.

So far they have been able to hang in there.  Dove's are terrible at nest building, using too few sticks that are way too big.  I'm sure they will be flying away soon!!
Around noon I had another visitor.  Another beauty of the desert.  It's so weird to me because I've only seen deer in the high mountains or on the coast.  It never even crossed my mind that there might be deer in the desert!!  Magnificent ones at that.  This one is much lighter in color than the last few.
BEEP ... beep ... clip ... (shhhh).  At long last I got up the nerve to clip the wires for the CO2 detector.  I wish I had taken some kind of electrician class somewhere along the way.  It sure seems like it would come in handy.  I called Lazydays to see if the tow hitch wiring had come in and added a monitor to the list.  

Yes the parts came in, but now I can't get an appointment to have it fixed until Wednesday.  I should have just done THAT work myself!  My buddy Zach said they had these in stock.  We shall see!!  I also think I could find one at Camping World, but they aren't exactly my favorite store.
I made one last exciting trip to town to find lithium AA batteries.  I've got a new project I'll tell you about tomorrow.  So far it's resulted in pricks, sticks and pokes, along with debris caught up in my hair.  Sounds fun, right?

The sun was weird as it set in the sky amid white/grey clouds.  It almost looks like smoke!
WAIT!! ............ there was another critter at the water station!!!!  It's just so different in the desert this year.  I've never seen so many birds of all kinds, nor so many deer in the years I've been here.  It's an epic year for the animals.  Right up my alley!


  1. Word has gotten out among the wildlife of your Water Station so they are taking advantage of it.
    Low Voltage wiring is the simplest to do. Just using common sense and following the colour codes you could do it yourself. If not I'm certain Dan would help.
    Be Safe and Enjoy the cooler temperatures.

    It's about time.

    1. Thanks Rick .... I'm actually going to try that wiring and see what happens.

  2. It is amazing how many critters live in the desert. To a casual observer, not very much, but when you are in a place where you are, and you make water available on a regular basis, they will come. We are in a very dry area in the summer (CA) and we always have water available outside for whatever animal needs it, and we have a regular parade of critters to enjoy.

    1. I had no idea there were so many until I had a house here. It's amazing how they can live in the desert with so little water.

  3. We've had smoke up here for the last few days from the California fires.

  4. Your sunrise and sunset pics are beautiful but your critter pictures still take the prize for me! The doves are so innocent looking with their wide open eyes and that deer is so beautiful with the obvious soft velvet antlers. She/he is a very light colour!
    You already have curly hair so no one will know if one zap in the wrong spot curls a couple more strands. LOL Lotta help, aren't I? :)

    1. But you are oh so right Patsy!! No one will notice a few more strands disappearing!!

  5. Enjoying your blog.
