Thursday, August 1, 2019

Ok, I'm Awake Now .....

Someone (I think it was Barbara Westerfield, SPCA volunteer extraordinaire) sent a note to me about there being nothing that will wake you up quicker than the sound of your puppy "kid" throwing up in the middle of the night.  She was right.

It was 2 am when Cooper stood on my side to wake me up.  Come on little buddy, we'll go outside, as I blindly banged the wall looking for the light switch.  Once that was accomplished, we went back to bed.  That's when I heard it.

I was up like a flash, gathering him and the bedding up in one fell swoop.  Okay then ... there will be no more sleep in this house.  So if I use incorrect English, it's because I'm still legally asleep.

Here's my proof of the day ... there really IS a quilt store in my future.  Not really, but isn't this just the perfect building?  Almost as good as that church in Idaho.  This one is in Silverton Colorado and even Patty thinks it will work!!!  Tom Westerfield on the other hand, says it looks like the perfect place to go broke.  He's probably right.
So instead of investing the balance of my savings account, I went for a walk, when I discovered this guy.  They are good luck you know ... I just love how they run a few feet and flip their tail.
Then I found this gorgeous cactus blooming.  I took it as a sign I needed to hit the road for some pictures.  It probably just meant it has been raining a lot.
Too bad Mother Nature didn't have the same thoughts.  It seems I was heading right into the eye of the storm.  Of course I followed my GPS which took me to a part of town I've never seen before, where I spotted a casino.  Where the heck am I??

At long last, I saw it in the distance, but it seemed like one of those places you can't get to from here.  At long last, I arrived at Mission San Xavier del Bac, but had to just sit in the car in the parking lot as the rain just wouldn't stop.  It should have been a BIG sign that there was only one other car in sight.  

I waited for a considerable amount of time before the rain slowed enough I could run inside for pictures.  I'll download and post them tomorrow.  
Once back home, the monsoon rains began in earnest.  I wish you could see the amount of rain falling in the desert.  I just don't understand how that much water could be up in those clouds!!  It completely obliterated the mountains and went on for about 2-1/2 hours.  I think that's a record.
In no time the sirens were blaring on my phone ... FLASH FLOOD WARNINGS, and I think they really meant it this time.  It rained so hard, it flooded my front walkway with about three inches of water, as well as stopping the trains.
The last long train creeped along the tracks until it finally came to a stop, which is where it stayed for almost the entire night.  Now THAT is unusual.  It was taking off just as Cooper was getting sick.  There have been no trains since.  I think I need to get a water gauge to see just how much rain we got.  It was spectacular to say the least.

I hate to inundate you with sunset images, but here's another one.  One thing about all those clouds, they produce some amazing colors at night.
Now that I'm awake, I'm pretty sure there won't be any sleeping until late afternoon, but I'm going to try and get in a few more winks.  I'm sure I'll need all my strength to fight the wars soon to come over spiders and scorpions who have been displaced from their outside homes, trying to share mine.  One scorpion already bit the dust when a huge floor tile accidentally (on purpose) fell on his head.  Not sorry.  Night night!!


  1. I saw you were up really early making a few comments and posts your blog much earlier, now I know why, hope Cooper is fine.
    There is a few of Casinos in that area and believe we have checked them all out with an overnight stay. Loved visiting that Mission a couple of years ago, some recent photos would be nice to see.

    1. I'm happy to report Cooper is doing better, but he still had me up at 3:30 this morning. LOL

  2. So the dog is upchucking, you are sleepy as heck, HOW DO YOU HAVE YOUR SPIDER/SCORPION RADAR ON AT THAT TIME OF NIGHT??? There must be holes in walls or ceiling where these suckers are coming in from...

    1. My spider radar is exceptional!! But not good enough. I finally had to plug in night lights on the path to the back door. So far no monsters inside since I re-foamed the holes where the water pipes come up.
