Tuesday, July 9, 2019

The Crazy Plant Lady

I've been called a lot of things in my long years, but Plant Lady was not one of them.  I'm really not good at this sort of thing, so the Chance household's confidence in me that all of these plants won't die, is hard to explain.

Each and every one was vacated from the greenhouse and hauled over here for boarding.  Just to help my case, I set up a brand new hose and sprayer.  If anything, they will probably die from overwatering!!
Then something magical happened!  Never in all my years have I been able to get a cactus to bloom, but looky here!!  One night these gorgeous blooms appeared out of nowhere!  Alas, they didn't last but one day.  I'd say THIS is a happy camper!
I can't say as much for this guy, although I actually was able to save him from his death bed.  I happened to go out with the puppies and saw this baby was dead dead dead!!  I'm not kidding, every leaf was brown, crinkly and draped over the edge of the pot in it's final death throes.  

OH NO ... on the job for one day and I've already lost one of the children!!  I watered it generously and put it inside the house.  At least it wouldn't die of the heat.  Wasn't I surprised next morning when I saw THIS!!  It literally came back to life after all that CPR!!  Thank goodness!!!
The two tomato plants are still alive, with the one on the right actually creating a tomato, albeit only half an inch big.  
I'm having it for breakfast!!
Here's the baby of a plant Patty and Dan got in the 80's.  The pressure is on.  They have kept this thing going for almost 40 years.  I definitely better not kill THIS one!!
Yes ... there are MORE!
and MORE!!  These are orchids basking in the bathtub.
You thought I was kidding when I said I was opening a boarding facility!!  I'm more than happy to help out since they do so much for me, like mowing the lawn and checking the water station when I'm gone.

By the time they return, I'll probably be run out of my house by the hoards I'll have to bring inside to keep alive!!  I think I'm now officially THE CRAZY PLANT LADY!!


  1. Just maybe you will develop a Green Thumb. (It's not Fatal)
    Good luck with the Plant Sitting.
    Some Plants are Toxic so if your wound continues to swell seek medical attention.
    Be Safe and Enjoy those Sunsets.

    It's about time.

    1. A green thumb would be nice. Something for me to do in my old age! LOL

  2. Wow the Plant Lady you can do just about anything you want if you try.
    Keep having fun with them.

    1. I love it!! It's a nice "different" kind of challenge.

  3. That white cactus bloom is beautiful. Too bad it's only for a day. Happy your finger is feeling better.

    1. Aren't cactus flowers gorgeous? I wish the blooms lasted longer.

  4. Replies
    1. I figure there are so many that if a couple die on me, they will never know! LOL I wish you good luck and a green thumb.

  5. Up in Northern Cal and Southern Oregon they actually have billboards for weeds! Now who would want to buy 'weed'? Ain't that the stuff pull out of your garden and toss into the leaf waste barrel? (sarcasm, of course)

    1. Isn't that the truth. Every other building and billboard sells that stuff. Thank goodness it's not my cup of tea.

  6. I have been way out of touch...catching up. Some great pictures of the animals that have used your watering station. I so enjoyed reading this one. What a beautiful flower on the cactus. Just wow at the number of plants they brought over. Your latest quilt is a beauty. Great fireworks pictures.

    1. Hi Deb!! It's easy to get back in the swing of things. I've missed your blog. Hope all is going well.

  7. Love the cactus in bloom. I can't believe they brought all those flowers over for you to tend to. Makes it much easier for you not to have to go there and water and you might have missed the cactus bloom! Great job, Crazy Plant Lady. Be careful, you might get attached. :)

    1. It's much easier for them to handle since their greenhouse is fully automated. It only took a couple of trips (really big truck!!). Honestly, I would probably have the same thing if I was in one place long enough.
