Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Dive Bomber

There's a new Sheriff in town and you better watch out.  He doesn't like just anyone wandering around the neighborhood.  His territory is HIS territory!!  He struts around like he's someBODY patrolling his hard fought grubstake.

And he doesn't even need a six shooter.  This no-name guy is the loudest I've ever heard.  Not just a tweet, but a scream the likes of which will make you look every time.

I've noticed of late that when I go outside, he flies around squawking until I go back inside.  The entire time I was washing the rig, he kept me company.
Yesterday when I let the puppies out, I watched him take a swipe at Cooper.  He actually flew right down and bit him on the butt!!  Wait you little rascal ... these cowhands were here first!!  Jessie was oblivious.  He missed her on the first pass.
He quickly turned around and swooped in for the coup de gras!!  Well you little blankety-blank!  He nailed her right on the backside.  What the heck?  Obviously she wasn't doing a thing!!  He came around for the third time when I stepped in and yelled.  He flew back to the roofline and squawked at us even louder.  
I've no idea what kind of bird it is.  At first I thought magpie, but those are much larger and black.  We stayed out another ten minutes and he made four more passes.  Apparently he has homesteaded my back yard.  I thought there might be a nest around, but couldn't find even one little stick in the tree.  Beware the new Sheriff!!!

Otherwise, I've been busy packing boxes of quilting material.  I SWEAR I'm not buying ANY MORE FABRIC!!!  I loaded up the Def fluid, the barbecue and my clothes.  That leaves the fridge and freezer, a task I always hate.   I try to eat up everything I can before I go, but it's hard to schedule everything out.  If I run short, maybe I'll have "bird" for dinner!!!


  1. I don't know what kind of bird it is either but what a nasty bugger!

    1. I was pretty shocked. I've never seen a bird do that around here!!

  2. The birds seem to be getting more aggressive everywhere lately but there is normally a nest around.
    Be Safe and Enjoy the packing.

    It's about time.

    1. Thats what I thought ... a nest ... but I haven't been able to locate one!!

  3. Looks like a mockingbird. Here in Texas (it's our state bird, make of that what you will) they can be aggressively cantankerous if they're protecting a nest nearby.

    I remember in college in Austin there were walkways between buildings we occasionally had to avoid because a dive-bombing mama mockingbird would take a chunk out of your scalp just for passing through!

    Don't mess with Texas' state bird when she's got babies in the nest!

    1. You could very well be right Leilani. It has the markings, it's just smaller and lighter in color. I've no clue where the nest is. Texas, huh???? That's funny!!

  4. That is one vicious bird, where's your gun?
    Packing up , and stocking up then away your go! Yahoo!!!

    1. Oh I wouldn't hurt the little bugger, but I did enjoy chasing him off.

  5. I thought mockingbird when I saw the picture but haven't really seen too many. Name it "He-Devil" and keep hunting for nests. Sounds like there has to be one.
    Almost ready to 'take off, eh'? Yay!

    1. It's a daily occurrence now. At least he gives a warning chirp before he dive bombs us.

  6. WOW, never had a bird attack our dogs yet...had dogs chase birds though (no luck). I guess you are skipping Oregon this year? We head out on the 7th or 8th of July, Brookings/Gold Beach area.

    1. I am skipping Oregon. I have to admit however, I miss it!!

  7. We hung a fake owl when we had birds nesting where we preferred they not do so. It sounds like this one is protecting eggs already laid, though, so I'm not sure that would work for you.

    1. I just think there's a nest somewhere, but I can't find it. I'd love to see babies.

  8. Mockingbird for sure. I have seen cats with tails plucked from repeated dives. They are serious protectors of their territory. And they sing at night sometimes. If you want to call it singing - they repeat the songs of other birds. I have heard of mockers that include the sound of a screen door opening in their repertoire. I actually am fond of them.

    1. Yes ... that's it! He sings at night and at about 4:00 in the morning. He's just not the normal size or color. Little brat!!
