Saturday, October 14, 2017

The Things Kids Say

Okay, I'll admit it.  I'm REAL tired this morning.  See the nice, calm, quiet, empty yard?  It didn't last long at all.  Three schools bussed in 600 kids at 8:30 am.  It was a madhouse!!

I caught two parents trying to sneak in without paying the required $5.  They all like to come with their kids on the field trip and get in free, ride all the rides, then go home.  For their $5, they get $5 worth of food or $5 off any pumpkin.  Teachers are free ... parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles and those extra four kids have to pay.  I even caught one lady trying to sneak around to the bathrooms to enter, saying she had already paid ... but she couldn't produce the required wrist band.

After helping get all the classes going SOMEWHERE, three classes at a time went to the Learning Center.  That meant three classes at a time ended up at Seed Planting.
Honestly, I'm not sure why the schools schedule this for such a young class, but undaunted, I began my little spiel.  In no time at all I discovered not a single student spoke English.  Well THIS is going to be fun!!  With lots of parent and teacher help, we finished in record time.  NEXT!!!
Another 50 kids came in and we did it again.  In the end, when I asked for questions, there was one boy who kept looking at the two calves right behind our group.  HOW DO THOSE COWS HAVE BABIES?  The teachers rolled their eyes.  I looked straight at him and said I didn't know.  The cows were all taken care of by Farmer Scott.  All I knew was how to plant seeds and grow corn.  Thank you children ... the exit is to your left!!

A little later while manning the Snack Bar, a five year old little girl came up and peaked over the counter.  "I'm hungry!"  I'm sorry honey, you should ask your teacher for something to eat.  "I want a cookie."  I'd love to give you a cookie, but they cost $3.00.  "I WANT A COOKIE!"  I can't give you one for free, you have to ask your teacher.  "WHY NOT?"  Because they cost money.  If you had some cookies, would you give them all away for free?  "No .... (almost a tear ... she was using her best moves)."  Well that's why WE can't give them all away for free.  I think I hear your teacher calling .........

I never realized you have to think so quick around these little guys.  For the most part, they have been very good at following directions, except for the "quiet please" part.  I did have to get after a couple who wandered over to the gold mining section, NOT included in any school schedule.  They started splashing water on each other and pretended to be deaf when I said to stop.  Pretty soon, there were 25 kids with their hands in the dirty water looking for GOLD!  "Sorry, this is just for looks ... there's no gold here" did not deter them one bit.   

It was a pretty crazy afternoon as all the kids left and the families began to come in for Movie Night.  Hocus Pocus was being shown on the outdoor screen.  In no time the snack bar went through twenty packages of hot dogs and a load of nachos.  As the sun set, it was time for me to bug out.  
I'm looking forward to a full day on my couch with the puppies and my wonderful bottle of Advil!!  


  1. Ok, gotta ask this....WHAT crime did you commit which sent you to this one month hell? As I read this every day, I just could not imagine doing this over and over and are a special Angel, all you need now is a white horse to ride!

    1. LOL ... Dave, it was a gesture of neighborliness. The owner of the Pumpkin Patch is a good friend and they are pretty much my neighbors. It really is fun ... to a point!!!

  2. And the best part she Hasn't calf roped one hogtied them and branded them on the BUTT with her double K branding iron
    But I only think the reason she hasn't done it is the teacher would be a little upset yet
    I'm sure it would be a different kind of screaming

    1. Not one single one, Ed ... in fact, I'm surprising myself that I haven't lost control or gone out of my mind!!!!

  3. Other children can be fun, but so many can be frustrating with so many different groups there, best to just grin, bear it and walk away. Keep smiling and enjoy your day off.

    1. That's it exactly! Thank goodness they aren't MY grandchildren and I certainly hope they aren't YOURS!!

    2. No they are not ours at all, thank goodness.
