Monday, December 7, 2015

The Anniversary of Pearl Harbor

Today is the 74th anniversary of the Japanese attacking the U. S. Fleet at Pearl Harbor.  Even today, there are countries and people out there who wish us harm.  Let's not forget the people who fight for our freedom.
I hope everyone says a little prayer today for those who died protecting our way of life and for those who continue the fight for us every day.
On another note,  absolutely NOTHING happened yesterday.  That means it's panic time when it comes to writing the blog.  I'm always looking for blog fodder and Sunday was a big ZERO!!

There was no cookie baking, no cooking at all, which means no oven fires or screaming smoke alarms.  There was no shopping, no new boots, not even a pair of socks.  I didn't even need any groceries!!
Believe it or not, there's not even any rooster crowing going on this morning!!  That's a BAD sign.  It usually means an earthquake or rain, although I don't see any clouds.  I spent the day watching football, which was pretty exciting I have to say.  The teams have been pretty evenly matched and the players make amazing catches and interceptions.  You have to be pretty athletic to run, jump in the air, catch that little ball between six hands grabbing at it and the worst part .... hit the ground!!  Just when you are on the edge of your seat thinking your team will win, the other side runs for an 89 yard touchdown!!

Between games I actually did get two loads of stuff packed in the RV.  I'm not taking hundreds of cans of food this time because I never seem to use them.  In fact, I'm not taking ANY canned food.  If I need some, I'll go to the store.  I'm pretty sure that will take 100 pounds off the rig weight, 25 of which were immediately replaced with Jonathan food and blankets.  These exotic birds have to be kept warm.  They can take the heat, but NOT the cold.

Just to prove it's going to be a really weird day, I actually slept in until 6:00 am.  The only day this year I wanted to get up early!!  I have a box of candy for the guy who picks up my garbage every Monday morning at 5:30.  I missed him.  Didn't even hear the truck with my fancy dandy ear plugs ..... a sure sign there's going to be an earthquake!!!  I better go batten down the hatches!!


  1. I think having nothing to report other than it being December 7th and remembering Pearl Harbor Day is special and shouldn't have any other distractions. You did good.

  2. I'm with Jan--reminding us to be grateful for those who protect us deserves a stand alone blog.

    1. Thank you Linda, I think you are both right. My family raised cattle for the war instead of serving, so we never lost any relatives. I'm VERY grateful for those who sacrificed their lives.

  3. Was behind on my reading and had around 25 posts of your too read. Got a good laugh on most of them �� Blog Fodder made me chuckle. You've got a way with words, thanks for writing! Keep it up and Merry Christmas! ������

    1. Thank you, thank you! I really appreciate your nice comments. I just LOVE bringing a little laughter into the world!!

  4. Moma Voila need to know if Ms Nancy pick up duffle bag at airport or if Ms Nancy ship duffle bag by UPS to Ms Nancy front door. In Vyaadka country you must be also atheletic when throw handgrenade you must run, jump in air and hope you get away before it hit ground. Vyaadka agree, Ms Nancy do great job on blog. Vyaadka look forward to read everyday even when zero thing happen.

    1. Momma better pack lots of snacks. If she survives the x-ray machine and the baggage belt, she'll probably be on the UPS truck for a couple of days before being deposited at my front door!! And thank you for the nice comment ... I'm glad you enjoy the blog and that you obviously can read English ... a plus in my book!!
