Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Out Of This World!!

It's the official start of the 27th Annual Western Area FMCA Rally in 2015.  We have been here a couple of days now ... no power the first day ... sort of power the second day and although they SAY I have power, it's down to 110 volts most of the time, not allowing me to do much inside the coach.  To make matters worse, when I went to pick up my golf cart for ice cream deliveries, they gave me a two seater ELECTRIC model, which has to be plugged in to my rig!!   I'm not sure where they think I will put 30 cases of ice cream when deliveries need to be made from one end of the fairgrounds to the other ... maybe in Dan Chance's lap ... plus, when plugged in, it only adds to my electrical woes!!  Previously I just said "golf cart" ... apparently I need to go into MUCH greater detail!!

This really is a fun rally, for those who haven't attended before ... and if you join the Golden Spikes, it's even MORE fun because this is the nicest, friendliest group of people ever!!  Some say they have already attended all the seminars on everything RV, but there are new ones added all the time and the old ones change up their info.  It's always fun to catch up with friends old and new!!
The view this morning was a nice one ... but at this point there are LOTS of empty parking spots.  I knew they didn't expect as many rigs this year, between fuel prices and the economy, but half our parking lot is empty.  I hope it picks up a little today or the Golden Spike group will have to eat 1500 bars of ice cream!!!
I spent yesterday morning cooking racks of bacon for the breakfast burritos tomorrow morning.  Patty Chance helped me by doing the same!!  In return, I will get her white chocolate to melt in the microwave!!  That done and the big mess cleaned up, we headed out to find a grocery store.  Tonight is our big tri-tip dinner and we need to make side dishes ... okay, that's almost the truth ... they have a nice Goodwill thrift store here that is always a score for us, along with one ... ONLY one ... quilt store.  Unfortunately, I came away empty handed.  I've never seen a quilt store completely filled with crazy modern quilts.  Not my style at all, although they did have some really nice fabrics.  Trouble is I didn't bring any patterns and we don't have three hours to pick fabric.

Back at the rigs, it was time to make some appetizers for Happy Hour ... artichoke water chestnut dip with parmesan cheese melted throughout.  Patty made the best ever deviled eggs WITH BACON!!  That's one I've never tried before and they were DELICIOUS!!!

Today is the Chapter Faire ... our group sets up a couple of tables and tries to convince newcomers to join.  Coincidentally it's right after the newcomer orientation.  Actually, whoever has the best candy draws the biggest crowd and the most signups!!  With that done, I'll get the potatoes cooked for the burritos, making assembly easier in the morning.  I really hope I have good power tomorrow ... there's nothing worse than a cold egg, potato, bacon and cheese burrito!!!  That would be out of this world BAD!!!

P.S.  I finally got a confirmation on the ice cream late yesterday!!  Hoping all goes well!!

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